Monday 17 February 2014


1 koppie Nutella
100ml koekmeel
2 eiers

Meng al die bestandele goed saam.
Plaas dit in 'n kleefwerende pan en druk plat.
Hou so 'n klein bietjie van die Nutella oor.
Bak teen 180 grade vir 15 minute.
Haal uit en laat dit afkoel.
Smeer die orige Nutella bo-oor.
Sny in blokkies.
Bedien op voorstoep... voer mekaar...

Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free Brownies     


Butter or ghee, grass-fed, or expeller-pressed, refined coconut oil (1 1/4 cup, plus extra for greasing the pan) — where to buy ghee and where to buy coconut oil
Date Sugar, no additives, or make from scratch from dried dates processed in the food processor (2 3/4 cups)
Eggs, pastured, large (4-5)
Vanilla extract, homemade (2 tsp) — see my recipe — but use vodka if on the GAPS diet
Coconut flour (1 1/4 cup) — where to buy coconut flour
Cocoa powder, unsweetened, organic if possible (3/4 cup plus 2 TBS)
Coconut milk, homemade or canned with no additives (3/4 cup) —
Sea salt (1 pinch )


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease an 8×8 baking dish with butter, ghee or coconut oil.

2. Add 
butter (or ghee or coconut oil) and date sugar to a medium saucepan and melt on low heat, stirring until everything is well blended and smooth.

3. Stir in the cocoa powder. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.

4. Beat the eggs and vanilla extract together with an electric mixer until frothy. Then on low speed, mix in cooled chocolate mixture.

5. Add in the coconut flour, coconut milk, and pinch of sea salt, beating with the mixer.

6. Transfer mixture to the greased baking dish and bake the brownies in the preheated oven for 40-50 minutes or until the top of the brownies is crisp and the edges begin to pull away from the pan. Use a toothpick to tell if they are done — if the toothpick comes out clean, they are done.

7. Serve warm with a tall glass of coconut milk or almond milk (homemade if you are on GAPS). Or cut up the brownies and add to some homemade coconut milk ice cream (vanilla, or even better, chocolate) — heavenly!

This recipe is included in my Reversing Food Allergies class. If you have food allergies and want to learn how you can reverse them, check out this online cooking class. Enrollment is open.

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