Monday, 1 July 2013


The Perfect Bolognese
Serves four people
2 tbsp olive oil
6 rashers of streaky 'pancetta' bacon, chopped
2 large onions, chopped
3 garlic cloves, crushed
2 carrots, chopped
Stick of celery
1kg / 2¼lb lean minced beef
2 large glasses of red wine
2x400g cans chopped tomatoes
2 fresh or dried bay leaves
salt and freshly ground black pepper
800g-1kg / 1¾-2¼lb dried tagliatelle
freshly grated parmesan cheese, to serve
1. Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based saucepan and fry the bacon until golden over a medium heat. Add the onions and garlic, frying until softened. Increase the heat and add the minced beef. Fry it until it has browned. Pour in the wine and boil until it has reduced in volume by about a third. Reduce the temperature and stir in the tomatoes and celery.
2. Cover with a lid and simmer over a gentle heat for 1-1½ hours until it's rich and thickened, stirring occasionally.
3. Cook the tagliatelle in plenty of boiling salted water. Drain and divide between plates. Sprinkle a little parmesan over the pasta before adding a good ladleful of the sauce. Finish with a further scattering of cheese and a twist of black pepper. [Telegrafh} *Lekker Resepte vir die Jongergeslag*1/7/13

Dalene Brits
Hierdie een is FANTASTIES:

2 Uie
80 ml Olyfolie
350g Beesmaalvleis
Braai uie in olie tot deurskynend. Voeg vleis by en braai bruin.
80 ml Rooiwyn
2 Splashes Worcester Sous
1 destlp Steak & Tjops
2 eetlps Asyn
2 ½ tlps Heuning
3 Knoffelhuisies, gekneus
¾ tlp Sout
¾ tlp hot Chillie paste (Peri-peri)
¾ tlp Paprika
2 tlps Oreganum
¾ tlp Swartpeper
60g Tamatiepasta
1kg gekapte vars Tamaties
Voeg die res van die bestanddele by en simmer vir ten minste 45min, maar verkieslik 2 ure.
Maak witsous met Bruismeel en roer dit in die pasta. Gooi dan die sous bo-oor en dan bietjie kaas.1/7/13

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