Friday 28 June 2013



Dirk J Smit Hier is 'n vinnige, maklike ene wat ek altyd maak.
5ml vanieljegeursel,
500ml room,
6 tot 8 eiergele,
100g strooisuiker, ekstra strooisuiker vir bolaag.

 Maak so:
Verhit oond tot 140 grade Celsuis. Bring room en vanieljegeursel in kastrol tot kookpunt. Klits eiergele en 100g strooisuiker saam in 'n mediumgroot mengbak. Voeg warm room by eiergele terwyl jy stadig klits. Plaas 'n oondvaste bak in 'n oondpan. Gooi geklitse mengsel in bak. Vul oondpan met warm water tot halfpad die hoogte van die bak. Plaas pan in oond vir sowat 45 tot 60 min, of totdat dit die tekstuur van jellie het as jy liggies teen die bak stamp. Plaas dan bak in yskas om verder te stol tot yskoud. Bedien deur 'n dun lagie strooisuiker oor die creme brulee te strooi en dan die strooisuiker te brand met 'n blaasvlam tot 'n donker karamelvorm. Jy kan ook dit onder jou oond se roosterelement sit. Sit dadelik voor. Jy kan ook 1 vanieljepeul gebruik ipv die geursel. Sny die peul in die lengte deur en skraap die pitte in by die room. Wanneer jy die mengsel in jou bak gooi, gooi dit dan deur 'n sif. Ek maak myne gewoonlik in 5-6 rammikins wat ek dan in die oondpan met water sit.


Crema catalana is a Spanish custard dessert closely resembling the French crème brulee. It's quick and easy to make and the taste is incredible.
1 cup sugar
4 egg yolks
1 Tbsp cornstarch (maizena)
1 cinnamon stick
1⁄2 lemon zest, grated
2 cups milk
1 tsp B-well lemon flavored canola oil (optional)

1. In a medium sized pot, beat together the egg yolks and 3/4 cup sugar until thoroughly blended and the mixture turns frothy.
2. Add the cinnamon stick, grated lemon zest and 1 tsp B-well lemon flavored canola oil (optional).
3. Mix the cornstarch with 2 tbsp of the cold milk, when well mixed return it to the remaining 2 cups of milk.
4. Pour the milk into the pot containing the egg and sugar mixture. Slowly heat the mixture, stirring constantly, just until thickened. Remove pot from heat immediately.
5. Remove the cinnamon stick and ladle the milk mixture into 4 individual ramekins.
6. Allow to cool, then refrigerate for at least 2-3 hours.
7. Before serving, preheat the broiler. Remove the ramekins containing the crema catalana from refrigerator and sprinkle the remaining sugar equally over each crema catalana mixture.
8. When the broiler is hot, place the ramekins under the broiler on the top shelf and allow the sugar to caramelize, turning gold and brown. This may take 5 minutes or so, depending on your broiler.
Remove and serve immediately.**B-well**07/02/2017**Post by Helena Kruger

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