Thursday 2 May 2013


1x450g phyllo dough, 

450g chopped nuts,
1 Cup butter, 
1tsp ground cinnamon,
1Cup water, 
1Cup white sugar,
1tsp vanilla 
1/2 Cup honey. 

 Preheat oven to 180°C.
Butter bottom & sides of a 9x13inch pan.Mix chopped nuts with cinnamon & set aside.

Unroll phyllo dough & cut whole stack in half to fit pan.
Cover dough with a dampened cloth to keep from drying out as you work
Place 2sheets of dough in pan,butter thoroughly. Repeat until you have 8sheets layered &buttered. Sprinkle 2-3tsp of nut mixture on top. Top with 2sheets of dough,butter,nuts,layering as you go. The top layer should be about 6-8 sheets deep. With a sharp knife, cut into diamond/square shapes all the way to the bottom of the pan. You may cut into 4long rows to make diagonal cuts.
Bake for about 50 mins until Baklava is golden. & crisp.
Make sauce while Baklava is baking.
Boil sugar & water until sugar is melted.
Add vanilla & honey.
Simmer for about 20mins.
Remove Baklava from oven & immediately spoon sauce over it.
Let cool.
Serve in ramekins.
This freezes well too. Leave uncovered as it gets soggy if wrapped up.

Bron: All Recipes Plasing: Moira Botha Dyer  

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