Thursday 24 January 2013


Frieda Greyling

En hier is ook n Petra broodjie! Uit my spoetnik! 30min! Het net die helfte aangemaak want 1 broodjie is genoeg vir my en Gali! Anders rol ek een van die dae! Dankie Petra! Baai4now! Jajaja ekke gaan koffie drink! Koffie enenen n sny of 2 Petra -brood!*

Jy kan sommer met jou huiswerk aan gaan met die brood ! Hier is die resep weer
Toe verander my hele lewe met die resep!
7 koppies meel (Dis presies 1Kg)(Koekmeel)
4 Koppies Water(lou water)
2 teelepels sout
1 Pakkie suurdeeg.(10g)
Meng alles goed deur, gooi in panne, laat rys, bak vir omtrent 1 uur tot gaar by 180°C
Dis dit, niks knie, af knie nie, net meng goed deur, laat rys en bak.>>>Verslawend se ek vir julle*Petra

Ronel Snyman 
 Ek maak die roerbroodjie gereeld,halveer die resep vir myself!en bak dit in die Hallogenoven klein broodjies op 180grade vir 25min en 'n middelslagbroodjie vir 35min!!!*
*Halogen oond*
1 KG maalvleis
500 ml koue water
250 ml sagte broodkrummels
25 ml asyn

10 ml Sout

1 ml peper

1 Eier
125 ml olie

250 ml koekmeel 
10 ml bakpoeier 
2ml Sout  
Plaas aldie bestanddele vir die vulsel in n kastrol en Meng Met n groot vurk
Verhit tot kookpunt, roer gereeld en Kook 5 Min tot mengsel nie Meer pienk is nie, maar steeds souserig.

Klits Eier, olie en melk saam  
Sif meel bakpoeier en sout  
Meng dit Met eiermengsel 
Skep beslag oor warm vulsel 
Bak sowat 30 Min by 180 Grade  
Ekke Het helfte Van vulsel gebruik en Hele kors en dit so 15 -20 Min in konveksieoond gebak.. Resep gekry in my ma se resepteboek..13/02/13*

Flavorwave Oven!!Berie Smith
1) INTRODUCTION .................................................15
2) BEEF........................................................................16
• Stuffed Patties ......................................................16
• Tartare Burger....................................................... 16
• Salsa Burger...........................................................17
• Asian Burger .........................................................17
• Hawaiian Burger ..................................................17
• Beef Wellington....................................................18
• Duxelles ................................................................18
• Mustard Steak ......................................................18
• Beef Sirloin ...........................................................19
• Pot Roast. ..............................................................19
• Beef Roll ................................................................20
• Calves Liver...........................................................20
3) POULTRY ...............................................................21
• 2 Whole Chickens.................................................21
• Frozen Whole Chicken ........................................21
• Cornish Hens .........................................................22
• Bay Leaf Seasoning ..............................................22
• Curry Chicken .........................................................23
• Lemon Chicken.......................................................23
• Barbeque Chicken .................................................23
• Quail Wrapped in Bacon......................................24
• Quail with Wine .....................................................24
4) PORK ...................................................................... 25
• Ham with Marmalade Glaze ............................. .25
• Ham Burger............................................................ .25
• Ham and Dried Fruit Broil ................................. 25
• Sausage and Krout Broil .................................... 26
• Leg of Pork ............................................................. 26
• Pork Sausage in Squash Rings............................26
• Poor Man’s Cassoulet ...........................................27
• Meatloaf Ring ..........................................................27
5) FISH ........................................................................  28
• Flounder with Potato Scales.................................28
• Whole Salmon...........................................................28
• Trio of Trout...............................................................28
• Broil-Steamed Clams ..............................................29
6) VEGETABLES............................................................30
• Rosti ...........................................................................30
7) PIZZA AND CALZONES ........................................ 31
• French Bread Pizza ..................................................31
• Bobali Pizza................................................................31
• Calzone .......................................................................32
8) DESSERTS................................................................   33
• Pear-Peach Tart ...........................................................33
• Apple Tart .....................................................................33
• Dehydrator recipes......................................................33


Beef Burgers - frozen beef patties are very convenient to store and cook with the
Flavorwave Oven™. You can buy them already frozen, ready to cook, or you can make patties from fresh ground beef and freeze them for use later. By making them yourself you can season the meat to your own taste before freezing and then not worry about tending them when you cook them.
Nowadays with e-coli and salmonella bacteria so prevalent, all ground beef should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160ºF to eliminate any possibility of infection. These bacteria live only on the surface of foods so when you grill, fry, or broil a cut of meat, the bacteria are destroyed. However, when meat is ground, the bacteria on the outside is infused throughout the meat so you have to
cook it until the mass is heated to a temperature that will kill the bacteria.*

Stuffed Patties
You can use almost any ingredients that suit your taste so use the following suggestions as a guide. Divide a-pound of ground beef into 2 equal portions and press into a 3-inch diameter disk. Lay equal amounts of filling on one patty and cover with the other. Pinch the edges together and cook on the 3-inch rack.
The following recipes are for 1 serving. Increase the amounts depending on how many servings you want to make.*

Tartare burger .
This is a great recipe when you grind your own beef.
• a pound lean freshly ground sirloin, round, or other lean cut of beef
• 2 anchovy fillets
• 1 tablespoon capers
• 2 tablespoons minced onion
• salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.
Divide the meat into 2 equal portions and press into 3-inch disks. Place remaining ingredients on 1 patty and cover with the other. Press the edges together and place on the 3-inch rack. Cook at 400ºF for 5 minutes, turn and cook another 5 minutes or to an internal temperature of 160ºF.
(4 servings)
This recipe should be prepared when you're showing off for an intimate dinner party.
• puff pastry
• 1 cup duxelles, recipe following
• 2 ounces goose liver pate
• 4 equal portions beef filet, about 1 j pounds
Cut the puff pastry into 4 equal squares. Spread equal portions of duxelles and pate on the puff pastry. Place a filet in the center of each puff pastry. Draw the edges of the pastry up and over the top of the meat and pinch together making sure there are no openings. Cut four 4-inch squares of foil and butter lightly. Place the Wellingtons, seam side up on the foil and place on the 1-inch rack. Cook at 400ºF for 20 minutes, turn the Wellingtons over, remove the foil and cook another 10-12 minutes or to an internal temperature of 145ºF for medium rare.
• 1 pound white mushrooms
• 3 tablespoons minced shallots or onions
• 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
• 3 tablespoons port wine (optional)
Process or mince the mushrooms and place on a dish towel. Twist the towel to squeeze out as much water as possible. Mix with the shallots and butter and microwave for about 4 minutes or until the mixture is slightly dry. Stir in the port

Mustard Steak .
(2 servings)
• 1 large sirloin or rib steak, 1 inch thick
• salt and pepper to taste
• 2 tablespoons prepared mustard
• 2 tablespoons melted butter
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• k cup sour cream
Season steaks with salt and pepper and spread half the mustard over one side of the steaks. Place on the 3-inch rack and place a pie plate on the glass pan under the rack to catch the juices. Cook at 400ºF for 7 minutes. Turn over and spread the remaining mustard over the top surface. Cook another 7 minutes or to an internal temperature of 145ºF for medium rare or 160ºF for medium. Mix the remaining ingredients with the collected juices and pour over the steaks.

Beef Sirloin.
(Serves about 20)
This large cut of beef is available, packed in cryovac, at most discount markets like
Costco and Sam's club and is great to cook for a meal and then use the leftover
meat for sandwiches, casseroles, or soup.
• 8-9 pound sirloin or sirloin tip roast
• garlic
• salt and pepper to taste
• vegetable oil spray
Trim off all visible fat and gristle and place the meat directly on the glass tray. Rub garlic over the surface and season. Cook at 400ºF for 1 hour. Turn over and baste off any juices and cook 45 minutes or to an internal temperature of 145ºF for medium rare, 165ºF for medium.
These plastic bags are designed to be used in hot ovens and because they retain moisture they are ideal for recipes that must be cooked moist. They also help to tenderize the meat and other ingredients. Using them allows you to increase the use of your Flavorwave to include recipes that otherwise would be cooked in pots on the stove or conventional oven.

