Tuesday 22 January 2013




1 en 'n halwe pond engelse komkommer, (454 g)
n halwe pond wortels, (240 g)
2 pond suiker, (907 g)
3 koppies water. (750 ml)
Rasper komkommer en geskilde wortels op growwe kant van rasper.
Voeg suiker en water by en laat oornag staan. Kook tot amper reg en voeg dan 2 klein blikkies crushed pynappel en n knypie sout by. Kook tot reg is. Laat koud word en bottel. Indien verkies kan komkommer afgeskil word.
Anet grove **

Cucumber melon jam

(4 jars at 210 ml)
1 cucumber (about 250-300 g),
1/2 Galia melon (about 400-500 g, you could as well use cantaloupe or honeydew),
1/2 teaspoon vanilla seeds,
1/2 tablespoon finely chopped mint,
250 g 3:1 jam sugar . 1 additional teaspoon citric acid (optional to your taste)
Peel cucumber and half melon. Remove seeds and grate finely into a big pot. Weight cucumber-melon-mixture. Divide by three and add this amount of 3:1 jam sugar (in weight). The final weight I came out with was 750 g, so I added 250 g of sugar. Add vanilla seeds and mint and marinate for 2 hours.
Over high heat, bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Drop a bit of jam on small plate, cool and down and check if it is already gelling. If not, cook for a few more minutes. Fill into sterilized jars, close lid and let cool upside-down. Chill and spread on your bun, croissant,… together with some cream cheese.*.nadelundgabel.
adapted with some major modifications from Fannys recipe

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