Thursday, 24 January 2013



1 hoender in stukkies gesny
2 uie
1 eetl kerriepoeier
1 eetl suiker
1 eetl meelblom
2 eetl bladjang
Sout en peper na smaak
Plaas hoender in “L/S Roaster”
Bak in oond teen 180°C vir 1 uur tot goudbruin
Sny uie in skywe, voeg by hoender, Meng res van bestandele en gooi oor hoender.  Sit terug in die oond en bak vir ‘n verdere 30min teen 180°C.  Bedien saam met rys.*

Chicken Breyani 
1kg chicken pieces
2c rice
¼ cup brown lentils
1onion, finely chopped
1 green pepper, finely chopped
2 tsp garlic and ginger
1 packet tomato paste
4 cups cold water
2 tsp meat masala & breyani mix
salt to taste
dhanja, chopped

Place all the ingredients in Extra Large Gourmet Roaster and microwave for 35 minutes on 100% power. Stir well and microwave for a further 15-20 minutes. Cook until lentils are soft. Remove and

250ml bruismeel
Knippie sout
65ml kookolie
75ml kookwater
Plaas al die bestandele in ‘n mengbak met deksel  Skud goed tot deeg gemeng het.  Druk deeg in gesmeerde “Meduim Oval Roaster” Kies een van die volgende soutprodukte en plaas dit direk op deeg.  Daarna volg verskillende groente waar daar minstens 4 soorte gebruik kan word.  Laaste volg die speserye en kaas.  Sit in die oond en stel teen 180°C
Bak vir 20-25min tot die kors se rand bruin is.*

Plaas 750g bevrore vismootjies in “S/S Roaster”
Braai in margarine 1 ui en 1 soetrissie gekap op die stoof.
Meng die volg:
1 klein blikkie sampioesop,
1 klein blikkie sampioene,
2ml kerriepoeier en bietjie gekapte amandels met gesmelte margarine en strooi oor die vis.
Bedek en bak vir 30-40min teen 180 Grade.  Bedien met ertjies en slaai*

2 kp bruismeel
1 kp suiker
2 teel koeksoda gelyk
2 eetl appelkooskonfyt fyn
Knippie sout
2 eiers
1 blikkie 410g vrugteslaai snippers in sous
Meng al die droe bestandele saam.  Meng 2 eiers in koppie, giet vrugte en eiers by droe bestandele en meng deeglik saam.  Smeer “pudding Ring”met Spray & Cook”en giet mengsel in gesmeerde Pudding ring.  Plaas in die middle van die oond en stel teen 180°C.  Oond word saam met bak verhit.
Bak vir 40-50 min.  Haal uit en gooi warm sous oor.  Indien oond element bo het, bedek met foelie vir eerste 15 min.
4 eetl botter
1kp suiker
1teel vanilla
1 kp ideal melk
Smelt botter en voeg suiker by, roer tot half gesmelt.  Voeg ideal melk by en laat net kook.  Voeg vanilla by en gooi oor koek.
Hierdie vrugte ring is fantasties vir nagereg saam met room of roomys, kan ook vir koek gebruik word, verminder net sous.*

1 pk tennisbeskuitjies
1 blik kondensmelk 3 ure gekook of caramel kondensmelk
1 blik ingedamte melk, 24 uur in die yskas
15ml gelatien
Een van die volgende geursels: Vanilla, Sjerrie en koffie of suurlemoen en Van de Hum
Klits die ingedampte melk en meng met die kondensmelk.  Week gelatien in bietjie koue water en smelt oor kookwater.  Meng met melkmengsel.  Geur na smaak.  Pak beskuitjies nou in groot “medium Oval Roaster” in lae met die vulsel.  Eindig met ‘n laag vulsel en strooi gekrummelde beskuitjies bo-oor.  Room kan voor die krummels opgesit word indien verkies.*

