Saturday 6 July 2013


1 kg Short Ribs cut into pieces
15 ml Robertsons Barbecue Spice
15 ml Oil
1 Onion chopped
30 ml Tomato Paste
45 ml Lemon Juice
5 ml Robertsons Dried Rosemary
60 ml Brown Sugar
½ cup Boiling Water
45 ml Worcestershire Sauce
10 ml Mustard Powder
Rub the Short Ribs with the barbecue spice and arrange in a baking dish.
In a saucepan, fry the onion until soft.
Add all remaining ingredients and simmer together for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently.
Pour the sauce over the ribs and bake at 180 c for about an hour to an hour and a half until the ribs are soft and the meat is about to fall off the bone.
Serve with Pap or Mashed Potatoes.
The trick is to rub the meat with the spice as this helps release the flavour.*Robertson Herbe n Spice*Lekker Resepte vir die Jongergeslag 6/7/13


1kg beesrib (in 5 cm-stukke gesny)
sout en vars gemaalde swartpeper
30 ml blatjang
30 ml Worcestersous
30 ml tamatiesous
40 ml olyfolie
Paar druppels suurlemoensap
4 groot aartappels
50 ml melk
30 ml pietersielie
Voorverhit die oond tot 160 °C en geur die beesvleis met sout en peper en pak in ’n oondbak.
Meng die blatjang, Worcestersous, tamatiesous, olyfolie en paar druppels suurlemoensap en giet bo-oor die beesvleis.
Bedek met foelie en bak 40 minute.
Verwyder die foelie en bak nog sowat 20 minute of tot gaar en bros.
Skil intussen die aartappels, sny in blokkies en kook in soutwater tot sag.
Dreineer en druk fyn met ’n aartappeldrukker.
Roer die melk, botter en pietersielie by en sit voor saam met die beesrib en vars slaai.*10/8/12 Huisgenoot

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