Monday 20 May 2013



(Gordon Ramsay)

400ml double cream;
180ml milk;
2 large lemongrass stalks, split & slightly crushed;
6 free-range egg yolks;
75g caster sugar
Demerara sugar for the topping.

1) Scald the cream & milk in a large saucepan, then add the lemongrass stalks, pressing them down in the liquid to extract as much flavour as possible. Allow to cool, then remove the stalks.
2) Beat egg yolks in a large heatproof bowl set on a damp cloth to hold it steady. Scald (heat to near boiling point) the creamy milk again & when it is on the point of boiling, whisk it into the yolks in 'slurps', beating well.
3) Return mixture to the pan, pouring through a fine sieve. Beat in the sugar. On the lowest heat possible, stir the liquid with a wooden spoon until it starts to coat the back of the spoon. Remove from heat immediately & pour into 8 small ramekins or heatproof cups.
4) Heat oven to 140dC. Place ramekins in a roasting tray or high-sided ovenproof dish, pour in enough warm water to reach halfway up the sides of the ramekins & bake for 1hour until mixture becomes slightly set. Remove, cool & chill until firm.
5) When you are ready to serve, sprinkle the ramekins evenly with demerara sugar & caramelise it with a hand-held blowtorch or under a hot grill.
Geplaas deur: Moira Botha Dyer

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