Carol Elliott Claassen

(Serves 4 - 6)
6 – 10 lamb neck/forequarter chops
60 ml worcestershire sauce
1 packet of spring vegetable soup powder
125 ml dry uncooked oats
Put the chops in a plastic bag. Add the Worcestershire sauce; shake to coat all the chops with sauce. Add the soup powder; shake until cooked. Add the oats; shake to coat the chops. Arrange the coated chops along the sides of the Medium Gourmet Roaster bowl. (can overlap or make another row) Cover place into a cold oven, switch to 160°C and bake for 90 – 120 minutes.Serve with salad*

Carol Elliott Claassen
(Serves 4)
4 -6 lamb/beef/pork chops
1 large onion, chopped
1 red capsicum, sliced
1 green capsicum, sliced
5 medium potatoes, sliced
3 rashers bacon, sliced
1 jar Bolognaise sauce
5 cloves garlic, whole
4 carrots, sliced
1pkt Mushroom soup powder
250 ml tasty grated cheddar cheese
Salt & pepper to taste
Sprinkle a tablespoon of the Soup powder in the bottom of the X/L Bowl. Then the Sliced Potatoes. Again a tablespoon Soup powder. Then the red and green capsicums, half of the bacon and the onion. Sprinkle soup powder. Then the sliced carrots and the garlic cloves. The rest of the soup powder, if any left Last the Meat and the other half of the bacon. Pour the Bolognaise sauce over and add the grated cheese. Cover the bowl and put in the oven. Switch the oven on at 160 C and bake for 90 minutes or until done.

Carol Elliott Claassen
(This is a lamb dish to beat that of any restaurant. Inexpensive and easy to prepare)
4-8 lamb cutlets/shanks halves
80 ml plain flour
30 ml butter/margarine
2 medium brown onions, diced
6 bacon rashers, diced
2 tins tomato soup
Salt & pepper
5 ml dry mustard powder
25 ml worchester sauce
60 ml brown vinegar
15 ml brown sugar
Mix all above ingredients, place in Medium Gourmet Bowl and put in the oven at 180 ºC for 1½ - 2 hours or until tender. (Can lower the temperature for a longer cooking period)
Microwave it for 35 - 45 minutes (depends on the power of your microwave) on Medium High (70%). Leave to stand for about 5 minutes before serving.*

Carol Elliott Claassen
(Serves 4)
600 g lamb cutlets/shanks
1 jar cranberry sauce
50 ml rosemary sprigs
375 ml chicken stock (1½ cubes dissolve in 375 ml hot water)
250 ml red wine
20 ml butter/margarine
25 ml plain flour
Melt butter in microwave in the Medium Gourmet Roaster. Add the flour and stir, gradually, add some of the chicken stock & stir until smooth. Add the rosemary, cranberry sauce, stock & red wine. Place cutlets/shanks in the sauce in the bowl. Put in cold oven. Switch it on at 160 ºC and cook for 1½ - 2 hours or until soft and tender.*

Carol Elliott Claassen
(Serves 4)
1 sachet Maggi Country Hot Pot Cook-in-Sauce
100 g butternut, cubed
2 ml chopped rosemary
1 onion, chopped
450 g baby potatoes, halved
75 g broccoli florets
500 g lamb knuckles
400 ml water
Put all the above ingredients, except broccoli and rosemary in the Extra Large Gourmet Roaster. Pour sauce over. Cover and cook slowly in the oven at 160°C for 2 hours or until meat is tender . Add the broccoli and rosemary 15 minutes before the end of the cooking time and cook until tender.
Serve with rice*

Ek het een wat ek in my Argilla bak in die oond maak
Linette Olckers
6-8 Aartappels, geskil en in blokkies gesny.
500g Wors in stukkies gesny.
Meng saam en gooi in oondbak.
Strooi pa
kkie oxtail soppoeier oor en meng deur.
Gooi 3-4 eetlepel botter by.
Bedek en bak 1 uur by 180ºC.
Die botter gee die vog om die aartappels sag te maak.
Dis 'n baie lekker gereg saam met 'n slaai

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