Friday 25 January 2013



30ml butter
30ml flour
125ml chicken stock
125ml heavy cream
1ml salt
1ml pepper
60ml grated parmesan cheese
In a sausepan, melt the butter, add the flour and make a paste. Add the chicken stock, cream and seasoning. Simmer while stirring until thickened. add cheese and simmer 2 min.*

Helena Kruger
n Verskeidenheid van seekosgeregte
Calamari steak, opgesny in blokkies
Geel, rooi, groen pepers vir kleur
Een ui, opgesny in kwarte
Vis - verkieslik koningklip
Ryg verskeidenheid van bogenoemde in op 'n houtstokkie, afhangende van voorkeur en smaak.
Marineer vir een uur voor braai in sous.
Sap van twee suurlemoene
Skil van twee suurlemoene
1 Suurlemoengras - stokkie, fyn opgesny
1tl growwe sout
1tl growwe peper
1tl gerasperde vars gemmer
Vryf goed in met marinade. Laat staan vir 1 uur. [Iewers van iemand wat kan !!!}*


60ml olyfolie
5ml rissiepoeier
Sap van 1 lemmetjie of suurlemoen
400g gemengde seekos
20g boontjiespruite
1 baba rooikool fyngesny
1 komkommer in dun skyfies gesny
1 rooi en 1 geel soetrissie ontpit en in repies gesny
Meng die olyfolie, rissiepoeier en lemmetjiesap saam. Verhit die mengsel oor hoë hitte in ‘n groot pan. Voeg die gemengde seekos by en roerbraai dit twee min of tot dit deurgaar is. Rangskik die res van die bestandele op ‘n groot opdien bord of in enkel bakkies en skep die seekos bo-op. Drup die pansappe bo-oor en geur na smaak met sout en vars gemaalde swartpeper. *Kos idees*

(4 Porsies)
400g penne of fettuccine pasta
75ml botter
50ml koekmeel
750ml melk
150g garnaal of steurgarnaalvleis
15ml gekapte vars dille of 7ml gedroog)
200g krapstokkies gesny
Maak die pasta gaar volgens die aanwysing op die pakkie. Dreineer dit en hou dit warm. Smelt 50ml van die botter in ‘n kastrol;, voeg die meel by en roer tot glad. Haal van die stoof af en voeg die melk bietjie-bietjie by. Geur na smaak. Sit weer op die stoof en roer tot die sous begin borrel. Verlaag die hitte en laat prut vir 5min.
Verhit intussen die orige 25ml botter in ‘n pan oor matige hitte. Voeg die garnale en dille by en braai vir 3min. Voeg die krapstokkies by en braai tot goudbruin en deurgaar. Voeg die pasta en seekos by die sous en roer liggies deur. *Kos idees*

Helena Kruger
Lekker Parmesaan Grabstick Pasta!!!
Ek moet nou mooi onthou!!Dit was 11h in die nag maar kom ek probeer!!!
Gaar Pasta>Lekker dik witsous>Grabsticks in stukkies gesny>Garlic Parmesaan Kaas>Gekapte uitjie >botter
Braai uitjie in botter en voeg jou witsous by
Voeg Grabsticks en Knoffel by roer deur en verwarm goed
Roer Parmesaan kaas in [en n bietjie geelkaas]
Skep in opdienbord en strooi nog Gerasperde Parmesaan en gekapte vars pietersielie bo-oor [wit sousie bo-oor is sommer n bietjie knoffelsousie} en was dit nou Heerlik en vinnig!!Helena Kruger.*

Carol Elliott Claassen
Fresh prawn salad
 salad leaves of your choice
2 radishes, washed and sliced finely
1 cucumber, peeled and sliced
cocktail tomatoes, halved
1 spring onion or scallion, finely sliced
1 stick celery, finely sliced
pomegranate pips
1/4 pineapple, cored and diced
10 prawns peeled and grilled in a little olive oil
For the dressing:
3Tbslemon-infused olive oil
1Tbspineapple vinegar
juice and zest of a lemon
2Tbssweet chili sauce
a small pinch of salt
chopped fresh chili (optional)
Assemble the salad and add the prawns.
Pour over the dressing and serve. (Food24*

