Monday 1 April 2013


5kg wildsvleis
1,3kg skaapstertvet
50g sout
50ml gemaalde koljander
5ml fyn naeltjies
10ml peper
200ml asyn
100g worsderms
Sny die vleis en vet in blokkies.  Meng alle ander  bestandele.  Strooi  jou vleisblokkies mooi oop, sprinkel die asyn daaroor en strooi die mengsel oor die vleis en vet blokkies.  Meng deeglik en stop in medium derms.  Hang op om droog te word. *Greeff Heydenrych*

5kg wildsvleis
1kg Holsum
250ml asyn
75g sout (5eetl)
25ml braaivleisspeserye
5ml naeltjies
10ml wit peper
5ml gerasperde neut
50ml koljander geskroei en gemaal
Sny vleis en Holsum in blokkies.  Meng al die droë bestandele.  Strooi jou vleisblokkies oop en sprinkel asyn oor.  Strooi res van bestandele oor meng goed, maal en stop in dun derms.  *Greeff Heydenrych*

Dez Milligan
This is also a very traditional South African sausage and is made much the same way as boerewors, except that pork and pork fat are not used (pork fat tends to go rancid). Saltpetre is sometimes added as a preservative but will give the meat a reddish color, instead of the more traditional dark black color.
To improve the flavor, droewors may be smoked after a day of hanging, then retuned to continue the drying process. Droewors and smoked droewors can be frozen for up to two months in an airtight container.

Dez Milligan
Farm-Style Droewors
(Makes about 4 kg's)
4.5 kg beef (Use shoulder or chuck)
2.5 kg fatty mutton (Use breast or shoulder)
15 ml ground cloves
15 ml grated nutmeg
12 g whole coriander
90 g fine salt
15 ml brown sugar
400 ml vinegar
90 g mutton sausage casings

(Makes about 3 kg's)
4.5 kg beef (Use shoulder or chuck) or mutton (Use breast or shoulder)
1 kg sheep's tail fat
5 ml ground cloves
20 g whole coriander
34 g fine salt
10 ml freshly ground black pepper
90 g mutton casings
Place the coriander seeds in a dry frying pan and heat, stirring constantly until they become light brown. Remove them to a coffee grinder or pestle and mortar and crush the coriander seeds. Pass the crushed seeds through a sieve to remove the husks. Cut the meat inot 50 mm cubes, and mix together with all ingredients except the vinegar and casings. Mince the meat using a grinder with a coarse blade. Sprinkle the vinegar over the minced meat mixture and mix lightly (If you work too much with the meat, it will lose the coarse consistency)Prepare the casings and stuff the mixture loosely into them. Dip the sausages in a mixture of 4.5 litres boiling water and 350 ml vinegar, then hang them over wooden rods that are thick enough in diameter to prevent the inner surfaces of the sausage from touching. Dry the sausage in a cook draughty place for 24 hours, then remove the sausage and flatten by rolling across a cutting board, so that any pockets of air in the sausage or between the sausage and the casing are removed. (These air pockets can cause mould to set in when the sausage is drying). Put the sausage back over the wooden rods and continue to dry to your taste. This will normally take about 2 weeks.14/8/10
Elda Lombard
4.5 kg Bief
1 kg Skaapstert Vet (of Beesvet)
5 ml Gemaalde Naeltjies
20 g Heel Koljander
65 ml Fyn Sout
10 ml Varsgemaalde Peper
90 g Skaapderms (week in warm water indien in sout gehou)
Sit die koljander in pan droe braaipan en skroei oor matige hitte terwyl aanhoudend geroer word, tot ligbruin. Verwyder en stamp baie fyn.
Sny die vleis en vet in blokkies en meng deeglik met al die bestanddele. Maal die vleis met aan medium/growwe lem. Stop die derms, maar wees versigtig om die wors nie te styf te stop nie.
Dompel die wors vir n. en paar sekondes in n en mengsel van 4.5 liter kokende water en 350ml asyn en hang op om droog te word.
Na 24 uur, druk die wors effens plat sodat enige lugblasies verwyder word (hierdie lugblasies kan muf veroorsaak). Laat die wors verder droog. Aangesien die vleis nie gaargemaak word nie, moenie enige vark-produkte gebruik nie.

Dalene Brits
Ons het voorheen 'n biltongplekkie gehad en hierdie resepte was die wenner van baie pogings. Was BAIE gewild.
11 kg Gemaalde Vleis
150 g Fyn Sout
15g Fyn Koljander
20 ml Swart Peper
5 ml Msg
10 kg Vleis
250 g Growwe Sout
80 g Bruinsuiker
10 g Msg
10 g Koeksoda
5 ml Swart Peper
40g Koljander


  1. Hi Helena waarvoor staan Msg? Dankie

  2. MSG is short for monosodium glutamate. It is a common food additive — with the e-number E621 — that is used to enhance flavor. MSG is derived from the amino acid glutamate, or glutamic acid, which is one of the most abundant amino acids in nature. ... MSG enhances the savory, meaty umami flavor of foods

  3. Hi, die holsum fat resep, waste smaak gee die holsumfat die droewors?
