Monday 20 May 2013


Fried rabbit
1 rabbit, cut into chunks

200ml buttermilk
100g plain flour, or as needed
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
oil for frying

Get yourself two bowls big enough to dip your cuts of meat into. In one bowl you want your buttermilk (if you don’t have buttermilk you can use milk mixed with 1 egg) and in the other you want your flour and spices, well mixed of course.

Dip your rabbit meat into the milk, then roll it around in the flour. Make sure you cover it well! Leave the meat in the fridge for about 7-8 hours to allow for it dry into the rabbit.

Heat a pan of cooking oil and fry the rabbit. It’ll take about 25 minutes for the meat to brown off to a lovely golden color. Remove the rabbit and let it drain on a sheet of kitchen paper. Once it's free of oil, it's ready to serve and enjoy

>>NoteThe preparation time can be about 5 minutes if you don't leave the mixture to soak in. It'll mean your rabbit is less crispy and tasty though!*all recipes*Helena Kruger 20/5/13

Lekker resepte vir die jongergeslag

RABBIT CACCIATORA ... (hunter's style)
Pie's are something the British do extremely well although it seems that every one to jump on British food, believing they eat nothing but fried breakfast, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. This recipe is adapted from Rick Stein's Coast to Coast, but I've given it a South African take on things. I love to serve this in individual pie pots with a crisp salad on the side.
1 whole rabbit, jointed into 8 pieces
Cake flour, seasoned with salt and freshly ground black pepper
50 g butter and 1 tbsp olive oil
200 g back bacon
4 garlic cloves
Sage, rosemary and oregano
1 large onion - diced
4 carrots, diced 
1 tbsp sweet chilli flakes 
400 g (one tine) chopped tomatoes 
Zest of a lemon - finely grated 
250 ml Pinotage (or any other good red wine) 
250 ml mushroom stock (rehydrate dried mushrooms in water, and use the water as quick stock)
Puff pastry

1 egg, lightly beaten 

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper for final seasoning 

Heat the butter and olive oil in a large frying pan and saute the bacon until just rendered. Remove 
the bacon from the pan and set aside. 
Add garlic cloves and herbs and saute until fragrant. Pour all out of the pan and reserve. 
Coat the pieces of rabbit in the seasoned flour and then fry the rabbit in the same pot until brown on 
both sides. You may add a little extra oil if needed. Remove the browned pieces and reserve. 
Add the onions and carrots - saute gently for 3 minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes. 
Mix the remaining seasoned flour with a little butter and add to the vegetables mixture, along with the lemon zest, chilli flakes, wine and quick mushroom stock. Return the rabbit to the pan, add the garlic and herb mix, cover and simmer for about two hours, or until the rabbit is tender. 
When the rabbit has cooled, remove from the pan and take out all the bones. Place into a shallow pie dish with the sauce, cover with pastry.
Bake 35min @210*C or until brown. 


Lekker resepte vir die jongergeslag

1kg nek, lies, of bors van wild, haas of tarentaal in stukke gesny

10 peperkorrels 
6 kruienaeltjies
3 lourierblare 
1 huisie knoffel
½ t. Peper
2 t. Sout
2 eetlp Asyn
¼ k rooi soetwyn
60g varkspek


1.   Vee die vleis met 'n klam doek af en sny dit in stukke.

2.   Plaas die vleis en spek, in repies gesny, in 'n swaar kastrol en gooi
genoeg water oor om dit net te bedek.  

3.   Voeg die naeltjies en die peperkorrels by en laat dit 3 tot 5 uur lank stadig oor lae hitte of in 'n stadige oond (250°F. tot 300°F.) stowe.

4.   Voeg die ander kruie, sout en asyn by nadat dit 2 uur lank gestowe het.
5.   Haal die naeltjies en die peperkorrels uit en voeg die wyn by 'n halfuur voor dit klaar gekook bet. Die sous kan  met meelblom verdik word wat met koue water gemeng is.
6.   Die vleis moet maklik van die bene afkom as dit gereed is. Verwyder
al die bene en die velletjies en maak die vleis met 'n vurk fyn.
Dien die vleis met kweperjellie op.
Lekker resepte vir die jongergeslag

Gevulde haas/konyn
1 haas,
50 ml olie,
50 ml botter,
10 ml sout,
2ml peper,
250ml droe witwyn
15 ml suurlemoensap

125 g varklies,in dobbelsteentjies gesny,
60g pekelvarkvleis,gekap,
1 takkie elk vars roosmaryn en tiemie.
1 knoffelhuisie,gekap,
2ml sout,
1ml peper,
5ml gerasperde neutmuskaat,
500ml varsbroodkrummels,
100 ml melk
Braai die pekel varkvleis en lies tot bros.
Voeg kruietakkies en knoffel by en sorteer.
Haal die vleis uit.
Week intussen die broodkrummels in die melk,druk fyn met 'n vurk en voeg by die vleis.
Geur met sout en peper,skil en neutmuskaat.

Vryf die binnekant met 'n halwe suurlemoen.
Sprinkel helfte van sout en peper aan die binnekant van die konyn.
Skep vulsel in die holte en bind vas met 'n tou.
Verhit olie en botter en braai tot bruin.
Sprinkel res van die sout en peper oor vleis.
Verhit suurlemoensap en wyn saam en giet oor die vleis.
Plaas die vleis in 'n oondpan met al die sappe en souse,bedek en bak 11/2 uur tot sag en gaar
.Haal die deksel af die laaste 30 min. Sodat die haas/konyn kan bruin braai.
Daleen Visser*07/10/2017 Helena

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