Wednesday 18 September 2013


Red Bell Pepper Honey Vinaigrette

1 red bell pepper

1/8 cup red wine vinegar
2 tbsps honey
1/4 tsp oregano
pinch salt
1/4 – 1/2 cup olive oil
Wash, core, and de-seed the pepper. Slice into quarters or eighths and place in a blender with the red wine vinegar, honey, oregano and salt. Purée untilsmooth. It will look a little frothy. Don’t worry – it settles out. Pour the contents into a bowl and whisk a thin and steady stream of the olive oil into the purée until desired consistency/taste is reached. Tweek the dressing to your liking. Serve on something awesome… like a bed of greens and a few thin slices of blackened grilled flank steak.

Blackened Grilled Flank Steak
1 tbsp garlic powder
2 tsps ground cumin
2 tsps hot paprika
2 tsps dried oregano
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp ground red pepper
1.5 -2 lbs flank steak

Mix all of the spices together in a bowl. Rub the mix over the steak and let it sit in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Grill that sucker to desired doneness (I prefer rare). Let rest under a foil tent for five minutes then slice and serve on a bed of greens with red bell pepper honey vinaigrette.
Source : Use Real Butter*.

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