Tuesday 21 May 2013


Chocolate fondue with fruit platter

James Martin
110g/4oz sugar
110ml4fl oz water
400g/14oz plain chocolate, broken in pieces
2 tbsp golden syrup
selection of fruits cut in bite-sized pieces such as orange, banana, grapes, dates or pineapple.
Heat the sugar and water in a saucepan until the sugar melts and the mixture resembles a syrup.
Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water. (Do not lot the base of the bowl touch the water.)
Stir in the golden syrup and enough sugar syrup to form a smooth sauce. (Caution: the chocolate mixture will be very hot, allow to cool a little before serving.)
Serve with the platter of fruit.

1 cup granulated sugar

4 tablespoons water

2 1/2 cups whipping cream (at room temperature)
4 tablespoons Cognac
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
Assorted fresh fruits (bananas, raspberries,
tangerines, pears, strawberries, apples, etc.

Angel food cake cubes

In heavy medium-size saucepan combine sugar and water, stir over low heat until all sugar dissolves.
Increase heat to medium and boil without stirring until mixture is deep amber color, occasionally brushing down sides of pan with wet pastry brush, about 3 to 4 minutes.

Whisk in warm whipping cream and stir over medium heat until sauce is smooth (about 4 to minutes).Transfer to fondue pot over low heat and serve with angel cake cubes and fresh fruits.

Add Cognac and cook 1 minute longer.

Remove from heat and add butter. Stir until all butter is melted.


(bedien 4)
100 g tempura meel, of 50 g koekmeel gemeng met 50g mieliemeel
200 ml sodawater
2 e swart sesamsade
sout en peper, na smaak
4 garnale, doppe verwyder maar stert heelgroenteolie, vir braai
Meng die tempura-meel (of meelmengsel) met sodawater tot die dikte van 'n pannekoekbeslag. Voeg sesamsade by en geur met sout en peper. Bedek die garnale met 'n bietjie meel, stof die ergste meel af en doop in die deeg. Plaas dadelik in baie warm olie en braai ± 30 sekondes tot goudbruin.*Foto Galleryhip*



Mix all the ingredients except the egg white in a food processor or with a whisk. Just before use, fold in the stiffly beaten egg white. Dip chicken and vegetables in the batter. Drip off excess batter and deep-fry in wok or fondue pot.
A light and fluffy batter, ideal to coat chicken and vegetable bites. Instead of beer, use soda water for a non-alcoholic variation. It is best to make the batter well in advance to give the flour time to swell. Fold the beaten egg white in just before needed as this gives extra lightness.
1 cup (250 ml) cake flour
1 t (5 ml) Ina Paarman's Seasoned Sea Salt
1 egg yolk
1 T (15 ml) oil
1 cup (250 ml) beer or soda water
1 egg white


4 t (20 ml) Ina Paarman's Meat Spice
2 T (30 ml) olive oil
Cube the steak into 2cm x 2cm blocks. Season and toss with olive oil. Leave at room temperature for at least an hour before cooking. These will cook very quickly - warn your guests.


2 t (10 ml) Ina Paarman's Chicken Spice
2 T (30 ml) olive oil
 Cut the breasts into 1½ cm strips across the grain,double over and spear onto kebab sticks. Leave at room temperature for at least an hour before cooking. These are delicious dipped into the beer batter (recipe follows) before cooking. The batter also protects the chicken from overcooking.


Use one wok (or two fondue pots) and allocate 2 fondue forks and/or metal skewers per person.
2 x 750 ml canola oil  Warm the oil just before everyone is ready to start cooking. Ideal temperature would be 170ºC-180ºC. The guests skewer cubes of meat and/or vegetables onto their fondue forks and cook them for a few minutes before dipping the cooked morsels into the sauce of their choice. We have also given you a delicious batter recipe to dip the chicken and vegetables in, before cooking. If you do not have many small dishes to give each guest their own selection of sauces, they can simply spoon sauces directly onto their plates. Salads can be dished onto dinner plates.



Henriette Wessels

Blokkie Fillet is alltyd lekker - dan kan jy ook kaasworsies (cocktail) gebruik. Kaas in blokkie, en groente stokkies waaran hul saam kan peusel met 'n lekker dip. Lekker vir afsluit is mos maar as jy marshmallows gebruik en sjokolade rasper waarin hul dit kan rol sodra dit uit die olie kom.

Sunet Oosthuizen

Blokkies vleis, coctail viennas, mushrooms, bacon, cherries,
Met verskillende kase en souse.

Lindi Claassens

Fillet of lekker gehangde rump in groot blokke gesny dat dit nie n klipharde frummel aan d vurkie word nie. Meer mushrooms as wat jy dink. Worsies. Pasop v kaas tipe goed dit kook baiekeer uit en brand in d olie ook vark stukke en hoender in stukke is lekker. Dan verskeie dips waarvan jy ookal hou. Iets sterks iets romerigs etc!! 3 vurkies vd mans hulle voel altyd hulle krepeer van elende met een vurkie. Dan ook genoeg bykos dat d mans veral aan iets kan knaag tot d eerste vleise reg is.

Knoffelbrood, groen slaai veg bake daai tipe ding. Oja party mense sit ook klein gekookte new potatoes by wat jy ook in die olie kan sit. Hoop dit help.


Gillian Logan Bredenhann
 Gypsey Sauce

6 tablespoons Tomato Sauce

4 Table Spoons Oil
2 tablespoons mustard ( I used powered)
1 onion chopped finely
2 teaspoons parsely (fresh or dried)
Salt and pepper


Mustard Sauce

6 tablespoons mayonnaise

2 teaspoons smooth apricot jam
Strong mustard as desired (3 teaspoons more or less. Just keep tasting.


Avocado pear dip.

2 Avo’s

2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 cup mayonnaise
1 grated onion
Salt and pepper and if you prefer, some tobasco sauce

Mix all the sauces well and chill before hand. Absolutely delicious.20/6/13

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