Pot Roast .
(2 to 4 servings)
Using the Flavorwave Oven® is a convenient way to make one of America's
favorite meals.
• 1-2 pounds beef blade, 7-bone, rump, or bottom round roast
• 2 carrots, cut into 1-inch pieces
• 1 medium onion, diced
• 4 cloves garlic, chopped
• 1 large potato, diced
• 1 cup spaghetti sauce
• 1 cup dry red wine
• salt and pepper to taste
Place everything in a plastic cooking bag and secure the opening with the tie provided in the package, leaving an opening the size of your thumb. Place on the 1-inch rack and cook at 400ºF for 45 minutes. Turn the bag over taking care not to let any of the liquid escape. Cook another 30 minutes or until the meat is tender.

Beef Roll .
(4 servings)
Here's another recipe using the plastic cooking bag.
• 2 pound sirloin steak, 1-inch thick
• 1 cup chopped onions
• 1 cup chopped carrots
• 1 cup chopped celery
• 2 cups prepared stuffing mix, prepared as directed on package
• prepared course ground mustard
• salt and pepper to taste
Butterfly the steak by laying it flat on a cutting board and cutting through the middle to j-inch of the other side and laying it open so it's twice the original size. Pound with a meat mallet to half thickness. Microwave the vegetables for 3 minutes or until soft and mix with the stuffing. Spread the mustard over the surface of the meat and then spread the stuffing. Season with salt and pepper and roll into a cylinder.
Place in a regular size plastic cooking bag and roll into a tight package. Place on the 1-inch rack and cook at 400ºF for 20 minutes, turn over and cook another 15 minutes. Slice into 1-inch disks and serve with the juices.

Calves Liver.
(2 servings)
For those who love liver, the Flavorwave Oven™ cooks it beautifully.
• 1 pound calves liver
• j cup balsamic vinegar
• 3 cloves garlic, minced flour
• salt and pepper to taste
• lemon pepper
• spray vegetable oil
Marinate the liver in the vinegar and garlic for j-hour. Pat dry with a paper towel and dredge in flour seasoned with salt, pepper and lemon pepper. Place on the 3-inch rack and spray with vegetable oil. Cook at 385ºF for 3 minutes, turn over, spray with oil and cook another 2 minutes.

Buy a few fresh 3 to 4-pound frying chickens, remove the parts in the cavity, and then season with spices you enjoy. Wrap the chickens for the freezer and the next time you want a delicious meal for your family take a bird out of the freezer and pop it into your Flavorwave Oven®.
Better yet, cut the back out of the chickens with poultry shears or a knife, lay them flat and press the breast to break the bone and achieve a flattened shape.
Now season as directed or as desired and then freeze in this flat configuration.
The flat chickens take up less space in your freezer and also cook faster.
2 Whole Chickens (fresh, unfrozen 6 to 8 servings)
Many times the occasion arises when more than one chicken is required for the meal and 2 chickens cook in about the same time as one in
The Flavorwave Oven™.
• 2, 3 to 4 pound chickens
Season, inside and out, with salt, pepper, poultry seasoning, or any of your favorite flavorings such as rosemary. Place on the 1-inch rack, breast side down, and cook at 400ºF for 25 minutes. Turn the birds over, inside to outside. This is very important and if you don't understand consider this; place your hands in front of
you with the thumbs together. Now, turn your hands so the thumbs are to the outside; that's how you must turn the chickens so the part to the inside of the oven is now to the
outside. Cook another 30 minutes or to an internal temperature of 180ºF.

Frozen Whole Chickens.
Place on the 1-inch rack, breast side down, and cook at 400ºF for 45 minutes, turn over and cook another 45 minutes.

Cornish hens .
(4 servings)
Each hen makes a perfect serving for one person and more than one cooks in the same time. Since the Flavorwave Oven® cooks frozen food beautifully and these birds are usually frozen, they're perfect for the Flavorwave.
• 4 frozen Cornish hens, about 1 pound each, giblets removed
• salt and pepper to taste
Remove the wrap from the birds, remove the giblets, and rinse under a faucet to remove the ice glaze. Pat dry with paper towels. Place on the 1-inch rack, breast side down and spray with oil and season as desired. Cook at 400ºF for 30 minutes.
Turn over, inside to outside, (see p.7 for explanation of inside to outside) spray with oil, season and cook another 30 minutes or to an internal temperature of 180ºF.
Prepared Chicken Pieces
Since the Flavorwave Oven® cooks frozen food so well, it's a great opportunity to buy fresh chicken pieces when they are on sale, season them as you like and then
freeze for later use.
Of course, any of these recipes can be prepared with fresh chicken. You’ll find the cooking times for both frozen and fresh/unfrozen chicken in each recipe.
Bay Leaf Seasoning
Lift the skin of the chicken pieces and insert whole bay leaves under the skin.
Season with salt and pepper and wrap for freezing if preparing for cooking at a later time.
FRESH-UNFROZEN: Place the pieces on the 3-inch rack and cook at 400ºF for about 20 minutes turning once, or to an internal temperature of 180ºF.
FROZEN: Cook 10 to 15 minutes longer, turning chicken halfway through the Cooking process*

Curry Chicken.
Curry paste*
Stuff curry paste under the skin of chicken pieces. Wrap for freezing if preparing for cooking at a later time.
FRESH-UNFROZEN: Place the pieces on the 3-inch rack and cook at 400ºF for about 20 minutes, turning once, or to an internal temperature of 180ºF.
FROZEN: Cook 10 to 15 minutes longer, turning chicken halfway through the cooking process.
* Curry paste is available at Asian markets and the specialty section of some grocery stores.

Lemon Chicken .
• Butter
• Lemon juice
• Lemon pepper
Mix butter with lemon juice and lemon pepper and stuff under the skin of chicken pieces. Wrap for freezing if preparing for cooking at a later time.
FRESH-UNFROZEN: Place the pieces on the 3-inch rack and cook at 400ºF for about 20 minutes, turning once, or to an internal temperature of 180º F.
FROZEN: Cook 10 to 15 minutes longer, turning chicken halfway through the cooking.
Barbecue Chicken
Spread prepared barbecue sauce under the skin of chicken pieces. Wrap for freezing if preparing for cooking at a later time.
FRESH-UNFROZEN: Place the pieces on the 3-inch rack and cook at 400ºF for about 20 minutes, turning once, or to an internal temperature of 180º F.
FROZEN: Cook 10 to 15 minutes longer, turning chicken halfway through  the cooking.

Ham with Marmalade Glaze
• Ham shank or butt end, about 8 pounds
• 1 cup orange marmalade
Cook as is or remove the bone by cutting through the thick side of the meat to the bone and then running your knife around the bone to release it.
Place on the 1-inch rack, cut side up, and cook at 400ºF for 30 minutes on high.
Turn the ham over and cook another 30-40 minutes or to an internal temperature of 160ºF (71ºC). Cut off the layer of fat and cut a crisscross pattern across the ham,
j-inch deep. Spread orange marmalade over the surface and cook another 10 minutes.
Half a ham
When hams are on sale, ask your butcher to cut one in half lengthwise. This way you can cook a reasonable portion for small meals and not have so much leftover.
You can freeze the other half and cook it from frozen in your Flavorwave Oven®.
Place the ham half on the 1-inch rack and cook for about 8 minutes per pound, turning over once. For the frozen half, estimate 12 minutes per pound.

Ham Burger .
(2 servings)
We all know that the hamburger is made of ground beef and named after the city where it was created; Hamburg, Germany.
Here's a recipe for a real ham burger made with ground ham.
• 2 cups ground, cooked ham per serving • Mayonnaise or mustard
• 1 large egg, beaten • 2 buns
Mix the ham and egg and form into 2 equal size patties. Place on the 3-inch rack and cook at 385ºF for 5 minutes per side. Place in a bun and slather with mayonnaise or mustard.

