Tuesday 22 January 2013


                                                         Foto >Helena Kruger


1 Lb carrots
1 Lb sugar
Juice of one orange
Juice of one lemon
Zest of one orange
 Zest of one lemon
Peel the carrots and grate them .
Weigh the amount of grated carrots and do the same measure for sugar.
In a bowl combine grated carrots, sugar, lemon juice, orange juice, lemon zest, orange zest, marinate overnight.
Put the mixture in a heavy bottomed pot, bring to a boil and cook covered over low heat for 1h30 minutes.
Check for denseness by placing a drop of jam in a cold plate if it freezes right away, it's cooked.
Pour the hot jam into a sterilized jar, fill it to the brim, let cool, once the jam is cold, close the jar tightly.
Keep the pot of jam in a cool and dark place.** Posted by lallacuisine*.

Maré Nieuwoudt
*Lekker Resepte vir die Jongergeslag*

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