Friday 26 April 2013


Elzahn Greffrath Kohn
Die resep wat saam met my koekpannetjie gekom het, is
¼  koppie selfraising meel,
¼  koppie botter,
¼ koppie suiker en
3 eiers.
Meng alles goed en gooi in die pannetjie (sodat die onderste helfte vol is). Bak vir 25 min by 180 grade. Baie maklik en baie lekker.

Lekker resepte vir die jongergeslag

Maria Liebenberg
Jy bak 'n gewone koek.
Ek het 'n resep gebruik van 'n plaatkoek (en dit kry nie eiers in nie, so dit werk goedkoper uit).
Dan neem jy 1 houer cream cheese en 2 koppies strooisuiker. Klits dit goed. Dan vat jy jou koek en krummel dit. Meng dan met cream cheese mengsel. Dit word soos klei. 'n Taai bol koek. Dan neem jy dit en maak klein ballejtjies. Ek het suigstokkie grootte balletjies gemaak, maar jy kan 'n bietjie kleiner, want dit is baie soet. Sit die balletjies oornag in yskas om styf te word.
Volgende dag druk jy die punt van die stokkie in gesmeltde sjokolade en dan in ballejtie. Dit keer dat dit afval as jy in sjokolade doop. Ek het dit toe in diepvries gesit om vinnig koud te word en toe in sjokolade gedoop.

Lekker resepte vir die jongergeslag

Hierdie oulike idee het ek in 'n Huisgenoot gesien:
Koekballe is n slim manier om van oorskietkoek en -versiersuiker ontslae te raak, en kids is mal daar oor.

Oorskiet koek
Oorskiet botterversiersel
Sosatie- of roomysstokkies
Gesmelte witsjokolade en koekkleurselpoeier
Krummel oorskietkoek en roer botterversiersel deur die krummels.
Rol mengsel in balletjies en laat rus sowat 1 uur, of tot ferm in die yskas.
Steek n stokkie in elke balletjie en doop balle in gesmelte sjokolade. Laat staan regop en laat sjokolade stol. Versier balle met verskillende kleure kleurselpoeier of gekleurde strooisuiker.

”In en Om die Huis” 14/10/11.**
Lekker resepte vir die jongergeslag

Berie Vd Velden SmithFoto>


(kreatiewe kos ideas) ‘n Maklike manier om CAKE BALLS/POPS te maak.

Cake Pops
Jy kan die volgende klaar gemaakte mengsels gebruik of die bier boks resep:
Snowflake se sjokolade en vanilla muffin mengsel
Snowflake of Moir’s se Moist Boks Koek mengsles en gooi pakkie instant poeding van dieselfde geur as die koek mengsel by.

Bierboks resep:
Yolanda Jansen

Voeg by mekaar:
2 kop kookwater
160 ml kookolie
10 ml vanilla
Klits saam tot Donssig:
8 eiers
3 k strooisuiker
Sif Saam:
4 kop koekmeel
30 ml bakpoeier
30 ml maizena
Knippie sout
(45 ml kakao vir sjokolade koek)

Voeg die droë en nat bestandele om die beurt by die eier en suiker. Meng net tot als gemeng is! As jy te lank meng maak dit gate in die koek.
Bak vir 45-60 min @ 180grade

Spuit die pan met Spray en Cook aan albei kante!
Jy kan die deeg opdeel en dan elkeen verskillend kleur vir ‘n kleurvolle effek
Wag totdat die pos afgekoel het as dit gaar is, doop stokkies in gesmelte sjokolade en druk in die cake pops. Verkoel vir’n rukkie sodat die stokkies kan “set” in die cake pops. Naar ‘n paar minute haal dan weer uit en wag totdat dit kamer temepatuur is voor jy dit verder versier met gesmelte sjokolade. kreatiewe kos idees

How to make cake pops
Posted on August 31, 2012 by BakeLoveNotWar in Food & Drink, Kitchen Gear

I bake more often than the average person so people sometimes assume that I’m an expert and ask me questions to which I am unable to respond. Recently, one of the most recurring questions has been, ‘Where can I find a cake pop mould?’. I now have the answer: Yuppiechef. Yes, the Kitchen Craft Sweetly Does It Silicone Cake Pop Pan is one of their latest nifty products and I put it to the test.

The mould is easy to use. It makes 20 pops at a time, which is handy if you’re making cake pops for the masses. All you have to do is fill the bottom half with dough, secure the top half, and bake! The key lies in greasing the holes thoroughly, and also securing the top so that the cake balls hold their shape.

Without further ado, here’s my step-by-step guide to using the cake pop mould. I used a chocolate sponge recipe but you can use any sponge cake recipe you like. To coat the pops I used candy melts, only because I wasn’t in the mood to temper chocolate. If you’d prefer to use tempered chocolate, brief yourself on the science behind it here.

Ingredients (makes approximately 40 pops)
2 eggs – you will need two yolks and one white at room temperature
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup sunflower oil
1/4 cup warm water
Pinch of cream of tartar
1/2 cup cake flour
30g cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
Pinch of salt
40 cake pop sticks
1 packet candy melts, or chocolate
Decorations of your choice
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
2. Grease and flour both halves of the cake pop mould. If you don’t do this, the cake pops will stick to the mould.
3. In a large bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, sugar, sunflower oil and water until thoroughly combined.
4. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg white and cream of tartar with an electric beater until stiff peaks form.
5. Sift together the dry ingredients and add them to the egg yolk mixture. Mix until combined.
6. Fold in the egg whites.
7. Place the bottom half of the mould on a baking tray. With a 1/2 Tbsp measure, scoop the batter into the holes so they’re about 4/5 full.
8. Secure the top and bake for about 15 minutes on the baking tray. The tiny holes at the top will let the steam out while baking.
9. When the pops are done, leave them to cool in the silicone before removing them. I put mine in the freezer for about half an hour, as this makes them easier to coat.
10. Melt your candy melts or temper your chocolate. Dip one end of the cake pop sticks into the candy melts and insert them into the cake pops. Allow them to set in the fridge for 5 minutes.
11. When the sticks have been secured, you can dip the cake pops in the candy melts to coat them and then sprinkle with decorations. Mine dried upside down on a platter but you can also stick the pops in styrofoam to dry upright.
It’s never been this easy to make cake pops. Why not give the mould a go?
Lekker resepte vir die jongergeslag

An easy recipe for Cake Pops!                          

What you will need:

2 eggs
190ml sugar
60 ml oil
60ml warm water
250ml cake flour
30g cocoa powder
5 ml baking powder
1.2 teaspoon bicarb
Pinch of salt
40 cake pop sticks
Chocolate to dip the pops in, melted

How to prepare:

1. Preheat oven to 180˚C. Grease and dust both halves of the cake pop mould.
2. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, sugar, oil and water until combined.
3. Sift together the flour, cocoa, baking powder, bicarb and salt. Add to the egg mixture and mix until combined.
4. Place the mixture in the bottom half of the cake pop mould onto a baking tray.
5. Place the top part of the cake pop mould over the bottom half. Bake for 15 minutes.
6. When the pops are done baking, leave them to cool in the mould before removing them.
7. Melt your chocolate and dip your sticks into the melted chocolate before inserting it into the pops. Decorate your pops and place them in the fridge to cool. 

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