Ham and Dried Fruit Broil .
(2 servings)
• 1 can, 14 ounces, pineapple chunks
• 2 cups dried mixed fruit
• 1 slice ham, l inch thick about 1 k pounds
Mix the pineapple and dried fruit in a 10-inch pie dish or similar dish and lay the ham over. Place on the 3-inch rack and cook at 400ºF for 15-20 minutes or until the ham is nicely golden and the fruit tender.
Sausage and Kraut Broil
(4 servings)
• 1 pound sauerkraut, rinsed and squeezed dry
• 1 large apple, cored and cut into 8-equal pieces
• 1 14 to 16-ounce Kielbasa sausage
Place the kraut in a 10-inch pie dish or similar dish and set the apple pieces around the edge. Cut the sausage in half, lengthwise, and into 4 equal pieces. Place the sausage over the kraut, cut side up. Place the dish on the 3-inch rack and cook at 400ºF for 20 minutes or until the sausage is browned.

Leg of pork .
(12 servings)
These are always inexpensive and so delicious when cooked in the Flavorwave
Oven®. Serve as an entrée and use the leftover meat for carnitas, barbecue, sandwiches, casseroles, or enchiladas.
• 6-7 pound leg of pork
• 5 large cloves garlic, cut into slivers
• j cup dried rosemary leaves
• salt and pepper to taste
Cook as is, or remove the bone by cutting through the meat to the bone and then around the bone or ask your butcher to do it for you. Cut a crisscross pattern over the fat side of the meat. Press the garlic and rosemary into the cuts and season with salt and pepper. Place fat-side down in the glass tray and cook at 400ºF for 1 hour.
Turn the meat and cook another 30-45 minutes or until the fat is dark brown and crispy or to an internal temperature of 170ºF*

Pork Sausage in Squash Rings .
(4 servings)
• 1 medium acorn squash
• 1 pound pork sausage
Microwave the squash for about 10 minutes or until soft. Cut across the length into 1-inch rings and remove the seeds and membrane. Place the squash rings in an appropriate size shallow pan on the 3-inch rack. Fill the center of each ring with pork sausage. Cook at 400ºF for 15 minutes or until the pork is 170ºF.

Poor Man's Cassoulet .
(4 servings)
This classic French bean casserole uses duck, pork, lamb, and sausage mixed with the beans and a plethora of other ingredients. You can make a tasty bean casserole similar to the cassolet using leftover and/or fresh ingredients readily available in your kitchen.
• 2 cans, 14-ounces, white beans
• 2 cups diced ham
• 2 cooked chicken thighs or 2 cups diced, cooked chicken
• 1 tablespoon herbs d' Provence or Italian herb blend
• 2 raw bratwurst sausages cut into 1-inch pieces
• 2 cups bread crumbs
• olive oil
Into an 8 X 8-inch baking pan or similar 2-quart dish, pour the beans with their liquid. Add the ham, chicken, herbs, and top with the sausage. Spread half the breadcrumbs over the top and drizzle with olive oil. Place on the 3-inch rack and cook at 400ºF for 10 minutes and press the crumbs into the casserole. Spread the remaining breadcrumbs over the top and drizzle with oil. Cook for another 10 minutes and press the crumbs into the casserole. Cover with foil and cook another 30 minutes*

Meatloaf Ring.
(4 servings)
This recipe makes a nice presentation and cooks faster than when formed into a loaf.
• j pound ground beef
• j pound turkey
• j pound pork breakfast sausage
• 2 cups bread crumbs
• 2 large eggs, beaten
• 2 tablespoons dried Italian herb mix
• 1 cup chunky style spaghetti sauce salt and pepper to taste
• 1 cup catsup
Mix together the meat, crumbs, eggs, herbs, sauce, and season with salt and pepper. Place a sheet of foil on the 1-inch rack and form the meat mixture into a ring about 3-inches high. Cook at 400ºF for 20 minutes and spread the catsup over the top and cook another 10 minutes or to an internal temperature of 160ºF. Watch that the catsup doesn't burn.

Flounder with Potato Scales.
(2 servings)
This technique works especially well with frozen fish because the fish doesn't overcook by the time the potato slices become crispy. Use the same technique with frozen salmon, sole, bass or other relatively thin pieces of fish.
• 2 frozen flounder fillets
• softened butter
• 1 medium Russet potato, sliced paper thin
• salt and pepper to taste
Place the fish on the 3-inch rack, spread with softened butter and season with salt and pepper. Lay the potato slices over the fish starting at the thick end and overlapping so they look like fish scales. Spray with oil and cook at 400ºF for 12-15 minutes or until the potato slices are crispy. Carefully slip a long spatula under the
fish and transfer to a plate.

Whole Salmon.
(6 servings)
Poaching or baking a whole fish is quite a task with conventional cooking devices.
But with the Flavorwave Oven® it's a snap.
• 4-5 pound whole salmon, without the head
• lemon slices
• butter
• dill weed
Place the fish in the glass cooking tray in the upright position with the belly flaps spread open. Make a 1-inch cut along the backbone and fill with butter. Cut lemon slices in half and insert in the slit with the butter. Cook at 400ºF for about 12 minutes per pound or to an internal temperature of 150ºF. Slide a couple of spatulas under the fish and carefully transfer to a serving platter. Pull the skin down and off the fish and serve as is with the juices or serve with Hollandaise Sauce.

Trio of Trout.
(3 servings)
• 3, 6-8 inch whole trout
• 2 tablespoons dill weed
• 4 pats of butter
• juice of a lemon
• salt and pepper
Place the fish, belly side down around the edge of the glass tray. Add the other ingredients and cook at 400ºF for 20 minutes or to an internal temperature of 150ºF. Transfer the fish to plates, pull off the skin and pour the cooking juices evenly over the fish.
Broil-Steamed Clams
(2-4 servings)
Usually clams are steamed in a closed pot with some additional liquid. When you do them the Flavorwave way the resulting liquid is pure nectar and so delicious.
• 1-2 dozen fresh cherrystone clams, washed
• 4 tablespoons butter
• 4 cloves garlic, smashed
• Crusty French bread
Place everything in a shallow pan that will hold the clams in a single layer. Cook on the 3-inch rack for 8-10 minutes at 400ºF. Discard any clams that do not open.
Serve with juices and sop juices with bread.

(4 servings)
This is the traditional dish of Switzerland and cooks so easily in the
Flavorwave Oven®.
• 2 large russet baking potatoes
• 1 medium yellow onion, chopped
• k cup melted butter
• k cup olive oil
• salt and pepper to taste
Microwave the potatoes for about 10 minutes or until not quite done and still a little hard. Cool in the refrigerator and shred with a large opening shredder.
Mix with the other ingredients and spread on a sheet of foil to a thickness of about j-inch. Place on the 3-inch rack and cook at 400ºF for 15 minutes or until the potatoes start to brown. Invert the potato cake and cook for another 15 minutes

Pizza cooks well in the Flavorwave Oven® if you like a soft crust. Place frozen pizzas on the 1-inch rack and cook for about 15 minutes or until the cheese is bubbling and slightly browned.
French Bread Pizza
Use French bread for a nice crispy crust.
• 1 loaf French bread, crusts removed and cut in half lengthwise
• Olive oil
Pizza sauce
• 6 ounces shredded mozzarella or Monterey Jack cheese
• 4 sliced fresh mushrooms
• 1 cup chopped onions
• 4 ounces canned sliced black olives
• 8 ounces Italian style sausage in tablespoon size chunks
• 2 ounces sliced pepperoni sausage
If the bread is too long for the rack, cut it to fit. Place the bread on the 1-inch rack and brush with oil. Spread on sauce, cheese, and other ingredients. Cook at 400ºF for about 15 minutes or until the cheese is melted and slightly browned. For a meatless pizza, omit the meats and add canned artichoke hearts, sliced bell peppers
and other vegetables you desire.

