Tuesday 26 February 2013



(makes 12)
1.5 cups of cakeflour
1 cup of sugar
10g cocoa (about 1/8cup)
1/2 cup of milk
113g butter (at room temperature)
2 large eggs (at room temperature)
1 tsp baking powder
red food colouring
Preheat your oven to 180C. Set aside a 12-cup cupcake tray with cupcake liners. In a large bowl, cream the butter until smooth. Add the sugar gradually and beat until fluffy and white (this should take about 3 minutes with an electric mixer). Add the eggs, one at a time, and mix well after each one is added. Add red food colouring to the milk until the milk is bright red. Add the dry ingredients in three parts, alternating with the milk. Now it’s time to spoon the batter into the cupcake liners. They should be about three-quarters full. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until a cake tester inserted into the center of the cupcake comes out clean. Voila! You have redvelvet cupcakes. Want some cream cheese icing to finish it off>>>>>foto Sonja Beeston>

Gerdie van Zyl

Ek dink nie die yskaskoek sal werk as jy fondant moet oortrek nie. Jy sal die yskaskoek in die yskas moet bêre en fondant (plastiek versiersel) in 'n yskas werk nie lekker nie. Ek gebruik hierdie resep as ek dit wil oortrek. Ek sit net sosatiestokkies wat ek afgesny het in die eerste laag, sit 'n koekbord bo-op en sit die tweede laag bo-op, dan sak dit nie inmekaar nie. Hierdie is 'n cupcake resep, maar jy kan 'n koek ook bak Gerdie van Zyl

4 eiers
1 koppie suiker
1 teelepel vanilla geursel
Kilts eiers tot wit en skuimerig. Voeg suiker bietjies bietjies by en kilts goed na elke byvoeging. Voeg dan vanilla by.
Terwyl die eiers klits sif doen dan die volgende.
Sif saam.
1 hoogvol koppie meel
2 teelepels bakpoeier
'n knippie sout
en smelt so lank
'n driekwart koppie water
3 eetlepels botter
2 gelyke eetlepels kakao
Voeg nou die meelmengsel by die eiersmengsel en kilts.
Gooi dan die bottermengsel by.
Gooi in 2 gesmeerde panne en bak 20 - 25 minute by 180C.
Gerdie van Zyl - hierdie resep lewer +- 28 cupcakes.
Ek spuit muffin pan met spray&cook en plaas dan groot cupcake papierhouertjie binne in pan. Die beslag skep ek uit in maatbeker en dan gooi ek die cupcake papierhouertjie so 3/4 vol en bak so 15 minute by 180C. Die beslag rys dan net die houertjie gelykvol, geen punte of groot rysgate en is lekker klam. Versiersel met botterversiersel of jou keuse. http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html

Susan Marais
Hi, ek maak so:
500g Wooden Spoon margarien, bietjie sag gemaak in mikrogolf,
8 kop versiersuiker.
Meng dit goed, gooi so bietjie vanilla by, gebruik room om dit sagter te maak as die mengsel te styf is, en klits, klits, klits!!!
In plaas van vanilla kan suurlemoen by kom.
As jy sjokelade versiersuiker maak gooi ek so 4 t opgelosde teelepels koffie met min water gemeng en vanilla by en gebruik gewone Stork bake margarien.
Enige ander kleur werk die beste met Wooden Spoon.
Pasop vir te veel room, dan hou dit nie vorm nie.
Gebruik spuitsak met lekker groterige sterpunt voor aan, strooi bietjie glitter op, plak 'n blommetjie of twee op en en Wala. http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html

Emarie Van Os

 Klits saam :
1 3/4 kop suiker saam met 4 eiers ( klits tot lig ).
 Verhit solank in mikro 1 kop melk en 75ml kookolie.
Sif saam 2 kop meel, 4teel bakpoeier, knippie sout.
 Klits nou meel mengsel en melk mengsel beurtelings in by suiker mengsel.
 Laaste 1 teel vanilla.
 Bak op 180 grade vir 20 min. Ek maak cupcakes ook met die resep, bak hulle so 12 min. Dis regtig maklik en lekker! http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html


Louise Venter
 Probeer gerus die resep:
1¾ koppies suiker
1¾ koppies botter
1¾ koppies maizena
1¾ koppies melk
2 koppies meel
10 ml bakpoeier
5 ml vanilla geursel
4 eiers
Knippie sout

Vehit oond tot 180 ° C
Meng suiker en botter goed saam
Maak maizena en melk aan en roer by eerste mengsel
Voeg 4 goedgekliste eiers by en meng goed
Vou meel en bakpoeier in en klits goed
Voeg laastens die bakpoeier by
Bak ± 25 minute
Laat afkoel en versier http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html

Sherry Cupcakefairy Abrahams
Heather, Hierdie is Red velvets! Yummi en flater vry. Tot mense wat nie hou van n soet ding nie eet hulle.Ingredients
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cocoa powder
1 1/2 cups vegetable oil
1 cup buttermilk, room temperature
2 large eggs, room temperature
2 tablespoons red food coloring
1 teaspoon white distilled vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
For the Cream Cheese Frosting:
1 pound cream cheese, softened
2 sticks butter, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 cups sifted confectioners' sugar
Chopped pecans and fresh raspberries or strawberries, for garnish
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line 2 (12-cup) muffin pans with cupcake papers.
In a medium mixing bowl, sift together the flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, and cocoa powder. In a large bowl gently beat together the oil, buttermilk, eggs, food coloring, vinegar, and vanilla with a handheld electric mixer. Add the sifted dry ingredients to the wet and mix until smooth and thoroughly combined.
Divide the batter evenly among the cupcake tins about 2/3 filled. Bake in oven for about 20 to 22 minutes, turning the pans once, half way through. Test the cupcakes with a toothpick for doneness. Remove from oven and cool completely before frosting.
For the Cream Cheese Frosting:
In a large mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese, butter and vanilla together until smooth. Add the sugar and on low speed, beat until incorporated. Increase the speed to high and mix until very light and fluffy.