Maré Nieuwoudt
This sherry cream sauce
is delicious with fish or seafood.
This is the perfect sauce for halibut, haddock, snapper, or any other mild white fish or seafood.
2 tablespoons butter
1 small clove garlic
1 tablespoon finely chopped onion
1 teaspoon clam base or lobster base
1 cup heavy whipping cream
2 tablespoons sherry
salt and pepper, to taste
paprika, optional
Creole or Cajun seasoning, optional
ground nutmeg, optional
Melt butter in saucepan over medium-low heat. Press garlic or smash and mince very finely; add to butter. Add the chopped onion and clam base. Saute for about 1 minute. Add cream and sherry; bring to a simmer. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 to 8 minutes, to reduce the sauce by about 1/4 to 1/3. Taste and add salt and pepper, along with other seasonings you might like. I like a little paprika for color and sometimes Cajun seasoning, sometimes nutmeg.*

Helena Kruger
For the dressing:
3Tbs olive oil
1Tbs vinegar [Hier kan jy jou sjerrie gebruik]
juice and zest of a lemon
1tsp sugar
2Tbs sweet chili sauce
a small pinch of salt
chopped fresh chili (optional)
Pour over the dressing and serve 1/3/12 Helena Kruger**

Helena Kruger
Ou Kamma-Kreef Sousie

1 k mayonnaise
125 ml tamatiesous
5 ml worcestersous
5 ml brandewyn ....gebruik hier jou sjerrie***
1 ui, gerasper
paar druppels tobascosous
knippie sout
bietjie Aromat
Meng alles en verkoel 1/3/12*

Baie lekker.
1pak stokvis (hake) gaar gestoom of vir 5 minute gekook in n bietjie melk. Vlok die vis sodra afgekoel.
250ml mayonaise
125ml tamatiesous
2 knoffel huisies fyn gekap.
125ml room.
1 eetl brandewyn
Paar druppels tobasco of enige rissiesous na smaak.
Sout en peper na smaak.

1 slaaikop in stukkies gebreek of gesny.
Meng al die sous bestanddele..
Meng vis liggies met die sous..
Plaas blaarslaai onder in n mooi bak.
Skep vismengsel bo-oor en garneer met
suurlemoen skyfies. Bedien koud.
Geniet.*Christo De Beer

Carol Elliott Claassen
Tropical salsa for fish
Finely chop 3-4 salad onions and mix with 1 cup (250ml) diced pawpaw, 1 finely chopped chilli, 1 Tbsp (15ml) grated lemon peel and ¼ cup (60ml) granadilla pulp together. Serve with grilled fish or chicken.