Boboli Pizza .
These crusts are available everywhere and make an acceptable pizza. Top with ingredients as for the French bread pizza and cook accordingly

Because the Flavorwave Oven® heats more intensely from the top than from the bottom, keep your desserts no more than 2-inches thick. For this reason, tarts cook beautifully.

Pear-Peach Tart
(4 servings)
• 1 sheet prepared puff pastry
• j cup plum jelly
• 1 ounce rum
• j cup sugar
• j cup crushed almonds
• 1 tablespoon sugar
• 1 can, 15 ounces, pear halves
• 1 can, 15 ounces, peach halves
Place the pastry in a 10-inch flan dish and set on the 3-inch rack. Cook for 10 minutes, turn pastry over and cook another 5 minutes. Meanwhile, mix the jelly and rum together. Blend the sugar, almonds, and flour together. Brush the pastry with j the jelly mixture and sprinkle with the almond mixture. Place the fruit in a
symmetrical pattern on the pastry and brush with jelly mixture. Cook at 400ºF for 10 minutes and serve.

Apple Tart.
• Refrigerator piecrust or home made crust
• 3 medium apples, peeled, cored and thinly sliced
• j cup sugar
• 2 tablespoons cinnamon or use apple pie spice
• j cup apple jelly
Place the crust in the bottom of a 10-inch tart pan or pie dish and cook on the 3-inch rack for 10 minutes. Meanwhile prepare the apples and toss with the spices and sugar. Lay the apples in concentric rings, overlapping on the piecrust. Cook at 400ºF on the 3-inch rack for 15 minutes. Brush with the jelly and serve hot or cold.
Dehydrator recipes
Apples - cut one large apple into k inch thick slices and place on the 1-inch rack.
Cook at 220ºF for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until dry but supple.

Berie Smith
Garlicky Mustard Chicken - Flavorwave Ovens .
• Prep Time: 5 mins
• Total Time: 13 mins
• Servings: 1
o 1 chicken breasts
o 3 large lemons, juice of
o 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
o 2 tablespoons garlic
o 1 teaspoon cajun seasoning
o 1 teaspoon thyme
o 1 teaspoon sage
o 1 teaspoon rosemary
1. Combine the above ingredients and marinate the chicken breast in it for 1-3 hours.
2. Toss on the NuWave rack and cook until tender and juicy. (About 6-8 minutes per side).

Breaded Italian Chicken Strips - Flavorwave Oven.
• Prep Time: 10 mins
• Total Time: 28 mins
• Servings: 2
About This Recipe
"Breaded Italian Chicken Strips for your Nu-Wave Oven/Flavorwave Oven."
o 6 -8 chicken strips ( Frozen)
o 2 eggs, slightly beaten and mixed with small amount of milk
o 1/2 cup cracker crumbs ( Crushed)
o 1/2 cup Italian breadcrumbs ( seasoned)
o 1 dash salt or 1 dash pepper, and or 1 dash garlic powder
1. Combine the cracker crumbs, bread crumbs and spices in a Ziploc bag. (add any spices you wish).
2. Dredge the frozen chicken strips in the egg/milk mixture and then drop into the ziploc with the cracker/spice mixture.
3. Shake well to coat the chicken strips.
4. Place chicken in a baking dish ( that will fit into the NuWave oven) that has been sprayed with Pam.
5. Set NuWave oven to cook for 9 minutes at power 9.
6. Turn chicken over and continue cooking for another 9 minutes.
7. The chicken will be very moist and tender, and it will also be browned to perfection!
8. Enjoy!

Barbecued Shrimp - Nuwave Oven
• Prep Time: 10 mins
• Total Time: 16 mins
• Servings: 45
About This Recipe
"Barbecued Shrimp for your Nu-Wave Oven"
o 3 lbs large shrimp, about 45, shelled, leaving the tails intact, butterflied, and deveined
o 2 cups spicy tomato base barbecue sauce
1. Insert a 10-inch bamboo skewer at the tail end of each shrimp and thread the shrimp onto it.
2. Brush the shrimp with the barbecue sauce and arrange them

Grilled Chicken Breast Stuffed W/Prosciutto & Basil - Nuwave .
• Prep Time: 10 mins
• Total Time: 26 mins
• Servings: 1
About This Recipe
"Recipes for your - Nuwave - Flavorwave Ovens."
o 2 slices prosciutto
o 1 teaspoon coarse grain mustard
o 8 fresh basil leaves
o 1/4 cup mozzarella cheese ( grated)
o 1 whole boneless skinless chicken breasts, halved ( about 1 pound)
1. On a work surface spread prosciutto slices evenly with mustard.
2. Top slices with basil leaves and sprinkle evenly with mozzarella.
3. Starting with a short end roll up each prosciutto slice.
4. Pat chicken dry and put on a work surface, skinned sides down.
5. Remove "tender" (fillet strip located on either side of where breast bone was) from each breast half, keeping rest of chicken breast intact, and reserve tenders for another use. (There should be 1 tender from each breast half.).
6. To form a long thin pocket in chicken for prosciutto roll: Put chicken breast halves on cutting board and, beginning at thicker end of breast half, horizontally insert a thin sharp knife three fourths of the way through center of each.
7. Open cut to create a 1-inch-wide pocket in each half.
8. Fit a prosciutto roll into each pocket and season chicken with salt and pepper.
9. Grill chicken on a 4" rack on Nuwave oven until cooked through, about 8 minutes on each side.

Asian Pork Chops and Baby Bok Choy - Nuwave - Flavorwave Ovens .
• Prep Time: 20 mins
• Total Time: 38 mins
• Servings: 4
About This Recipe
"Recipes for Nuwave - Flavorwave Ovens."
o 1/3 cup black bean garlic sauce
o 3 large garlic cloves, minced
o 1 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce
o 1 1/2 tablespoons oriental sesame oil
o 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
o 1 tablespoon finely chopped peeled fresh ginger
o 4 boneless center cut pork chops ( about 8 ounces each)
o 4 baby bok choy, halved lengthwise
o 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
o 4 lime wedges
1. Whisk together black bean sauce, garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, lime juice, and ginger in shallow dish.
2. Set 2 tablespoons marinade aside.
3. Add pork to remaining marinade; let stand 20 minutes.
4. Remove pork from marinade; brush cut side of bok choy with reserved 2 tablespoons marinade.
5. Place pork on 4" rack and cook on HI for about 8~10 minutes per side.
6. Grill bok choy until softened, about 8~10 minutes total.
7. Divide pork and bok choy among 4 plates.
8. Sprinkle with cilantro, garnish with lime wedges, and serve.

Flatbread Pizzas With Olives, Feta and Artichokes - Nuwave/Flavo.
• Prep Time: 7 mins
• Total Time: 14 mins
• Servings: 2
About This Recipe
"Recipes for your Nuwave/Flavorwave Ovens"
o 2 (6 inch) whole wheat pita bread, cut horizontally in half or 1 soft armenian lavash bread, 24x9-inch, halved crosswise
o 1 (6 1/2 ounce) jars marinated artichoke hearts, drained, marinade reserved, large pieces halved
o 1 (6 1/2 ounce) jars marinated artichoke hearts, drained, marinade reserved, large pieces halved
o 1 (5 ounce) containers feta cheese with dried basil and tomato or 1 1/2 cups crumbled flavored feta cheese
o 1 (14 1/2 ounce) cans Italian-style diced tomatoes, drained well
o 1 cup pitted kalamata olives or 1 cup other brine-cured black olives, coarsely chopped
o 2 teaspoons dried oregano
1. Place breads on 4" rack.
2. Brush breads with some of artichoke marinade.
3. On HI, bake until just beginning to color, about 3 minutes.
4. Cool 5 minutes.
5. Spread breads almost to edges with feta spread or sprinkle with crumbled feta cheese.
6. Top with tomatoes, olives, oregano and artichokes.
7. Drizzle with remaining artichoke marinade.
8. On level HI, bake pizzas until heated through, about 4 minutes.
9. Cut into wedges.