Helena Kruger
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup finely chopped, peeled apple
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
2 large eggs
1 1/2 cups applesauce
1/2 cup melted butter

Combine all dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
Add eggs, butter, and applesauce. Mix for 2 minutes at slow speed.
Scrape bowl. Mix at medium speed for 1 minute.
Scrape bowl, and stir in chopped apples and walnuts.
Your oven should be preheated to 180 degrees C.
Spoon cupcake batter into cupcake pans lined with paper or
foil cupcake liners. You should fill each cup approximately
1/2 to 2/3 full making sure you have the same amount
of batter in each cup.
Bake your cupcakes for 15-20 minutes, or until a toothpick
inserted into the center comes out clean.
Remove the applesauce cupcakes from the pan, and
cool completely on a wire rack.
Top with caramel topping or frosting and enjoy! http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html

If you prefer softer apple chunks in your cupcakes, cook the chopped apples
before adding them to the cupcake batter. You can either boil, steam,
or saute the apple chunks to cook them. Be careful to only cook them
to the point where they just begin to soften since they will be cooking
more once placed in the oven.
11/9/10 ♥ http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html

Helena Kruger
2 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup cold water
1/2 cup oil
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
7 large eggs, separated
2 teaspoons grated key lime rind
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Line 2 cupcake pans with paper liners.
Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a large mixing bowl.
Add shortening, milk, and vanilla. Beat 7 egg yolks in a separate bowl, and add to dry ingredients along with the water, oil, vanilla and key lime rind.
Mix with mixer at medium speed while scraping bowl until well blended. (approximately 2 and a half minutes)
In another large mixing bowl, combine egg whites and cream of tartar.
Mix at high speed 2 to 2 and a half minutes or until egg whites are stiff.
Carefully fold flour mixture into egg whites until just blended.
Pour cupcake batter into paper liners until 1/2 to 2/3 full.
Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until top springs back when touched lightly.
Cool cupcakes completely in pans then drizzle with key lime glaze.
To make key lime glaze combine 1 cup powdered sugar and 1 tablespoon melted butter in a small mixing bowl. S
tir in 2 - 3 tablespoons of key lime juice until slightly thin glaze
consistency is reached.
Drizzle over key lime cupcakes.
11.9.10  http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html

Helena Kruger
1 cup cake flour
1 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/4 teaspoon salt
6 large eggs, separated
2 tablespoons ice water
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon almond extract

Before you begin mixing these low fat cupcakes, warm your oven
to 180 degrees and line cupcake pans with liners.
Place ice water in bowl with egg yolks. Set aside.
In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until just frothy.
Add cream of tartar and continue beating until stiff. Set aside.
Beat egg yolks until they are lemon colored. Add sugar to beaten
egg yolks gradually and mix until well blended.
Fold flour and salt into egg yolks 1/3 at a time making sure
to incorporate the flour completely into the egg yolks.
Add lemon juice and almond extract to the egg yolk mixture.
Fold egg yolks into the stiff egg whites.
Spoon this easy sponge cake recipe batter into cupcake liners
and bake in a preheated oven approximately 20 - 25 minutes
or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
Cool sponge cake cupcakes completely in the cupcake pans.
Al die resepte kom van OFM!!!!!
Dankie Helena 11/9/10 ♥ http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html

250ml koekmeel
7ml bakpoeier
1 ml sout
1 ekstra groot eier
80ml melk
80ml strooisuiker
60ml olie
5ml vanilla
Sif die droe bestandele saam, Klits eier, melk en olie en meng in die droe bestandele in tot ‘n gladde deeg.
Skep mengsel in papier (cake cups) sit binne in muffin of kolwyntjie pannetjie, of net in oondpan.
Bak in voorvehitte oond by 180°C vir ongeveer 12-15 min. Laat afkoel op draad rak voor versiering.

500g versiersuiker
200g sagte botter of margarine
2ml vanilla
Bietjie melk om mee aan te maak ( 25ml)
Koek kleursel
Silver balletjies / hundreds&thousands ens.

Meng die versiersuiker met die botter en maak aan met die melk. Gooi die vanilla in en meng tot glad, nie te styf nie.
Jy kan die versiersuiker enige kleur kleur en ook silver bolletjie bo-op gooi.
Jy kan ook die botter en versiersuiker meng met caramel kondensmelk en bo-op sit
Jy kan ook ‘n sjokolade smelt met bietjie room of ideal melk en oor die cups gooi- heel neute sjokolade werk baie goed. Net styf geklopte room kan ook gebruik word. http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html

Elsa Maria Dreyer
Makes 12

1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 very ripe large bananas, peeled
1/2 cup sour cream
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk

1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 8-ounce package cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup smooth peanut butter (do not use old-fashioned or freshly ground)
Chopped lightly salted roasted peanuts (optional)
Position rack in center of oven and preheat to 350°F. Line 12 standard (1/3-cup) muffin cups with paper liners. Whisk flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in medium bowl to blend. Mash bananas with fork in another medium bowl until smooth. Mix sour cream and vanilla into bananas.
Using electric mixer, beat sugar and butter in large bowl until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add egg and egg yolk and beat until well blended. Add flour mixture in 3 additions alternately with banana-sour cream mixture in 2 additions, beginning and ending with flour mixture and beating just until blended after each addition. Divide batter among prepared muffin cups (generous 1/4 cup for each).
Bake cupcakes until tester inserted into center of each comes out clean, about 20 minutes. Transfer cupcakes to rack and let cool completely.
Sift powdered sugar into large bowl. Add cream cheese, butter, and peanut butter. Using electric mixer, beat mixture until smooth. Spread frosting over top of cupcakes, dividing equally. Sprinkle lightly with chopped peanuts, if desired. http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html

