Wednesday 27 November 2013


We tried something different for a vegetable side-dish when we were braai-ing the other evening – a whole cauliflower, wrapped in tinfoil and baked over the coals. It was delicious, so easy, and just thi
nk, no pots to wash! All you need is a whole head of cauliflower, not too large, preferebly young and fresh, a piece of tinfoil large enough to wrap it in firmly, seasonings, and butter or olive oil, or both.
Trim and wash the cauliflower, and place it in the centre of the piece of tinfoil.
Draw up the sides of the tinfoil to make a ‘bowl’, then season the cauliflower – I used Robertsons Veggie Sprinkles herb mix for this version, but curry powder would be delicious, so would a good sprinkling of any spice mix like rosemary and garlic or lemon pepper, or even just plain salt and freshly ground pepper.
Drizzle some olive oil over the cauliflower, then place a dollop of butter on top.
Pull up the sides of the tinfoil, and wrap it firmly over the cauliflower head, pressing it tightly around to seal the yumminess inside.
Place the packet on a grid over a bed of hot coals and bake until tender and cook, about hour, maybe more.
You should be able to slip a sharp knife easily through the centre when it is done.
To serve, place on a plate, open the tinfoil and cut into portions.

By: Kos vir kampeerders met idees vir kampering
* Lekker Resepte vir die Jongergeslag

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