Florentine-Style Porterhouse Steaks - Nuwave/Flavorwave Ovens .
• Prep Time: 5 mins
• Total Time: 14 mins
• Servings: 4
About This Recipe
"Recipes for your Nuwave/Flavorwave Ovens."
o 1 (2 1/2 lb) porterhouse steaks ( 2-inch-thick)
o 1 teaspoon salt, plus additional for sprinkling ( preferably sea salt)
o 1 tablespoon olive oil, for drizzling
1. Accompaniment: lemon wedges.
2. Pat steaks dry and rub all over with 1 teaspoon salt.
3. To cook steaks use 4" grill.
4. On HI, bake for about 9 minutes per side (on HI) .
5. To serve steaks:.
6. Transfer steaks to a cutting board and let stand, uncovered, 10 minutes. (Internal temperature will rise to at least 135°F while steaks stand.)
7. Cut each section of meat off bone, then slice each piece crosswise against the grain and arrange slices on a platter.
8. Sprinkle lightly with salt and drizzle with oil.
9. Makes 4 servings.

."Seasoning for meats for your Nuwave - Flavorwave.".
o 1 cup salt.
o 1 1/2 cups sugar
o 2/3 cup lemon peel
o 1/3 cup black pepper
o 1/3 cup Adolph's meat tenderizer
o 1/2 cup paprika ( or to taste)
1. Season for pork chops, hamburgers, small steaks, do not use on ham unless you change the amount of salt. Some people may like to use less sugar.
Converts electrical energy into intense heat. Seals juices and enhances natural flavor. Twice the flavor in half the time. Moves air around speeding up cooking time and cooks food evenly from all sides.
The Flavorwave Oven® miracle is a breakthrough that turbo cooks all your favorite foods up to three times faster, with no added fat or your money back.
You can even cook frozen solid foods right out of the freezer! Cook mouth watering turkey in 20 minutes rather than 90 minutes, cook Lasagna in 15 minutes instead of an hour, and you can even bake delicious cinnamon buns in just minutes. Whether your food is fresh or frozen, you can bake, broil, roast, toast, sear, brown, barbecue, steam, reheat, and more, faster than ever before.
The Flavorwave Oven® secret is the combined use of halogen heat, infrared waves, and convection cooking, so food is cooked faster and juicier. Fats and oils are removed and food is always cooked to perfection. With Flavorwave Oven® cooking, you could lose weight while enjoying all your favorite foods.
Best of all, Flavorwave Oven® clean up is a breeze - Add warm water, a bit of detergent and set it to self-clean or simply place in the dish washer. Either way your job is done.
Set it to cook and your off the hook! Juicy vegetables, mouth-watering steaks, savory chicken and grilled seafood have never been easier and tastier. Plus it’s perfect for Christmas time when you need the extra oven space just take it your friends or relatives!

The FlavorWave Turbo Oven is essentially a counter top convection oven that uses less energy than your regular oven, and cooks with an evenly dispersed air flow.

Convection is a more professional way of cooking because the movement of air within the oven cavity has several benefits. It cooks the product more evenly and thus has a more consistent coloring to it. The air circulation also speeds up the cooking process because the air around your product is constantly working and penetrating the item. Most convection ovens can be used at lower temperatures since the fan rotates the heat within the cavity. This means that your product will likely respond better to more temperate conditions that make for more moist and tender results.

Now most convection ovens look exactly like a regular oven with fan controls and modified heating elements. With these however, you are still looking at replacing a major appliance, but not with the Flavorwave.

The Flavorwave Turbo Oven is a countertop appliance that uses a standard grounded electrical outlet, just like your kettle or toaster. It is the simplest thing to operate because there are only two dials. One for temperature and one for a timer that includes a buzzer. The controls are on the lid as well as the heating element and fan. This is a rather clever design because it makes for really easy cleaning because the lid sits on a 12 litre volume glass bowl. So no matter what you cook, be it ribs, roast chicken, or anything else that normally requires some extra cleaning, the Flavor Wave Oven glass bowl just goes right in the sink for an easy never-stick wash. I love that part about this kitchen tool.

The 12 liter glass container can hold flat items like steaks, fish or chicken easily, and you can even do two layers using the included circular racks that allow for air flow between them. For bigger items though like a Roast turkey breast or a sirloin roast perhaps I find the cavity gets a little cramped and the meat is too close to the heating elements underneath lid. They will scorch if you don’t turn them over.

That is where this extender ring comes in, which I highly recommend as an add-on if you are buying the Turbo Wave oven. With this sitting on the glass container you then place the led on the extender ring and will now have room for a medium size turkey! Imagine having a turkey ready in about 60 minutes, perfectly brown, juicy and tender! Yeah, I am not kidding, because I have done it before.

Now this is one of those products launched with an infomercial and during that commercial they consistently said you can throw your frozen meat right in this and it will still come out fantastic. Well, that is kind of misleading, because cooking a product directly from frozen will NEVER be optimum and you will always sacrifice some moisture, color and flavor in the final product. That being said, you CAN do it, and I have totally done this myself too in particular with frozen steaks I cut at Costco.

The Flavorwave will handle frozen products better than anything else because everything is just so intense in that small cooking cavity. What I might suggest when cooking a chunk of meat from frozen is to have a sauce or gravy ready to go with it, not just for more flavor but to cover up the greyish exterior that is kind of inevitable when cooking from frozen. I also remember dousing my steaks with Montreal steak spice too, and that really helped.

Chicken and Jalapeno Quesadillas.
4 jalapeno-cilantro tortillas
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 1/2 cups mexican cheese (shredded)
1 1/2 cups roasted deli chicken (shredded)
1/4 cup fresh cilantro (chopped)
1. Brush 2 tortillas with oil.
2. Place tortillas, oil side down, on baking sheet.
3. Sprinkle each with 1/4 of cheese, half of chicken, half of cilantro, and 1/4 of cheese, leaving 3/4-inch border.
4. Top each with 1 tortilla, pressing to adhere; brush top with oil.
5. Bake quesadillas until filling is heated through and edges begin to crisp, about 2~3 minutes.
6. Using large metal spatula, turn each over and bake until bottom is crisp, about 1~2 minutes.
7. Transfer quesadillas to plates. Cut into wedges and serve.

Garlic Chicken with Vegetables .
I think this is my all time favorite!
Ingredients (for 4 persons)
4 chicken breasts
poultry seasoning
2 spoons of olive oil
1 zucchini
1 red paprika
1 lb of small potato pieces / or pasta
about 8 pieces of garlic (dependable on how much you love garlic)
2 onions
1 red pepper
3 cups of lentils
1. In a baking pan: place chicken seasoned with the poultry seasoning. (make cuts in the chicken breasts and add a mix of sliced garlic with olive oil in them)
2. Slice the vegetables and put them in a separate bowl with the rest of the olive oil.
3. Bake the chicken only for the first 15 minutes.
4. Add the vegetables and bake on HI for 30 minutes.
(I add the veggies in a later stadium because I like them to be undercooked. )

Breaded Lemon Pepper Chicken With Roasted Asparagus .
Flavor Wave Recipe
* 4 frozen boneless skinless chicken breast halves
* 1/2 cup crushed cracker crumb
* 2 medium lemons
* 1 dash fresh ground pepper
* 1 dash salt
* 1 bunch fresh asparagus
* 1 tablespoon oil
* Clean & prepare the asparagus, place them in a bowl and pour oil or melted butter on top, sprinkle with salt and toss, set aside.
* Zest both lemons and mix the zest with the cracker crumbs.
* Cut the lemons in half.
* Place the frozen chicken breasts on the rack.
* Squeeze one lemon half over the top of all the chicken breasts.
* Sprinkle with salt.
* Cover the top of each chicken breast with about a 1/4 inch layer of cracker crumbs, press down.
* Squeeze another lemon half over the crumbs then add freshly ground pepper (you can add as much or little as you like).
* Heat on high for 15 minutes or until the crumbs begin to brown (add more time if necessary).
*Turn chicken breasts over and repeat steps 3-7.
* Add the asparagus to the bottom platter, replace the chicken on the rack over the asparagus.
* Cook on high for another 15 minutes or until the crumbs are browned and the asparagus is done.