Helena Kruger
Kookolie Cup Cakes 1
2k meel
1 1/2 k suiker
1/2 k olie
1/2 tl vanilla
3 tl bakpoeier
1 k melk
3 eiers
Meng droe best en roer die melk geursel by en klits eiers by. Bak Kosmater http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html

Helena Kruger
1+1/2k Meel
3/4k Suiker
1/2k Melk
1/2k Olie
2t Bakpoeier
2 eiers
Bietjie sout
Sif meel, sout en bakpoeier saam.
Voeg res van bestd. by en meng goed.
Vul jou cupcake houertjies ¾ en bak dit vir +-15min by 180*C Kosmater
N.s ek sal n bietjie Vanilja bygooi!!Helena 13/10/11 http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html

Karen Mackay
 Hierdie een maak 'n oondpan vol, maar werk net so goed vir cupcakes.
400ml strooisuiker,
375g botter,
7 eiers,
750 bruismeel en 18 ml bakpoeier saam gesif,
2 ml sout,
60 ml melk
10 ml geursel.
Klits alles saam tot goed gemeng en deel in jou papier koppies.
Bak 180 grade tot toetspen skoon uitkom 

Carol Elliott Claassen
Malva Pudding Cupcakes
1 egg
1 cup self raising flour
1 cup caster sugar
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 cup milk
4 tsp melted butter
1 tsp white wine vinegar
4 tbsp apricot jam
Preheat the oven to 170 C and grease a muffin try (I made 6 large ones, or you can make 12 small ones)Cream egg and sugar together until pale, thick and fluffy. Sift flour and bicarb together. Add half milk and half flour to the egg mixture, blend well. Add remaining flour and milk to egg mixture, mix until smooth. Add melted butter, vinegar and 2 tbsp apricot jam to mixture. Divide the batter between the muffin holes. You looking at filling it about half to 2/3rds Bake for 30 minutes.Remove from oven, poke holes in with a skewer stick, and pour the sauce over the top. Let cool. I made a hole in the middle and filled it with more apricot jam for extra taste.

1 cup cream
100 g unsalted butter
125g sugar
30ml brandy
Melt butter in a hot sauce pan over a low heat
Add sugar and mix well
Add brandy, and mix well until bubbles form
Add cream, and mix until smooth
Vanilla extract
Icing sugar (depends how sweet you want it – omit this if you don’t like to sweet)
Whip cream until soft peaks form
Fold in the icing sugar and vanilla extra
Icing sugar (depends how sweet you want it – omit this if you don’t like to sweet)
Whip cream until soft peaks form
Fold in the icing sugar and vanilla extra

Carol Elliott Claassen
Brown Butter Frosting( For Cupcakes)
For brown butter, in saucepan heat 1/4 cup butter over medium-low heat until lightly browned, about 8 minutes; cool. In bowl beat 1/4 cup softened butter with mixer on medium 30 seconds. Add cooled brown butter; beat until combined. 

2 cups powdered sugar, 
1/2 teaspoon vanilla, 
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg, and dash salt. 
Beat in 1 to 2 tablespoons buttermilk,until spreadable. Use immediately. If frosting begins to set up, stir in a small amount of boiling water.

Carol Elliott Claassen
Cream Soda and Toffee Cupcakes
2 cups all-purpose flour
1-1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
3 eggs
1 Tbsp. molasses
1-1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup cream soda
3/4 cup toffee pieces
Preheat oven to 180 C. Line eighteen 2 muffin cups with paper bake cups; set aside. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, and 1/4 teaspoon salt; set aside.In large bowl beat butter with electric mixer on medium to high 30 seconds. Add sugars; beat until well combined. Beat in eggs, one at a time, on low until combined. Beat in molasses and vanilla.Alternately add flour mixture, buttermilk, and cream soda to butter mixture, beating on low speed after each addition until combined. Stir in 1/2 cup of the toffee. Fill cups 3/4 full. Bake about 18 minutes or until tops spring back when lightly touched. Cool in pans on racks 5 minutes. Remove from pans; cool. Frost; top with remaining toffee. Makes 18 cupcakes.http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html

Carin Ras Wilson
Romantic rose cupcakes
150ml pot natural yogurt
3 eggs , beaten
1 tsp vanilla extract
175g golden caster sugar
140g self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
100g ground almonds
175g unsalted butter , melted
For the White chocolate frosting
100g white chocolate
140g unsalted butter
140g icing sugar

