Thursday 16 May 2013


       Packaged and thinly sliced beef Carpaccio or
       1 Piece of beef tenderloin.
        Packed of mixed salad leaves (Ruccola, Arugula..) of your choice
       Shaved Parmesan
        Cracked black pepper
        Kosher salt
       Balsamic Crème
 Olive oil
       A Quart of Lemon                                                                                                                                     
       Fresh Ciabatta bread
 How to prepare:
If you are preparing the beef from scratch you will want to tightly wrap the tenderloin in plastic and then freeze for approximately 2.5 hours, this will help in keeping the Carpaccio´s form and also aid in the slicing process. When ready remove and slice as thinly as possible.
If packaged then delicately plate the capriccio (6-7slices) on a large plate, making sure to distribute finely. Let the Carpaccio breathe for about 10 minutes. Next place a large handful of the mixed salad directly on top of your Carpaccio. Next add you Parmesan shavings, this cheese is delicious with the Carpaccio so be generous ;).
.Drizzle the oil and balsamic crème over you Carpaccio. Crack over some divine black pepper and sprinkle on some rock salt. Finally place your lemon on top of the bunch of salad.
Serve this with fresh bread of your choice.
And last, but in no way least; serve yourself and your guests a delicious glass of wine.

Tip: on a small separate plate pour about 3 tablespoons of oil and about  3 tablespoons of vinegar – this is delicious for dipping your bread into and is a perfect condiment to accompany your Carpaccio with.

N.S>>> you don't want a sauce that totally overwhelms it. A thin emulsion of olive oil, mustard and balsamic vinegar with salt and pepper added, with perhaps some chive or other herbs finely chopped up in it, sparingly applied is what you want.

depending on when you're serving it after slicing, you'll also need to take into consideration oxidizing of the meat. slice it onto plastic wrap, put another sheet of plastic directly on the surface and press out any air. that way, you can do several servings without the beef getting warm, dried and brown. it is rather tricky to manipulate those thin slices of beef.

when you're ready to serve, just remove one side of the plastic wrap, flip the meat over your plate, and remove the other sheet of plastic. i think that's why the standard presentation is the meat stuck to the plate. would be harder to remove the meat on top of a pile of lettuce unless you're doing that presentation a la minute.***Jason Perlous* 16/5/2013

Baie oulike idee van opmekaar stapel...Helena

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