Saturday 6 April 2013


Berie Vd Velden Smith
 [Inspired by Spoon Fork Bacon]
(Makes 10 rings)
5 Potatoes, peeled and quartered
2 teaspoons Garlic, minced
2 Tablespoons Onion, minced
1-2 Tablespoons Parmesan, grated and/or crumbled
2 Tablespoon Milk
1 Tablespoon Butter
1 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon Pepper
Cooking Spray
Zip lock bag or piping bag
1.Fill a large pot with water, about halfway up the pot, set over high heat to bring to a boil. Peel and chop the potatoes, add to the boiling water and cook until fork tender.
2. Chop the onion and garlic. Grate the cheese. Once the potatoes are done, drain the water and add the potatoes to a mixing bowl.
3. Start to whip the potatoes on medium speed adding in the butter first, then the onions, garlic, parmesan, salt and pepper, and finally the milk. Turn the speed up high and whip for a minute until fluffy.
4. Spray the donut maker with cooking spray and set aside. Spoon the potatoes into a piping bag or ziplock bag with the end cut off. Pipe two rings in each cup and lightly press down to push together.
5. Bake for 25 minutes. To get them out of the pan you can try tilting it to get them to fall out or gently encourage them out with a fork.
Jy kan gersaperde kaas byvoeg.
Gekrummelde spekstukkies.
Gesnyde weense worsies.
Geurige maalvleis.
Gekapte sondroog tamaties en gekrummelde fettakaas.
Geroosterde knoffel.5/4/13


Ella Badenhorst
Plain Doughnuts

3 koppies meel
1 koppie strooisuiker
3 teel bakpoeier
1 teel sout
250 g sagte botter
2 eiers
1 1/2 koppie melk
1. Meng meel, suiker, bakpoeier en sout saam in 'n groot mengbak. Voeg botter, eiers en melk by en meng met elektriese klitser tot die mengsel dik en romerig is.
2. Voorverhit die doughnut maker vir 4-5 minute. Plaas 1 eetlepel van die mengsel in elke doughnut gaatjie. Maak toe en kook vir 2 minute of tot goudbruin.
3. Verwyder die warm doughnuts versigtig van die maker en plaas op 'n rakkie om af te koel.


Helena Kruger

Retha van Somaakmens
1+1/2 k Bruismeel,
1/2 k suiker,
knippie sout,
1/2 k gesmelte marg,
1-2 eiers,
3/4 k melk.
Klits goed. Bak.
(Opsioneel: 1/2 k fyn piesang of gerasperde vars appel of 1/4 k fyn dadels of korente, verminder dan die suiker effe...dik drup beslag. vermeerder meel indien nodig)
Retha van Somaakmens ...
gebruik gewone plaatkoekie beslag.Hul reseppie proe ook maar so, net die vorm is die van 'n doughnut. Ek sit bietjie fyngedrukte piesang of gerasperde appel by, hmmm!! Of doop dit na die tyd in gesmelte sjokolade... mens kry die een wat 7 of 5 vormpies het die 7 een is amper 5 cm in deursnee die 5 een bietjie groter.Nogal 'n oulike gadget om te hê ja.Baie Dankie Retha!!!helena>

Dot Gerhold
225g (1½ Cups) plain flour
½ Cup Castor Sugar
1½ Teaspoon Baking Powder
½ Teaspoon Salt
125g Butter, softened
1 x 60g Egg
¾ Cup Milk
Stir flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in large bowl to combine. Add butter, egg and milk, beat with an electric mixer until the mixture is thick, smooth and creamy.
Pre-heat the appliance for 4-5 minutes. Spoon 1 tablespoon of the mixture evenly into each mould. Close the lid. Cook for 2 minutes or until doughnuts are golden brown and soft to touch. (I normally turn mine over)
Carefully remove the hot doughnuts from the doughnut maker and place onto a wire rack.
Makes 24 doughnuts.
Source : From the Owner’s Manual of the Safeway Mini Doughnut Maker

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