Line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper cases and heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. In a jug, mix the yogurt, eggs and vanilla extract. Put the dry ingredients, plus a pinch of salt, into a large bowl and make a well in the middle.
Add the yogurty mix and melted butter, and quickly fold in with a spatula or metal spoon - don't overwork it. Spoon into the cases (they will be quite full) and bake for 18-20 mins or until golden, risen and springy to the touch. Cool for a few mins, then lift the cakes onto a wire rack to cool completely. Keep in an airtight container for up to 3 days or freeze as soon as possible.
White chocolate frosting: Melt the chocolate in the microwave on High for 1½ mins, stirring halfway. Leave to cool. Beat the butter and icing sugar in a large bowl until creamy. Beat in the chocolate. Cover and chill for up to one month.
Up to 48 hrs before serving (or the day before if it's really hot), bring the frosting back to room temperature, then spread over the cakes. Put the ribbon around the cakes now if you like, tying or glueing in place. Keep cool, out of direct sunlight.
Allergic to nuts?
If you would rather not cook with nuts, swap the ground almonds for 100g more plain flour. The end result will still taste great, but won't keep or freeze quite as well.
Jane says
'Having been the one 'doing the cake' many times, I know that making a sponge and having to ice it in the two days before a wedding only adds to the pressure! Once frosted, these cakes will keep happily in a cool place for up to 48 hours, and they freeze perfectly. As long as they're eaten within three days of baking or defrosting, you'll be fine.'
Make it a cake
If you want a cake to cut, make a batch of batter and bake in a lined, deep 20cm round cake tin at 190C/fan 170C/gas 5 for 40-45 mins. Serve on a pretty cake plate, topped with frosting and roses. The roses can be made up to a month ahead and coloured to match the wedding theme. Keep in a cool place away from moisture and light.
Per serving (without frosting)
525 kcalories, protein 6g, carbohydrate 57g, fat 32 g, saturated fat 16g, fibre 1g, sugar 47g, salt 0.36 g

Hannah Frauendorf Langenhoven
Lewer 15 kolwyntjies
125 g (125 ml) sagte botter
150 g (180 ml) suiker
210 g (375 ml) koekmeel
10 ml bakpoeier
knippie sout
2 ekstra-groot eiers
125 ml melk
5 ml vanieljegeursel
Voorverhit oond tot 180 °C. Plaas 15 kolwyntjiepapiertjies in ’n muffinpanne.
Klits die botter en suiker in ’n mengbak saam tot net gemeng.
Voeg die res van die bestanddele by en klits deeglik met ’n elektriese handklitser vir ’n paar minute of net tot ’n gladde beslag vorm.
Skep beslag in die papiertjies.
Bak 25 minute of net tot ’n toetspen skoon uitkom en die kolwyntjies goudbruin is.
Laat ’n minuut of twee in die pan afkoel en laat op ’n afkoelrakkie afkoel.
Versier soos verkies.
Dié maklike koekbeslag kan vir ’n kinderpartytjie gebruik word. Die beslag kan maklik verdubbel of verdriedubbel word, indien ’n spesifieke vormpan gevul moet word. Smeer ’n 20 cm-koekpan (1 x beslag) of vormpan van jou keuse en bak 40 minute of tot ’n toetspen skoon uitkom.
Versiersuiker: Sif 500 ml versiersuiker en klits 20-30 ml sagte botter deeglik in. Voeg kookwater druppelgewys by en klits tot die versiersuiker net sag genoeg is om te smeer. Voeg kleurselpoeier of –vloeistof na smaak

Ronel Wewege Raubenheimer

‎4 eiers
5ml vanilla
1 3/4k suiker
2 k meel
10ml bakpoeier
1k warm water
1/2k olie
knippie sout
Voorverhit oond 180C. Meng eiers, vanilla en suiker tot lig geel. Sif in droë bestandele. Meng water en olie by. Skep in pannetjies en bak vir 12 - 14min. Maak 24+

Charlotte Verwey da Silva
Aarbei Kaaskoek Cupcakes 
(maak 30)
1 Pakkie Tennisbeskuitjies - gekrummel
100 g Botter/margarien - gesmelt
500 ml Aarbeie - gewas en gekap
220 g Margarien
1 1/2 koppies suiker
4 Eiers
5 ml Vanillageursel
750 ml Koekmeel
20 ml Bakpoeier
4 ml Sout
120 ml Room/suurroom/lou melk

Voorverhit oond tot 160 grade C. Voer cupcake pannetjies uit met cupcake koppies.
Meng krummels en gesmelte margarien goed saam en strooi lepelsvol onder in cupcake koppies. Maak gelyk en druk vas.
Room margarien en suiker, gooi eiers een vir een by en klits goed na elke eier. Voeg vanillageursel by. Sif meel, bakpoeier en sout saam, voeg saam met room/suurroom/melk by eiermengsel. Klits goed vir paar minute. Indien baie styf kan jy nog bietjie room/melk inklits. Vou gekapte aarbei in by beslag. Skep lepelsvol deeg bo-op krummelkorsies en bak by 160 grade C tot 'n toetspen skoon uitkom. Laat heeltemal afkoel.
L.W beslag is taamlik styf.

Roomkaas Versiersuiker
80 g Margarien
1 Houertjie Roomkaas
300 g Versiersuiker
5 ml Vanilla
Room botter en roomkaas saam, voeg versiersuiker by en klits goed. Indien bietjie styf, voeg baie min room of melk by tot jy 'n lekker smeerbare dikte het. Klits baie goed tot lekker 'fluffy' en romerig. Smeer oor afgekoelde cupcakes.
Vir ekstra lekkerte skep 'n lepeltjie styf geklitste room oor elke cupcake net voor bediening. Versier soos verkies met aarbeiskyfies, krummels ens.