Pork Chops and Baby Bok Choy .
Flavor Wave Recipe
* 1/3 cup black bean garlic sauce
* 3 large garlic cloves, minced
* 1 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce
* 1 1/2 tablespoons oriental sesame oil
* 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
* 1 tablespoon finely chopped peeled fresh ginger
* 4 boneless center cut pork chops (about 8 ounces each)
* 4 baby bok choy, halved lengthwise
* 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
* 4 lime wedges
* Whisk together black bean sauce, soy sauce, garlic, sesame oil, lime juice, and ginger in shallow dish.
* Set 2 tablespoons marinade aside.
* Add pork to remaining marinade; let stand 20 minutes.
* Remove pork from marinade; brush cut side of bok choy with reserved 2 tablespoons marinade.
* Place pork on 4" rack and cook on HI for about 8~10 minutes per side.
* Grill bok choy until softened, about 8~10 minutes total.
* Divide pork and bok choy among 4 plates.
* Sprinkle with cilantro, garnish with lime wedges, and serve.

Lasagna Recipe .
* 12 uncooked lasagna noodles
* 1 pound lean ground beef
* 2 eggs
2 cups Parmesan cheese
2 cups Mozzarella cheese
* 2 cups Ricotta cheese
* 1/2 cup chopped onion
* 8 ounces mushrooms
* 1 package frozen spinach, thawed and squeezed dry
* 1 jar spaghetti sauce
* 5 garlic cloves
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 teaspoon parsley, crumbled
* 1/2 teaspoon basil, crumbled
1. Grease a 9x13 inch baking dish.
2. Combine the eggs, beef, 3/4 of the cheese, onions, mushrooms, garlic, herbs and spinach
3. In prepared dish layer the lasgna noodles
4. cheese mixture, spinach, mushrooms. Repeat layers with remaining ingredients, ending with cheese.
5. Place in Flavor Wave covered, on Hi heat for 15 minutes. Uncover and cook an additional 15 minutes on high.

English Muffins
Bread Machine/Nuwave/Flavorwave Oven Recipe

by Wendy Jarvis .
These are light and airy just like their counter parts. When cooked in the Nuwave/Flavorwave ovens, muffins will be "puffy". I make these every week and freeze them. They are wonderful! This is a converted recipe from Dustbunni, and a recipe she found on the internet. This is what she had to say about them: When I landed on this recipe while surfing the web, I had to try it. I'm so glad it did. They are delicious. Tip I: The dough should be soft but not sticky. It took me two attempts to get that just right. Tip II: I posted the recipe as written. After, several batches, I don't press the dough into a rectangle anymore. I divide it into eight equal pieces and pat each piece into a 1/2" thick round. Then, turn each round in dish of cornmeal. . There are a lot of really good reviews on this one. I converted it to be used in the Nuwave/Flavorwave Ovens. Enjoy!
Avg. 4.8/5 2 votes
Prep time: 3 minutes AMERICAN
Cook time: 7 minutes Servings: 12
• 1 cup milk
• 3 tablespoons butter
• 1 egg
• 1/2 teaspoon salt • 2 teaspoons sugar
• 3 cups all-purpose flour (or more)
• 1 1/2 teaspoons dry yeast
• 1/4 cup cornmeal, to dust on bottom of muffins
1. Start the dough cycle.
2. When the cycle is finished.
3. Sprinkle corn meal over your work area.
4. Use your hands to pat the dough into a 1/2 inch thick.
5. Turn the dough so that each side gets lightly coated with cornmeal.
6. Cut into 10 to 12 rounds.
7. An empty large tuna can works well When you run out of dough gather up the trimmings and cut more rounds. (I use a large mouth drinking glass).
8. Place the rounds on a baking sheet, cover and let rise for 20- 30 minutes--until not quite double.
9. (Nuwave/Flavorwave Directions) - Once dough as risen, place in Nuwave/Flavorwave in round pan. Set the timer for 8 min on * 8 for temp or 80 % heat *. For theses you do no want to use hi heat, as they will brown to fast and will burn.
10. 10Note: they will come out "puffy". I have left in traditional cooking if you want them "flatter". Either way they come out wonderful!
11. Cook on Medium heat for 7 minutes on each side. (Spray pan round with pam) This will give the flat look for the English muffins.
12. Cook the muffins about 5 to 7 minutes on each side.
13. They should be golden brown when you turn them.
14. Split the muffins with a fork or serrated knife and serve warm.
15. These freeze well and can be reheated in the microwave or toasted.
16. Note: these will be "puffy" if made in the nuwave/flavorwave ovens.
Helena Kruger .

Frieda Greyling
1 en n 3 kwart kop koekmeel
2 eiers
Halwe kop botter
3 kwart kop suiker
3 kwart teelepel koeksoda met water aangemaak
2 t bakpoeier
3 fyn gemaakte piesangs
Room botter en suiker, voeg eiers by
Roer droe bestanddele in
Roer piesangs in en soda
Gooi in gesmeerde koekpan en gooi die suikermengsel oor
2 tot 3 eetlepels suiker
1 en n halwe teelepel fyn kaneel
Half kop fyn gekapte neute
Bak 25 min tot goudbruin*

Maré Nieuwoudt
Healthy Lamb Biryani .
Forget Takeaways -make your own healthier and tastier versions of your favourite dishes. You can make the lamb mixture in advance and just cook the rice when you are ready to assemble.
Olive oil spray
450g lean lamb, cubed (if you are really health conscious, you could swap lamb for Quorn)
1 red onion, diced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cardamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
2-3 teaspoon curry powder
1 chilli, chopped (optional)
350ml plan 0% fat Greek yoghurt
150ml lamb stock
4 tomatoes, diced
250g brown basmati rice
Toasted almonds to sprinkle
1. In a saute pan over a medium/high heat, add a spray of oil and heat until hot. Add the lamb, onion and garlic and cook until the lamb starts to brown and the onion starts to sotfen.
2. Add the spices and cook for a couple minutes before adding the yogurt, stock and tomatoes. Combine, well and gently cook on a low heat for 10 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, cook your rice as directed by the manufacturer. I normally add 1 1/2 water to rice, bring to the boil and leave simmering for a couple of minutes before popping a lid on and removing completely from heat. Leave to stand for 10-20 minutes. Fluff up using a fork.
4. Place a layer of rice in the bottom of your ovenproof dish (make sure your dish fits in your halogen!). Follow this with a layer of the lamb mixture. Continue layering until you have used up all the ingredients. Pour over 150ml water.
5. Cover with foil and place in the halogen oven on the low rack. Cook at 180c for 15-20 minutes.
6. Garnish with toasted almonds before serving.
This lovely recipe can be found amongst many others in my newest book ‘Halogen One Pot Cooking *

Maré Nieuwoudt
Baked Garlic Butter Prawns .
Such a simple dish, but if you like prawns you will become addicted to this recipe!
200g butter
1 tbsp olive oil
3-4 cloves garlic, crushed
zest and juice of one lemon
small handful of flat leaf parsley, freshly chopped
Black pepper
750g orawns
Extra flat leaf parsley to garnish
Prep time: 5-10 minutes, Cooking Time: 12 minutes
1. Place the butter and olive oil in an oven proof dish and add the garlic.
2. Place in the halogen on the low rack and set the temperature to 250c. Once the butter starts to melt remove immediately -do not walk away as this only takes a minute.
3. Stir in the lemon zest, juice and parsley. Season to taste with black pepper.
4. Place the prawns in a dish with the butter. Toss gently to ensure they are all coated.
5. Cover with a lid or double layer of tinfoil. Place back in the halogen and cook at 190c for 10 minutes or until the prawns are cooked to your taste (cooking time depends on size and type of prawns used)
6. Serve with a garnish of parsley
This recipe can be found in my latest book ‘Halogen One Pot Cooking‘

