Wednesday 11 September 2013


Spinach-Mushroom Swiss Roll
Ingr: Melted butter for greasing
200g thawed & drained chopped spinach
4 eggs, seperated
Pinch of grared nutmeg

Salt & freshly ground black pepper
25g butter
225g button mushrooms, sliced
1+1/2Tbsp flour
150ml low-fat milk
1/2-3/4C grated cheddar cheese
1tsp mustard
1) Preheat oven to 200C. Grease & line the base of a 23x33cm swiss roll tin with baking paper. Put spinach in a sieve & press to drain the liquid, then scoop into a bowl. Add egg yolks & nutmeg, season & mix well.
2) Whish egg whites until stiff, then fold into spinach mixture with a metal spoon. Spoon into prepared tin & spread evenly. Bake for 15mins until firm to the touch.
3) Melt butter in a large saucepan. Add mushrooms & fry gently for 5mins until tender. Add flour & cook over low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon for 1min. Remove from heat & gradually blend in milk, stirring after each addition. Return to heat & bring to the boil, stirring all the time until sauce thickens & is smooth. Remove from heat & stir in cheese, mustard, salt & pepper
4) Remove baked spinach mixture from oven and working quickly,spread mushroom sauce evenly over surface. Roll up from one short end by gently lifting baking paper. Serve hot. Cut into slices.
** Moira Botha Dyer*

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