Jeanette van Leeuwen
Hier is my resep! Hys flop vry regtig heerlik! Maak +-50 middelslag cupcakes!
4 jumbo eiers
300ml strooisuiker
500ml meel
15ml bakpoeier
2ml sout
280ml melk
125g botter
5ml vanielje essens Metode
Klits eiers en suiker tot lig en donsig
Sif meel bakpoeier, sout saam, vou by eier mengsel in moenie klits nie
Verhit melk en botter maar moenie koop nie, roer essence by tot gesmelt voeg nou by mengsel en vou in!
Gooi in bakkies en bak op 180c vir 15 min!
100g sagte regte botter
500ml versiersuiker 

5ml vanieljie essence
20ml melk indien nodig

Klits botter tot sag voeg suiker my en klits tot smeer baar voeg kakao, geursel by en meng! Versier soos verlang:)
NOTA:  As julle die cupcake resep wil chocolate maak! Maak julle die melk 300ml en kakao 60ml! So ook die icing, 60ml wat julle by voeg!:) eks sooo bly jy hou van die cupcakes! Ek vandag ook gemaak vir n lekkerny in die huis:)

Rooibos Tea Cupcakes
Simply Delicious
This really is the cutest thing to serve with tea…the cupcakes ARE the tea  The flavour of Rooibos in these cupcakes is definitely noticeable but not so much that you get sick of it after the first bite. The icing has most of the rooibos flavour but I add it to the cake as well to give that beautiful Rooibos ‘tea-stained’ colour. The icing takes a bit of effort as you have to make a rooibos ‘syrup’ but it’s well worth it.
Makes 12
200g (7.05 ounces) Cake flour
150g (5.29 ounces) Cazstor sugar
125 Butter, Room Temperature
125ml (4.23 fluid ounces) Strong Rooibos Tea with 1tbsn Honey mixed in
2 Large eggs
2.5ml (0.08 fluid ounces) Salt
10ml (0.34 fluid ounces) Baking Powder
Preheat the oven to 180° (356 degrees Fahrenheit) and place cupcake papers in a muffin tin.
Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and beat until the batter is smooth. (I sometimes use my electric mixer beater but I did it by hand this time). Divide the batter between the cupcake cups and bake for 15-20 minutes until golden and a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for 5 minutes in the tin before placing on a cooling rack to cool completely.
For the Icing:
125g (4.41 ounces) Soft Butter (I use Wooden Spoon)
300g (10.58 ounces) Icing sugar
10 Rooibos tea bags
100ml (3.38 fluid ounces) Cream
3tbsn Honey
To make the “rooibos syrup”, combine the rooibos tea bags, cream and honey in a small saucepan and allow to come to a boil. Turn the heat down and allow to simmer very gently for about 20 minutes or until the cream is completely infused with the tea. The mixture should be dark-ish and thickened. Allow to cool.
Beat the butter with the rooibos mix until pale and fluffy. Add in the sifted Icing sugar and beat until creamy. If it’s too thick, add some milk. Schmoosh onto the cooled cupcakes and enjoy!

Veronica Van Den Bergh
125g butter,
125g sugar,
2 eggs,
60ml melk,
10ml vanilla essence,
125g self-raising flour (Ek gebruik gewone meel maar dan gooi ek 5ml bakpoeier by en dit werk 100%).
125g butter,
195g Icing sugar,
5ml vanilla essence,
30-45ml Milk.
To make the cupcakes, preheat the oven to 180'C and line a muffin tray with paper cookie cups.
Cream the butter and sugar together and add the eggs, one at a time. Beat in the milk and vanilla essence.
Add the flour and blend until smooth. Divide the mixture between 12 paper cups and bake 20-25min.

Anet Grove
Wortel en pynappel cupcakes.
750 ml koekmeel,
500 ml strooisuiker,
5 ml sout,
7 ml koeksoda,
1 klein blikkie crushed pynappel, (met stroop)
500 ml grofgerasperde wortels,
4 eiers,
375 ml kookolie,
5 ml vanilla geursel,
125 ml klapper ( opsioneel).
Sif meel, suiker sout en koeksoda saam.
Voeg pynappel, wortels, eiers, olie en geursel by en meng goed.
Voeg klapper by en meng. Skep in kolwyntjie panne wat met spray n cook gespuit is ( so driekwart vol)
bak vir 30 - 35 minute of tot toetspen skoon uitkom. Laat staan vir 5 minute in pannetjies en keer uit.
Versier met maaskaas versiersel

Carin Ras Wilson
Melody Mew Zwarts – Penny Meals
Makes 12
100g butter, softened
1 cup (200g) caster sugar
2 tsp finely grated lemon rind
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups (225g) self-raising flour
1/2 cup (125ml) milk
Lemon curd
1 egg, lightly whisked
50g butter
2 tsp lemon rind
1/4 cup (60ml) lemon juice
1/2 cup (100g) caster sugar
3 egg whites
3/4 cup (155g) caster sugar
1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Line twelve 1/3-cup (80ml) muffin pans with paper cases.
2. Use an electric mixer to beat the butter, sugar and lemon rind until pale and creamy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well between each addition. Add the flour and milk, in alternate batches, and stir with a wooden spoon until just combined.
3. Spoon mixture evenly among the lined pans and smooth the surface. Bake in preheated oven for 15-20 minutes or until cooked through. Remove from oven and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
4. Meanwhile, to make the lemon curd, combine the egg, butter, lemon rind and juice and sugar in a small saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until mixture boils and thickens. Remove from heat. Strain through a fine sieve into a clean bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge to cool and thicken.
5. Use a small knife to cut a V-shaped piece out of the top of each cake, about 1.5cm deep, leaving a 2cm-wide edge. Spoon the lemon curd evenly among cupcakes.
6. Place egg whites in a clean, dry bowl. Use an electric mixer to whisk until firm peaks form.
Gradually add the sugar, beating well between each addition. Continue beating for 2-3 minutes or until sugar completely dissolves. Spoon meringue on top of each cake, using a round-bladed knife to shape in peaks over the cake and enclosing the filling. Transfer cupcakes to an oven tray; place under a preheated grill until lightly golden  http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html

