Saturday 6 April 2013


Marleen Basson Niemandt

 Kook 1 000 ml suiker en 375 ml water vir 7 minute op vinnige hitte.
Los 60 ml gelatien op in 200 ml koue water deur dit net bo-op te strooi.
 Gooi dit by die gekookte stroop as dit van die stoof af kom saam met 5 ml vanilje-essense.
 Laat afkoel tot koud.
 Klits baie vinnig met 'n elektriese menger vir 12 minute.
 Dit word 'n dik en skuimerig mengsel.

Gooi in 'n bespuite bak.
Laat afkoel in die yskas.
Neem klapper en verbruin dit onder jou oondelement tot ligbruin.
Roer kort-kort. Dit verbruin baie vinnig.
Sny die lekkers in stroke. Rol in die klapper. Sny sommer met 'n sker in blokkies. Bedek dan al die kante met die klapper. 'n Wenner !6/4/13


This recipe uses agar agar, which is vegetarian, instead of gelatin. If you want to use gelatin, use 4t of gelatin for every 1 t of agar agar (2T for this recipe).

Finally, my boys can have marshmallow treats... and they're better than store bought! Substitute vanilla with candy oils (peppermint is my favorite) and add food coloring for a nice touch. You can make whatever shapes you want: I like snowflakes for Christmas! They keep for over a week in tupperware. The longer you have them, the crunchier they get, making them perfect for hot cocoa.
1 1/2 t. agar agar
1 t. pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 C sugar
vegetable-oil cooking spray
2/3 C light corn syrup
1/8 t. salt
corn starch
Coat a 12 x 17 inch rimmed baking sheet with cooking spray. Set aside.
Place 1/3 C cold water into bowl of electric mixer. Sprinkle with agar agar. Let mixture soften for 5 minutes.

Place sugar, corn syrup, salt and 1/3 C water in small to medium saucepan (if you use to large of a saucepan, the themometer will not be covered by mixture). Cover. Bring to a boil. Remove lid. Cook, swirling occasionally until syrup reaches 238 degrees (soft ball stage) (~5 minutes).

With mixer on low speed, whisk agar agar mixture while slowly adding syrup in a steady stream down the side of the bowl. Gradually increase mixer to high. Beat until mixture is thick, white and has almost tripled in volume (~ 12 minutes). Add vanilla (or other flavoring/food coloring) and beat 30 seconds more.

Pour mixture into baking sheet and smooth with spatula sprayed with cooking oil. Let sit (uncovered) overnight.

Cut out with cookie cutters or cut with kitchen scissors, sprayed with cooking oil. Roll marshmallows in corn starch to keep them from sticking to each other. Store in air tight container, with wax paper between layers.

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