Friday 10 May 2013


(budgetbytes) 3 med to large potatoes, 1Cup grated cheddar cheese, ±180g smoked bacon cut into small pieces, 3 jalapenos, 2Tbsp butter, 1/2Cup milk, 1tsp freshly ground black pepper salt to taste.
METHOD: (1) Preheat oven to 200dC. Wash potatoes well & prick with fork (do this in the line where they are going to be cut). Bake for approx 1hr. You can check after 45mins, they should be slightly soft when squeezed. (2) While potatoes are cooking, cook bacon pieces in a skillet over med-high heat until it is crispy. Spoon out & place on paper towel to drain & set aside. (3) Slice jalapenos down the centre & scoop out spine & seeds. If you like it extra hot, leave some seeds behind. Chop up into small bits & set aside. (4) When potatoes are done cooking, remove from oven. Turn oven down to 180dC. Cool potatoes for about 10 mins, then carefully slice them in half lengthwise using a sharp spoon, scoop out the flesh, put into a bowl. Be SURE to leave some flesh still attached to skins to give support when filling them. (5) Add the butter, milk, salt & pepper to the scooped out potatoes flesh & mash it up good until light & fluffy. Stir in the bacon bits, jalapenos & 2/3Cup grated cheddar cheese. Refill potato shells with mashed mixture. Top each with a little more cheese & place on baking sheet & bake until cheese has melted & browned slightly, about 30 mins. NOTE: Use as much or as little jalapenos as you like. MOIRA BOTHA DYER

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