Therese Van Den Berg
Incredibly moist and tender vanilla cupcakes
Preparation Instructions
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a cupcake tray with liners.
In a bowl, mix together flour, baking powder and salt. Using the paddle attachment on a stand mixer, beat the butter until creamy. Add the sugar and cream with the butter for 7 minutes, scraping the bowl when needed (batter should be nearly white and fluffy). Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Turn the speed to low and alternately, add the flour mixture and milk, starting and ending with flour until just mixed. Add vanilla until just mixed.
Divide the batter into the cupcake liners until 2/3 full (I used an ice cream scoop which was the perfect amount to fill 1 cupcake). Bake until a toothpick inserted comes out just clean (mine took 20-23 minutes although the original recipe said 12-15 minutes). Cool for 5-10 minutes on a rack.
Remove each cupake from the tray and wrap in cling film individually to seal in moisture. Cool on wire racks and frost when cold.
• 3 cups All-purpose Flour
• 2-½ teaspoons Baking Powder
• 1 teaspoon Salt
• 1 cup Butter, Room Temperature
• 2 cups Sugar
• 4 whole Eggs, Room Temperature
• 1 cup Milk, Room Temperature
• 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

Therese Van Den Berg
Martha Stewart se cupcakes
is ook heerlik klam:
4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/4 teaspoons salt
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons (2 1/4 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
2 1/4 cups sugar
6 large eggs
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups milk
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 2 standard muffin tins with paper liners. Whisk together flour, baking powder, and salt.
With an electric mixer on medium-high speed, beat butter and sugar until pale and fluffy, about 4 minutes. Mix in the eggs, one at a time, scraping down sides of bowl as needed, until well blended. Mix in vanilla.
Add flour mixture in three batches, alternating with milk in two batches, beating until combined after each. Divide batter evenly among prepared muffin tins. Bake, rotating tins halfway through, until tops spring back when lightly touched, about 20 minutes. Let cool in tins on wire racks.http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html

Therese Van Den Berg
Martha Stewart se
 Buttermilk Vanilla cupcakes
1 1/2 cups plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 1/4 cups sugar
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 large egg, plus 1 large egg yolk
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons warm water
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons buttermilk
1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line mini-muffin tins with paper liners.
Sift flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, and salt into a mixer bowl. Transfer bowl to mixer, and add egg, yolk, water, buttermilk, oil, and vanilla. Beat on low speed until mixture is well combined and smooth, about 3 minutes.
Divide batter among liners, filling each cup about 2/3 full. Bake, rotating tins halfway through, until golden brown and a tester inserted into centers comes out clean, about 17 minutes. Let cool in tins on wire racks for 30 minutes. Invert cupcakes onto racks, and let cool completely. (Cupcakes can be stored for up to 3 days.)

The Gorgeous Gourmet Recipe
I call these triple Oreo, as there are crushed Oreos in the batter, the icing, and then half an Oreo on top for good measure.
2 1/2 cup cake flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup unsalted butter
1 1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/3 cup + 2 tbsp sour cream
1/4 cup oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup crushed Oreos
For the buttercream icing:
125g salted butter
250g icing sugar - sifted
2 Teaspoons vanilla
Drop of milk (if needed)
8 Oreos, very finely crushed
6 Oreos cut in half for topping
Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celcius and line cupcake pan with cupcake liners (recipe makes about 12 cupcakes).
Sift flour, salt, and baking soda in medium bowl. In bowl with an electric mixer, cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Add eggs one at a time until combined. Add sour cream, oil and vanilla until combined. Add flour mixture and stir until just combined. Fold in crushed Oreos.
Fill cupcake pans 3/4 way and bake for 15-20 minutes. Allow to cool completely before icing.
To make the icing : cream the butter until the colour goes a little lighter and mix in icing sugar
Add the vanilla extract and mix well - add a little milk if necessary to make a smooth consistency. Mix in your Oreo crumbs until evenly distributed (it's not a very smooth icing - there will still be Oreo bits no matter how finely you smash them - this is ok!)
Top each cupcake with half an Oreo if desired. http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/02/cupcakes.html

Heylie du Plessis
Nigella Lawson’s Guinness Cake)
Makes about 18 cupcakes
250ml Black Label Beer
250g butter (I used salted butter, and then didn’t add any extra salt to the cake)
30g cocoa powder
400g sugar
125ml sour cream (weird, I know, but it works)
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
320g cake flour
2.5 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C and set aside two 12-cup cupcake trays with liners.
2. In a heavy based saucepan, heat the beer and butter on low heat until the butter has melted.
3. Whisk in the sugar and cocoa powder, and leave it to cool slightly.
4. Beat the eggs, sour cream and vanilla together and pour into the beer mixture (make sure the mixture has cooled down enough so the eggs don’t cook!)
5. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour and bicarb. Slowly pour the beer mixture into the flour bowl, stirring constantly.
6. The cake mixture will be more liquid than your ordinary cake mixture, so you can literally pour it into the cupcake liners from a measuring jug (or something like that).
7. The liners should be about 80% full, since the cake doesn’t rise all that much.
8. Bake for about 15 minutes, or until a cake tester comes out clean.

Cream Cheese Icing

175g cream cheese (at room temperature)
60g butter (at room temperature)
4-6 cups icing sugar
1/4 cup of milk (or less)

1. Cream the cream cheese with a mixer for about 1 minute.
2. Add the butter and beat until the two are smoothly combined.
3. Add the icing sugar, one cup at a time, mixing after each cup.
4. Add milk according to your preference.

