Saturday 27 April 2013



Tiana Botes
(A variation on Buck’s Fizz, this drink can be served with a champagne breakfast, or with any outdoor meal).
30 ml white grapefruit juice
10 ml orange curacao
Chilled champagne
Maraschino cherries and lemon peel to garnish
Pour grapefruit juice and curacao into a champagne glass, top with chilled champagne. Drop in a garnish of lemon peel twisted around Maraschino cherries on a toothpick.
Serves 1

(A drink to be enjoyed before, or during, a late-morning brunch).
Crushed ice
1 tot vodka
Half a tot Amaretto liqueur
45 ml orange juice
90 ml white grapefruit juice
1 egg-white, lightly frothed
Splash of grenadine
Orange peel and Maraschino cherry, to garnish
Spoon crushed ice into a glass. Add vodka, Amaretto, orange and grapefruit juice, stir well. Lightly froth egg-white with a whisk. Cover top of drink with egg-white, add a splash of grenadine last. Garnish glass with a strip of orange peel twisted around a Maraschino cherry and secured with 2 toothpicks.
Serves 1.

( A non-alcoholic pep-me-up for the energetic set).
Crushed ice
60 ml orange juice
60 ml pink grapefruit juice
1 egg-yolk
Splash of grenadine
Orange slice to garnish
Spoon crushed ice into a tall glass. Blend together orange juice, grapefruit juice, egg-yolk and grenadine. Strain into glass. Garnish with a slice of orange with one end of peel tied in a knot. Serves 1.

(Usually made with pineapple juice, but we used white grapefruit juice instead)

Crushed ice
1 tot gin
Half a tot Amaretto liqueur
Half a tot blue curacao
125 ml white grapefruit juice
Twisted lemon peel to garnish
Spoon crushed ice into a glass. Blend together remaining ingredients. Pour into glass. Garnish with twisted lemon peel.
Serves 1.

( A non-alcoholic, vitamin C-packed fruit drink to give you an energy boost first thing in the morning).

6 large ripe strawberries, hulled and chopped
About one-quarter papino OR piece of pawpaw, peeled and chopped
60 ml orange juice
125 ml pink grapefruit juice
Castor sugar (to taste)
Whole strawberries and pawpaw balls to garnish
Purée fruit with a blender. Add orange and grapefruit juices, blend until smooth. Sweeten to taste. Pour into a tall glass over ice-cubes. Garnish with strawberries and pawpaw balls threaded on to a wooden satay stick.
Serves 1.

( We’ve added grapefruit juice to the tradional Blue Lagoon cocktail to create this delightful mixed drink with a navy hue).

Crushed ice
1 tot gin
60 ml lemonade
60 ml white grapefruit juice
1 tot blue curacao
Pineapple wedge, glace cherry and pineapple leaves to garnish
Spoon crushed ice into a glass. Add ingredients in order given. Garnish glass with a pineapple wedge, cherry and pineapple leaves secured with two toothpicks.
Serves 1.

( To frost the glass, dip the rim in lightly frothed egg-whites, lemon juice or orange juice – don’t use water or the salt will melt. Turn rim of glass on a plate spread with salt until rim is thoroughly coated, stand upright until dry).

Crushed ice
One and a half tots vodka
125 ml white grapefruit juice
Twisted lemom peel to garnish
Spoon crushed ice into a glass. Add vodka. Top up with grapefruit juice. Garnish with a twist of lemon peel.
Serves 1.

TIPS:+ When mixing a grapefruit cocktail, make sure the juice is at least 90% pure, or the drink will be watery.

+A metric tot = 25 ml. There are 30 tot measures in a standard 750 ml bottle.
+Glasses and ingredients should be chilled – a warm cocktail is undrinkable.
+Various shapes of glasses may be used for cocktails, depending on ingredients used. Most have long stems to prevent hands from heating the contents unnecessarily27/4/13

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