Tuesday 9 April 2013


Berie Vd Velden Smith

1 medium-sized butternut – peeled and cut up in small cubes
125gr bacon – finely chopped
fresh thyme
1 bulb of garlic- top sliced of
1 medium onion- sliced
lemon-infused olive oil
salt/pepper to taste
500gr pasta of your choice – cooked al dente.
freshly grated parmesan cheese – about 1 cup
1 cup biltong – thinly sliced
To save time, I par-boiled the butternut, but this is not necessary. In an oven-proof dish, scatter the bacon pieces, topped with the butternut and onion. Add the whole garlic bulb and drizzle the whole lot with olive oil and season with salt/pepper and thyme. Roast this in a hot oven until the butternut is cooked , the bacon is crispy and the garlic is soft and yummee. For the last 2-3 minutes, scatter the sliced biltong on top and let the biltong just warm through and start to brown slightly. Drain the pasta and add the content of the oven dish to the pasta. Add the parmesan and toss lightly. Season if needed.
This pasta recipe had my family speechless. Unusual ingredients thrown together, but it just worked!!! Go ahead, give it a try.http://lekkerreseptevirdiejongergeslag.blogspot.com/2013/04/pasta-with-biltong.html

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