Benhet Nieuwenhuis
Dezi se kolwyntjies
(7de laan kook boek)
125g margarine
200ml suiker
5ml vanieljegeursel
2 eiers liggies geklits
500ml koekmeel
10ml bakpoeier
Knippie sout
160ml melk
60g botter
250ml versiersuiker
10ml water
Knippie sout
2ml vanieljegeursel
Sjokolade vermicelli
Voorvehit die oond tot 190c
Pak 20 papierdoppies in muffinpannetjies
Room die botter en suiker saam tot lig en donsig
Voeg eers die vaniejegeursel by en daarna die eirs ‘n bietjie op ‘n slag
Sit die meel, bakpoeier en sout 3keer saam en vou dit om die beurt met die melk in die bottermengsel in
Skep die beslag in die papierdoppies en bak vir 15min
Laat op ‘n afkoelrak afkoel
Versiersel: meng die botter, versiersuiker, water,sout en vanielje tot glad
Smeer oor die kolwyntjies en besprinkle met vermicelli en kleurstrooisels
Maak 20 koekies (ek het net 18uitgekry)!!
julle kan hierdie resepie maak hy is regtig lekker ;-)
Nota, voeg 60ml kakao by vir 'n sjokolade variasie, pas jou melk aan met 30ml ekstra
Benhet Nieuwenhuis
Ek wil net gou vir jou laat weet ek het my resepie aangepas en NOU is hy heerlik!!!!!!
Dus daardie cupcakes van dezi (7de laan resepte boek)
Ek ht 60ml olie ekstra by gesit! En hulle is so lekker vogtig! + ekt n rolo in elke cupcake gesit so diE middel is leka tjoklit!

Elzje van Rooyen
Kookolie Cup Cakes 3
4 ekstra groot eiers – geskei
375ml suiker
450ml koekmeel
15ml bakpoeier
2 ml sout
250ml kookwater
125ml olie
5ml vanieljegeursel
Klits eiergele, voeg suiker bietjie gewys by. Klits tot liggeel & sponsagtig dik. Voeg nou kookwater, olie en geursel by & klits goed.
Sif meel, bakpoeier & sout saam. Voeg by & meng deeglik.
Klits eierwitte styf & vou in mengsel in.
Gooi in gesmeerde 'cup cake' pannetjies. Bak by 180 °C vir 15-20min.

Sonja Young
Trendy and different these cupcakes are quite a talking point!

-250 g unsalted butter, softened
-400 g light brown sugar, packed (500 ml)
-15 ml vanilla extract
-15 ml red food coloring
-5 ml white vinegar (or other mild vinegar, such as white balsamic)
-280 g cake flour (500 ml)
-20 g unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted (60 ml)
-10 ml bicarbonate of soda
-3 ml salt
-250 ml buttermilk or natural yoghurt
-6 large eggs
For Icing
-1 x batch Cream Cheese Icing
1.Preheat oven to 180ºC/160ºC fan/Gas Mark 4. Line two 12-cup muffin tins with paper or foil liners.
2.In large mixing bowl of an electric mixer, beat the butter and sugar until fluffy.
3.Mix in vanilla, food coloring, and
4.In a large bowl, sift the flour, cocoa powder, bicarbonate of soda, and salt. Use a fine mesh sieve to ensure no little spots of cocoa powder in the finished product.
5.Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture, alternating with buttermilk and beating in between.
6.Beat in eggs.
7.Fill lined muffin cups about 3/4 full. Getting the cupcake batter into the muffin cups is always a challenge. Use a measuring cup to pour the batter into the cups, or use a metal ice-cream
8.Bake for 15-18 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a cupcake comes out clean. Place on wire racks and cool
9.Ice each cupcake with a generous amount of Cream Cheese Icing and dust with your favourite sprinkles.
Makes 2 ½ dozen
Bake mixture in 1 x Bundt pan which has been well greased and lined with baking paper on the base, grease the paper again. Bake at the same temperature for 60 – 65 minutes. Allow to cool in the pan slightly, turn out and allow to cool before icing.

Petra Pretorius
350g (2 1/3 cups) plain flour
2 tbs cocoa powder
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp baking powder
315g (1 1/2 cups) caster sugar
250ml (1 cup) buttermilk
185ml (3/4 cup) vegetable oil
2 eggs
3 tsp red food colouring
2 tsp white vinegar
100s/1000's or anything you want to decorate
250g pkt cream cheese, at room temperature
100g butter, at room temperature
195g (1 1/4 cups) pure icing sugar, sifted
1 tsp vanilla extract
Step 1
Preheat oven to 180°C. Line eighteen 80ml (1/3-cup) capacity muffin pans with paper cases. Sift the flour, cocoa powder, bicarbonate of soda and baking powder into a large bowl. Stir in the sugar.
Step 2
Whisk the buttermilk, oil, eggs, food colouring and vinegar in a jug until combined. Make a well in the centre of the flour mixture. Add the buttermilk mixture and stir until just combined.
Step 3
Divide the mixture among the prepared pans. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centres comes out clean. Transfer the cupcakes to a wire rack to cool completely.
Step 4
To make the cream cheese frosting, use an electric beater to beat the cream cheese, butter, icing sugar and vanilla in a bowl until smooth.
Step 5
Pipe the icing over the cupcakes and top with the sprinkles.
We used Taste.com's recipe since my little one doenst read or write Afrikaans xx

Elda Lombard
125 ml. botter
125 ml strooisuiker
2 geklitste eiers
375 ml bruismeel
30 ml warm water
Room die botter en strooisuiker
Voeg die eiers by en dan die bruismeel
Maak aan met warm. Water
Vul gesmeerde kolwyn pannetjies half met die. Mengsel
Bak 15 tot 20min by 190C tot ligbruin
Verkoel op n draadrak
Sodra dit koud is sny n plat skyfie bo van elke koekie af
Sny elke skyfie versigtig in die helfte
Skep vulsel bo op elke koekie
125 ml. room
10. ml. Versiersuiker
2 druppels Vanielje essens
Klein aarbeie
Klop die room versiersuiker essens styf
Skep dit op elke koekie
Plaas die afgesnyde skyfie in die roomvulsel sodat dit soos vlerkies lyk
Versier met aarbeie tussen vlerkies
Resep so afgeskryf

