Tuesday 22 January 2013


Maggie De Castro
Delicious Wild Rose Jelly

4 cups wild rose water
1 package fruit pectin
2 tbsp lemon juice
5 1/2 cups sugar
Prepare jars, lids and rings for canning.
Whisk rose water, pectin and the lemon juice in a large saucepan.
Bring to a boil.
Add sugar and return to a full rolling boil.
Boil hard for 1 minute.
 Remove from heat and skim off foam.
 Put into jars and process in a water bath canner for 10 minutes for either half-pint or pint jars.
Makes about 3 pints or 6 half pints of jelly.
(Mother Earth News)* Lekker Resepte vir die Jongergeslag


1 k vars roosblare (wat nie met chemikalieƫ bespuit is nie), gewas
3/4 k water
sap van een suurlemoen
2 1/2 k suiker
1 pakkie pektien
3/4 k water
1. Puree roosblare saam met eerste 3/4 k water en suurlemoensap in 'n voedselverwerker tot glad. Voeg die suiker stadig by. Meng tot suiker opgelos is. Los in mengbak.
2. Meng die pektien met tweede 3/4 k water en bring tot kookpunt. Kook vir 1 minuut. Voeg by mengsel in verwerker se bak en meng. Doen dit vinnig, want dit set vinnig.
3. Giet in bottels. Laat stol vir 6 uur tot ferm. (Sal 'n maand in die yskas hou. Bevries goed,)
Charlotte Verwey da Silva *Die Beeld*Lekker Resepte vir die Jongergeslag*

I simmered one quart of (loosely packed) wild rose petals in one quart of water for about 15 minutes, until the petals had gone all clear and gobby.  I strained the petals, and added the juice of two lemons, which, incidentally, took the rose water from an unappetizing brownish color to an incredible shade of pink that I did not believe occurred in nature, but I digress…
I topped up the rose / lemon liquid with water, to make an even 4 cups, added a pectin packet (regular, not low-sugar), and brought it to a boil.  Once boiling, I added 5 1/2 cups of sugar, brought the whole mess back to a rolling boil, and boiled it for one minute, as per the pectin packet directions.
After taking the jelly off the heat, I ladled it into jars, then water bath processed the lot.  Some people just sterilize the jars, but I just don’t want to run the risk of losing a whole batch of jelly, especially when the wild rose petal-picking took so long, and is only really an option for a few weeks out of the entire year.  That is the upside and the downside to seasonal fare, I suppose – it is short-lived, then you get to anticipate it until next year.
The jelly did not set up right away, but after a couple of hours, was plenty solid enough.  It is not overly sweet, which is nice, and I think it would be good with cream cheese (maybe on a cheesecake?)  or in jam cookies, as well as on toast.  This one will be a novel addition to some future gift baskets, for sure!*Google

(500 W Mikrogolf Metode)
Naomi le Roux.
2 Koppies roosblare, lossies ingedruk
Breek die wit stukie onder af en breek die blare in kleiner stukkies.
Plaas dit in 'n glas bak en strooi 30ml suiker en 30ml suurlemoensap oor.
Druk blare plad sodat alles bedek is
Smelt 200 ml water saam met 500ml suiker op 50% krag, .
Kook dit vir 3 min lank nadat suiker opgelos is op 100% krag.
Sit die roosblare by, druk dit onder stroop en kook dit 15-25min op 100% krag.
Haal uit die mikrogolf en voeg 15-20 ml suurlemoen sap by. Roer.
Laat effens afkoel voor dit in gesteriliseerde botteltjie geskep word.
Kan weer in botteltjies gekook word vir paar minute as dit nog te dun lyk en dan
weer afgekoel word.
Gebreuk gekleurde blomblare en wit byekaar kleurkombinasies is baie mooi.
*Lekker Resepte vir die Jongergeslag*

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