Tuesday 12 March 2013


The two easiest methods of testing for setting are  the ‘flake’ test and the ‘cold saucer’ test.  Always remove the pan from the heat when testing for set.

The flake test:
Dip a clean wooden spoon into the jam.  Hold the spoon over the pan and twist it to cool the jam, then allow the cooling jam to drop from the edge of the spoon.  If the drops of jam run together and form ‘flakes’ which hang on the edge of the spoon and then run away cleanly, setting point has been reached.

The cold saucer test:
Put one teaspoon of jam on a cold saucer, allow to cool for 1 minute, then push the surface gently with your finger tip.  If the surface wrinkles, setting point has been reached.

Using a sugar thermometer:
Stir the jam and then remove it from the heat.  Dip the thermometer in hot water, then submorege the bulb fully in the jam.  If the thermometer registers 105 oC / 220 oF the jam is then ready.

You can sterilise jam jars in the microwave. Quarter fill the jam jar with cold water, put the lid on, shake the water around the jar, then remove lid and empty almost all of the water out. Microwave  for 1 minute. Everywhere the water has touched will be brought to boiling point and sterilised. Pour out the water, take care as the jar will be hot, and use for jams etc****wartimehousewife*
*Lekker Resepte vir die Jongergeslag*

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