Elda Lombard
Uit ouma se kombuis
Hierdie kolwyntjies is baie klam - soos dit moet wees.
(12 kolwyntjies)
125 g (135 ml) sagte botter
145 g (175 ml) strooisuiker
3 eiers
gerasperde skil van 1 suurlemoen
2 blikkies (115 g elk) grenadellas
125 ml Bulgaarse jogurt
140 g (250 ml) koekmeel
5 ml bakpoeier
1 x basiese vanieljeversiersel (basiese versiersel)
6 vars grenadellas of 1 blik (115 g) grenadellapulp
Verhit oond tot 160 grade C
Voer kolwyntjiepannetjies met papierhouers uit en spuit goed met kleefwerende sproei.
Klits die botter en suiker saam in 'n elektriese menger tot lig en romerig.
Voeg die eiers en suurlemoenskil by en klits goed.
Voeg grenadellas en jogurt by.
Sif droe bestanddele saam en vou in die eiermengsel.
Verdeel mengsel tussen die kolwyntjiepannetjies. Plaas in warmoond en bak vir sowat 20 minute. Haal uit en laat afkoel voor jy dit versier.
Spuit versiersel op kolwyntjies met 'n spuitsak.
Skep grenadellapulp oor.

Elna Kruger Melville
Oreo Peanut Butter Brownie Cupcakes
1 box brownie mix for 8x8 pan
24 Oreos
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Line a 12-cup muffin pan with cupcake liners.
Make the brownie mix according to directions.
For each cupcake, spread 1 teaspoon of peanut butter over 2 Oreos and stack them together. [I didn't measure the peanut butter.]
Place the Oreo stacks into the muffin cups.
Spoon 2 tablespoons of brownie batter over the stacks and let it run down the sides. If you have leftover brownie batter, bake it separately. [I used all the brownie batter and did not measure it, but just poured an appropriate amount over each stack.]
Bake 18-20 minutes until brownie batter is cooked through. Cool completely before serving.

Elda Lombard
300g bruismeel
150g strooisuiker
knippie sout
6 eetlepels olie
1 groot eier
250ml karringmelk
1 teelepel vanieljegeursel
1 blik halwe appelkose
2 eetelepels botter, gesmelt
Voorverhit die oond tot 180°C.
Spuit ‘n kolwyntjiepan met kleefwerende sproei.
Sif die meel in ‘n mengbak en voeg dan die suiker en ‘n knippie sout by.
Klits die olie, eier, karringmelk en vanieljegeursel saam.
Voeg die mengsel by die droë bestanddele en roer tot die beslag net-net gemeng is.
Skep ‘n lepelvol van die mengsel in die kolwyntjiepannetjie en maak ‘n holte in die middel.
Vul die holte met ‘n teelepel appelkooskonfyt en ‘n halwe appelkoos en bedek met nog beslag.
Bak vir 12 – 15 minute.
Laat effens afkoel en verf met gesmelte botter en sprinkel kaneelsuiker oor.
Bedien warm.


Berie Smith
 Jy kan ook die vulsel tussen twee dele deeg insit, m.a.w. skep 'n bietjie cupcake deeg in jou pannetjie, sit jou vulsel in, soos bv. 'n rolo of so iets, skep dan weer deeg bo-oor en bak. Dan smelt die rolo ook lekker binne die cupcake. Sien party sit deeg in pannetjie, dan 'n oreo-koekie en 'n skep peanut-butter op oreo en dan weer deeg, bak dit. Glo baie lekker! Ek het gister Cupcake resepte pdf geplaas en het gesien daar is ook 'n cupcake met vulsel resep.
Wilna Dorfling
 Laat ek julle nou die goeie raad gee : mens gebruik n "applecorer " en core dan n gaatjie in die cupcake wat jy vul waneer dit gaar is , dam plaas jy weer die proppie wat jy uitgehaal het bo op die gevulde gaatjie en versier jou cupcake
Berie Smith
 Jy's doodreg Wilna Dorfling, nog 'n manier is op jou versierbuis te gebruik met 'n klein puntjie voor en dan die vulsel in te spuit. 'n Mens het nie altyd al die gadgets nodig wat hulle verkoop nie.

3 eiers
175 g (200 ml) strooisuiker
175 g (312 ml) bruismeel
175 g botter, sag en by kamertemperatuur
5 ml vanieljegeursel
Verhit jou oond tot 180 ºC. Voer ’n kolwyntjiepan met papierbakkies. Plaas al die bestanddele in die mengbak van jou elektriese menger. Klits vir 3 - 4 minute. Skep die mengsel in die papierbakkies en bak vir sowat 15 minute tot gaar. Haal uit en laat afkoel voor jy versier. [12 kolwyntjies] 5/11/10♥

200 g (220 ml) botter, saggemaak
200 g (380 ml) versiersuiker, gesif
30 ml melk
pienk voedselkleursel

Dis die maklikste om versiersel in ’n elektriese menger te maak. Meng die sagte botter en versiersuiker goed saam. Voeg die melk by en meng goed. Kleur die versiersuiker met ’n klein bietjie voedselkleursel. Smeer versiersel bo-op die kolwyntjies en versier!!! 

Heerlikste cupcakes:

1 kop meel
3/4 kop suiker
3/4 kop melk
2 eetl olie
2 eiers
1 hoogvol teel vanilla
1 ml sout
1 teel bakpoeier.
Klits alles saam.
Bak so 17 - 20min @ 180 grade
Dit is n heerlike resep vir kolwyntjies

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