Maré Nieuwoudt
Raspberry and Passion Fruit Pavlova .
I adore pavlova. You can use the fruit i suggest here, or use your own variations. I saw Nigella use passion fruit in her pavlova and it looked so gorgeous I just had to give it a try -now it has become a family favourite!
8 egg whites
300g caster sugar
1 tablespoon cornflour
3 teaspoons vinegar
500ml double cream
350g fresh raspberries
2-3 passion fruit
1. In a clean bowl, whip the egg whites until they form soft peaks. Add the sugar, a little at a time, and continue to beat until the egg whites stiffen.
2. Again, I have followed Nigella’s recommendation: carefully fold the in the cornflour and vinegar. It really does make a much chewier meringue -once converted you will never change this!
3. Place a piece of baking parchment on a browning tray. Leaving a gap of about 10-15mm all around the edge of the tray, place thick dollops of the meringue into the centre to form a thick circle. Smooth where needed, especially around the edges.
4. Preheat the halogen oven using the preheat setting or set the temperature to 200'c
5. Place the meringue on the low rack and immediately turn down to135'c-150'c depending on your machine. (Digital will only let you choose 125'c or 150'c and ideally you need somewhere in the middle, but keep an eye on things and remove earlier)
6. Bake for 1-1.5 hours until cooked. Remove and cool. You can place the meringue in an airtight container and store until needed or decorate once cool.
There are lots more baking ideas i my book ‘Perfect Baking With Your Halogen Oven‘

Halogen oven - bespreking .
Dalene Brits
Het myne nog nier lank nie maar hier is wat ek doen. Vryf die speserye goed in en plaas in baksakkie. (Ek gebruik 'Spicy Chicken' van Knorr.) Jy kan ook jou eie speserye gebruik. Dan druk ek 'chicken' op my oondjie, en die hitte wat dan verskyn is 230 vir 15 min. Daarna draai ek die hoender om en stel dit weer vir 30 min. Mens kan dit beslis sonder die baksakkie doen net in 'n glasbak wat pas, bo-op die draadrakkie. Ons is 3 persone en ek maak ook heel hoender so gaar. Ek gebruik die extension sodat die hoender nie te gou bruin word voordat dit gaar is nie. Toets maar na 'n tyd. Sny dan jou aartappels in wiggies en mikkrogolg hulle gou met sout in die water. Pak dan die aartappels in 'n glasbak en strooi gerookte paprika daaroor. My oondjie wys 190 vir 15 min. Ek gebruik hitte 200 en draai dan die aaratppels om na 15 min. Toets ook maar. Sterkte en lekker eet vanaand!
Frieda Greyling
Ek sit my hoender net so op die rakkie bo , ek "grill" myne van die begin af en smeer my sousie met n kwas kort kort bo op.
My aartappels prik ek met n vurk,in n Spar sak so 8min op 100% in mikrogolf, dan sny ek dit in kwarte, nie helemal deur nie, sout en peper en klontjie botter op onderste rak as hoender amper gaar is, my mense hou van n pasta sous oor die aartappels
Ek marineer my hoender oornag , hou nie daarvan om hoender so gevries gaar te maak nie. Steak het ek al gevries ingesit.
Marthie Gordon
Ek maak ook Tenderrise Steak in hom gaar..maar ek marineer eers die steak..die royco se garlic..en sit om op 180 grade vir so 30min...draai ek weer die steak om vir so 10min dis so sag..ek bak glad nie meer die steak in die gewone oond nie!

Ronel Snyman
Butttermilk Sjokolade Koek.
1 1/2 koppies strooisuiker.
2koppies koekmeel,
1/2koppie cacao
1tlp koeksoda,
1 1/2 tlp bakpoeier,
1 1/2 koppie karringmelk,
3 eiers
1/2 koppie Olie
Sif al die droe bestanddelde saam meng die melk eiers en olie saam en voeg by meelmengsel!
Skep in 'n ringpan en bak vir 55 min op 180C Ek het myne na 40 minute uitgehaal was toe reg!!
375ml versiersuiker
1tlp caramel essence,
1 eetlp cacao en meng met karringmelk tot "fluffy"

Frieda Greyling
Sponskoek: .
1. Klits 1 en n halwe kop suiker en 4 eiers vir 10 min.
2. sif 2 kop meel , 4 t bakpoeier
3. Smelt 125g stork , 1 kop melk, 1 t vanilla
Meng no 1 en 2 na 10 min.
Kook no 3 en roer by
Ek het die helfte van die resep aangemaak om vandag te toets. Bak 25 min by 180 grade op onderste rak.

Henda Venter
Saterdag se "braaivleis pastei.
in my Halogeen oondjie gemaak.
Die vulsel was gemaak van afval braaivleis fyn gesny met, gesnyde mushrooms, uie, greenpepper,seldery, knoffel en aartappel en wortel in klein blokkies gesny (dis bietjie in olyf olie gebraai) alles gemeng met "Cook in Sauce" jou keuse. Blaardeeg bo-op, gesmeer met eier. In Halogeen gebak vir 30minute op 180 grade C. Dis voorgesit met groen slaai.

Sonja Young
Mel and Mal's Whisked Chocolate Sponge

4 whole eggs
150g vanilla caster sugar
100g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
50g good quality cocoa powder
240g of dark chocolate, melted in the microwave
500ml double cream
2tsp vanilla extract
4 tbsp of homemade jam
This cake is a choc-a-holics dream! I
If you want a really light version of a chocolate cake, then this is the one to try out. Really give this some good whisking as it is the air that gives its lightness
Serves : 8 Prep/Cooking Time : 1hr
Tip : You can do this in the Halogen Oven, just pop it on the bottom rack and cook at 175°C for 40 minutes
Make the Cake Mix
Preheat the oven to 180°C
Cream the butter and the sugar together using a handheld electric whisk, until the mixture is pale and fluffy.
Now beat in the eggs and beat for a good 5 minutes until very light in colour, then slowly incorporate the melted chocolate into the mixture
Sift the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder together then add to the wet ingredients, folding gently to allow plenty of air into the mixture
Split the Mixture and Bake
Lightly butter 2 x 7" sandwich moulds, line with greaseproof paper, then pour the mixture in equal quantities, ensuring the tops are flat
Bake in the middle shelf of the oven for around 40 mins or until the sponge springs back when touched or push a skewer into the cake gently - if it comes out clean, the cake is done
Remove from the oven and place on a cooling rack for 10 minutes. Remove from the tins and allow the cakes to go completely cold before adding the filling
Fill & Decorate
In the meantime, whisk the double cream, add the vanilla extract and mix well.
Put the jam over the top of one of the cakes, put the cream on top, then pop the other cake on top of all that*

Sonja Young
8 Premium Pork sausages (or beef if you prefer)
Vegetable oil for frying
2 onions, thinly sliced
3 cloves garlic, sliced
25ml single cream
500g Maris Piper potatoes, peeled and quartered
1tsp English mustard
20g butter
sea salt and freshly milled black pepperAn all time British classic - you can vary the sort of sausages you use - there are some fantastic flavours to choose from in most supermarkets. Or if you prefer veggie sausages, just substitute these in.
Cooking in the halogen means that fats from the sausages run away but still leave the meat moist and succulent.
Serves : 4 Prep/Cooking Time : 50 mins
Place the sausages on the high cooking rac and brush with a little of the vegetable oil, then grill in the oven at 220°C for 15 minutes
Meanwhile, boil the potatoes in a Large Saucepan with boiling salted water until soft
Place the the sliced onions and garlic in a small frying pan and cook until caramelised over a gentle heat.
When the sausages are golden brown remove from the oven and reserve
Blitz the onion and garlic in a food processor and add to the mash potato along with the cream, butter and mustard and mash well together.
Season to taste with the salt and pepper
Serve with the sausages

