Homemade Syrup
3 cups sugar (brown, white, or mix)
1 1/2 cup of water
1 tsp of vanilla extract
1 tbs of butter
1 tsp of maple extract (or whatever other flavor you'd like)
1 tbs vodka (optional to prolong the life of the syrup)
In a large pot, bring all ingredients to a boil. Stir about 2 minutes until the sugar dissolves and mixture turns the color of pancake syrup. Turn off the burner and let cool. (The pancake syrup will thicken as it cools.) Add in the optional vodka and transfer to a bottle. Enjoy!**myfridgefood*
side note: if you want "thicker syrup"
add 3 tbs of molasses
OR about 1 cup of corn syrup
makes about 3 cups of syrup
Hier volg die resep:
6 x 250ml suiker
15ml kremertart
750ml koue water
Meng suiker ,kremetart en helfte van die water in n kastrol roer oor lae hitte totdat die suiker opgelos is
Kook oor matige hitte tot stroop ligbruin van kleur is sowat 15 tot 20 min
Voeg die res van die water stadig by
Verwyder van hitte en gooi in gerteriliseerde flesse verseel dadelik

***Pieter R Vd Merwe
Ek maak my stroop so....
9 koppies suiker
1 hoe teel sout
1 hoe teel Creametart
4 koppies water
Meng alles saam in n pot- ek gebruik sommer my stoompot
Sit op die stoof en laat kook vinnig terwyl jy roer tot ligbruin
Laat hitte laag en kook tot donker bruin soos stroop lyk
As die stroop reg is haal af en gooi dan 2 koppies koue kraan water by roer deur
Pasop vir brand want hy kook op
Ek los myne in die pot tot koud en bottel dan
**Riana de Meyer*
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