Seafood Linguine in a Cream Sauce
Cooking in HD
features large scallops and cod – my favorite white fish – in a rich and flavorful cream sauce.  It’s easy to make, and as silky smooth and delicious as any restaurant Seafood Linguine.
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Serves: 4 people, depending on portion size
1 – 375g package of Linguine
1 lb of sea scallops, any size (for larger scallops cut them into bit-sized pieces)
1 lb of any white fish (like cod, haddock, sea bass, pollack, halibut etc.) cut into 1 inch pieces
1 stick of butter
3 tablespoons of olive oil
3 cloves of garlic, minced
3 small anchovies
2 cups of white wine1 1/2 to 2 cups of 18% table cream or 1 cup of whipping cream
small handful of oregano, chopped
small handful of thyme
1 small chili pepper for mild heat (or not, your choice)
salt, pepper to taste
1 cups of freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano (Parmesan cheese)
1 bunch of fresh parsley, chopped for garnish
1 lemon, sliced into wedges for sprinkling on fish
Bring a pot of salted water to a boil.  Once the water is boiling, add the linguine and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until tender yet firm (as they say in Italian “al dente.”)
Meanwhile, using a deep frying pan, melt the butter in olive oil (this prevents the butter from burning, but still imparts the taste of butter).    Fry the seafood up on both sides, about 3 minutes per side until golden brown.  Once the seafood is cooked, remove from the frying pan and set aside.  You don’t want to overcook the seafood!
In the same frying pan, with the seafood removed, fry up the mined garlic and anchovies for 1-2 minutes.  You can add a bit of the anchovy oil if you need a bit more oil in the pan.  Careful, garlic burns easily, so don’t overdo it!
As soon as the garlic has a bit of color, deglaze the pan with about 2 cups of white wine (deglazing means to use the liquid to scrape off all of the little brown bits on the bottom of the frying pan).  I deglazed with the same wine I served this dish with (see below for wine pairing)
Once deglazed, add the cream and mix well
Add the herbs and chili pepper to the cream sauce
Let the wine and cream sauce reduce down a bit until the thickness described in the video, and add salt and pepper to taste.  Once the cream has has the correct consistency, Drain the linguine in a colander and place the linguine pasta into the cream sauce to coat evenly.  Be sure to reserve about a cup of  the starchy cooking water.  A little bit of this water can be added to the sauce to make it creamy if it starts to get too thick.
Add the seafood back to the linguine and cream sauce and coat evenly
Plate the seafood linguine and cream sauce, and garnish with parsley.  Sprinkle with a little grated Parmigiano-Reggiano if you’d like.  Serve with a wedge of lemon.
I served this Seafood Linguine in Cream Sauce with a dry, French wine, such as  Pouilly-Fumé.  It is dry white wine from the Loire Valley wine-producing region of France. Pouilly-Fumé is made from the Sauvignon Blanc grape variety. It is characterized by smoky flavors and fruit notes.  A very crisp wine great for balancing the richness of the cream sauce.*

Pasta Salad With Baby Shrimp
Servings: 10
    1/2 lb rotini noodles (250g)
    1/2 lb bow tie pasta (250g)
    1 (4 ounce) can baby shrimp (125g)
    1/2 cup diced red onion
    1/2 cup diced green pepper
    4 tablespoons white vinegar
    1/2 teaspoon yellow mustard
    black pepper
    1 1/2 cups mayonnaise (give or take)
    Boil noodles together according to package directions. Drain and run under cold water till cooled. Drain well.
    In large bowl combine onion, green pepper, salt, pepper, vinegar and mustard.
    Add mayo and stir through.
    Add noodles and shrimp and thoroughly combine.
    Chill until ready to serve.
    Note: I'm guessing on serving sizes cause we eat this sometimes as a meal, not just as a side.

Maré Nieuwoudt
Annette Liebenberg
30 ml (2 e) olyfolie
2 knoffelhuisies, fyn gekap
250 g spekvleis, grof gekap
250 g knopiesampioene, gehalveer
1 kg gemengde seekos, ontdooi[marinara]
2 takkies vars tiemie
60 ml (¼ k) Old Brown-sjerrie
50 g tamatiepasta
sout en vars gemaalde swartpeper
250 ml (1 k) room
sap en skil gerasper van een
vars basilieblare
Verhit die olie in ’n groot kastrol en braai die knoffel, spek en sampioene sowat 5min
Roer die seekos, tiemie, sjerrie en tamatiepasta by, bring tot kookpunt en verlaag die hitte.
Laat prut sowat 10 minute en geur met sout en swartpeper.
Giet die room by en laat prut nog ’n paar minute.
Skep die meeste van die sous uit en giet dit in ’n klein kastrolletjie, bring tot kookpunt en laat prut sowat 5 minute of tot die sous ’n bietjie afgekook en effens verdik het.
Giet die afgekookte sous terug by die seekosmengsel, geur met die suurlemoensap en -skil en sit voor saam met pasta.Garneer met basilieblare.-* Huisgenoot* 25.7.2012


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