Sonja Young
using the Halogen Oven
400g prime Scottish beef mince or similar
2tbsp olive oil
1 large white onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 tbsps worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp dried oregano
2 tbsp of beef boullion concentrate
1 tin of Italian tomatoes
1/2 yellow & 1/2 red pepper,deseeded and cut into strips
3 carrots, peeled and chopped
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 can condensed tomato soup
50ml red wine
1 bay leaf
75g mushrooms, halved
Sea salt and ground pepper to taste
For the topping:
3 large Maris Piper potatoes, quartered
50g butter
25ml milk or cream
25g grated cheese (optional)
Although the majority of the dish is prepared in the conventional way, you can still use the halogen to finish it off.
This is a dish that can be eaten all year round but this is the luxurious version of Shepherds Pie, so don't be afraid to serve this at your dinner parties or while you are on holiday at the caravan - don't forget that you can take your mobile Halogen Oven anywhere!
Serves : 6 Prep/Cooking Time : 2 hrs 45 mins
Cook the Meat
In a heavy based saucepan or casserole dish, add the olive oil and heat until hot.
Add the mince and sear on a med/high heat, turning frequently and continue to cook for 20 mins until browned.
Add the onions and continue to cook for a further 10 mins until onions have softened, on a low heat. Add the carrots, bayleaf and garlic and cook for 3 mins.
Add the Worcestershire sauce, balsamic and red wine and cook over a med heat for 4 mins.
Add all the rest of the ingredients, cover and leave to simmer for an hour on a low heat.
For the Topping
Place the potatoes in a pan of boiling salted water and boil until just softened.
Drain off the water, return to same pan and put over a low heat to absorb any surplus liquid taking care not to "catch" the potatoes on the bottom of the pan.
Pass the potatoes through a ricer, into a large bowl, add the butter and the milk and using an electric hand whisk, blitz until smooth.
Season to taste
To Finish
Spoon the meat into a serving dish, smooth the potatoes over the top, crimp with a fork, add grated cheese to the top and place in the Halogen Oven on the lower rack for at 220°C for about 30 mins until golden brown

Sonja Young

150g unsalted butter
75g cocoa powder
75g chopped walnuts
150g golden caster sugar
2 medium eggs
50g plain flour, sifted
50g grated milk chocolate
I have never seen cakes go as fast as these do in our house! That squidgy middle and crispy outer is just heaven!
Perfect as a serve-alone cake or delicious warm as a dessert with cream or custard
Serves : 10 Prep/Cooking Time : 50 mins
Make the Chocolate Mix
Preheat the oven to 180°C
Melt one third of the butter in a heavy based pan and gradually stir in the cocoa powder and set aside
Cream the remaining butter and the caster sugar until pale in colour and then beat in the eggs, one at a time
Fold in the sieved flour with the chopped walnuts
Add the chocolate mixture and mix well
Bake, Cool & Serve
Spoon the mixture into a square or oblong baking sheet and smooth over the surface and bake in the Halogen Oven at 180°C for 25-30 minutes
Cool in the tin for 10 mins and then turn out on a flat surface and slice into squares
Sprinkle over with the grated chocolate

Sonja Young

For the cake
2 large ripe bananas, mashed, using a fork
175ml sunflower oil
150g soft dark brown sugar
4 large eggs, lightly beaten
125g carrots, grated
115g sultanas
115g walnuts, bashed into pieces using a
rolling pin
Zest of 2 oranges
Juice of 1 orange
1 rounded tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 rounded tsp ground cinnamon
300g plain flour
For the icing
150g Philadelphia cream cheese
100g icing sugar, sifted
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
A deliciously moist cake that everyone will love! The combination of the carrot and banana gives the cake a wonderful texture and sweetness
Serves : 8 Prep/Cooking Time : 1 hr 35 mins
Mix & Mash
Take a square loose bottom square cake pan and grease with butter and line
with baking parchment and put aside.
Place the mashed banana, oil, sugar, eggs, carrots, sultanas, walnuts and the
juice and zest of the orange into a large mixing bowl and bring together with a
wooden spoon.
Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder and cinnamon on top of the wet ingredients and beat in, using an electric hand beater until smooth.
Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and place into the Halogen Oven on the
lower rack and cook for 35 minutes at 180°C.
Slow Cook
Turn the heat down to 160ºC and continue to bake for a further 30-40
minutes or until the cake is cooked through. Test by inserting a metal
skewer and if it comes out clean then the cake is done.
Leave to cool slightly in the tin for about 6-10 minutes then turn out onto a cooling rack and allow to cool completely.
Icing Filling
For the icing, beat all the ingredients in a bowl with a wooden spoon and pipe over the cake.

Sonja Young

Who can resist fries? These are made using spray oil so you can cut down on the amount of fat, making it a guilt-free indulgence. (I pour olive oil in a disused spray container since it’s cheaper than buying store-bought spray oils.)
Serves 4
3–4 large potatoes,
sliced into fries
Olive oil spray
(or other nonstick
cooking spray)
Paprika (optional)
Sea salt
Preheat the halogen oven using the preheat setting,
or set the temperature to 425°F.
• Put the potatoe slices in a bowl of water for a few
minutes. Drain, then steam or boil for 5 minutes.
• Meanwhile, spray the baking sheet with olive oil. (I
use the browning tray for this because it helps to
brown the fries all over.) Drain the potatoes and put
them on the baking sheet in a single layer. Spray with
a little more olive oil and sprinkle with paprika (this
is optional but it helps to create a golden color and
nice flavor).
• Put on the low rack and bake for 10–15 minutes, then
turn the fries over, spray them again and bake for
another 10–15 minutes, or until they are cooked. The
cooking times depend on the thickness of the fries.
• To serve, sprinkle with sea salt.

Sonja Young
This is my mum’s recipe. Now we have grown up and flown the nest, Mum and Dad have had to adapt to cooking for two instead of four. This meal is made from the leftovers of Mum’s Sunday roast, so they usually tuck into it early in the week.
Drizzle or spray of olive oil
1 onion, chopped
2 sticks of celery, chopped
75g mushrooms, quartered
200–300g cooked chicken, removed from the bone
100g cooked ham (optional)
1 can of chicken or mushroom condensed soup
Half a pack of readymade puff pastry
•Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion. Add the celery, mushrooms, cooked chicken and ham if you are using it. Cook for 3–4 minutes.
•Add the soup and heat for a further 3 minutes.
•Place the mixture in an ovenproof pie dish, first making sure it fits in your halogen oven.
•Roll out the pastry to a size larger than required. Wet the edges of the pie dish with milk or water. Cut thin strips of pastry and place them around the edge of the pie dish. Dampen again with milk. This will givethe top pastry something to hold on to. Cut the top pastry to size and place over the pie. Crimp and sealthe edges thoroughly.
•Place on the low rack and set the temperature to 200ºC. Cook for 20–30 minutes until the pie crust is golden.

Sonja Young
This recipe is from The Everyday Halogen Cookbook by Sarah Flower
A lovely lamb casserole with a small kick to liven things up. This is a great dish to enjoy al-fresco at Spring time. Even if the weather isn’t that Spring-like at the moment the flavours are, so I hope you enjoy it even if you’re stuck
A drizzle or spray of olive oil
1 onion, chopped
2–3 cloves of garlic, crushed
400g lamb, diced
3 teaspoons harissa paste or hot chilli paste
2 teaspoons cinnamon powder
200ml red wine
1 tin chopped tomatoes
300-400ml hot water or stock
1 tin chickpeas, drained
75g dried apricots, chopped
Fresh coriander leaves to garnish
• Heat the oil in a sauté or frying pan and cook the onion, garlic and lamb for 2–3 minutes.
• Add the harissa paste and stir well for 2 minutes.
• Turn the halogen oven to 200ºC. Select your casserole dish, making sure it fits comfortably in your oven.
• Place the lamb mixture in the casserole dish. Add all the remaining ingredients and combine well. Pop on the casserole lid or cover securely with tin foil.
• Place on the low rack and cook for 50 minutes.
• Serve, garnished with coriander leaves...

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