Thursday, 31 July 2014


PAP EN WORS op die Italiaanse manier
Polenta is mieliemeel wat al sedert antieke Romeinse tye gewild is in Italië. Saam met boerewors en tamaties is dit steeds ’n wenner.
genoeg vir 4 – 6

• 4 takkies vars roosmaryn, taamlik lank
• 600 g dik boerewors
• 40 ml olyfolie
• 1 ui, fyngekap
• 2 knoffelhuisies, fyngekap
• 400 g klein rosa-tamaties, gehalveer
• sout en varsgemaalde swartpeper
• hand vol vars basiliekruidblare, grofgekap
• 1 liter kookwater
• 250 ml polenta
• 100 g (110 ml) botter
• 100 g parmesaankaas, fyngerasper

Verwyder die blaartjies van ’n gedeelte van die roosmaryntakkies. Druk die takkies deur die wors om die worsspiraal bymekaar te hou (sien foto) en lekker te geur. Plaas wors in ’n pan en voeg klein bietjie water by – sowat ½ cm diep. Plaas op stoofplaat en verhit. Braai tot water weggekook het en draai wors om. Braai verder tot gaar. Verhit olyfolie in ’n ander pan en voeg ui en knoffelhuisies by. Braai tot sag en deurskynend. Voeg tamaties by en geur met sout en peper. Braai tot tamaties sag is. Voeg basiliekruid by. 

Kook water in die ketel en gooi 1 liter van die kookwater in ’n kastrol. Bring weer tot kookpunt bo-op die stoof. Trek kastrol af van hitte en voeg die polenta stadig by terwyl jy heeltyd roer met ’n ballonklitster. Verlaag hitte van die stoofplaat tot die laagste stelling en plaas kastrol terug op plaat. Roer polenta tot dik en voeg botter by. Roer goed deur tot gesmelt. Voeg byna al die kaas by en meng goed. Sprinkel res van kaas bo-op en sit onmiddellik voor met gaar wors en tamatiesmoor.
deur Barbara Joubert


Gesmoorde soetrissie met boerewors en geroosterde ciabatta
deur Barbara Joubert

Skep van die soetrissies op ’n sny roosterbrood en plaas ’n worsie bo-op – dis heerlik.
genoeg vir 4

• 1 groen soetrissie
• 1 rooi soetrissie
• 1 geel soetrissie
• 50 ml olyfolie
• 1 ui, gehalveer en in skywe gesny
• 2 knoffelhuisies, fyngekap
• sout en varsgemaalde swartpeper
• 300 g dun boerewors
• 1 ciabatta-brood in snye gesny en gerooster
• vars basiliekruid-takkies

Verwyder die soetrissies se sade en sny die wande in dik repe. Verhit olie in ’n pan en voeg ui en knoffel by. Braai sowat 1 minuut en voeg soetrissies by. Geur met sout en peper. Braai tot soetrissies sag is. Maak klein worsies van die boerewors. Draai die boerewors so elke 10 cm – dit moet soos klein varkworsies lyk. Plaas wors in pan en voeg water by – sowat ½ cm diep. Braai tot water weggekook het en draai wors versigtig om. Braai verder tot gaar. Skep soetrissies in opdienbak en plaas wors bo-op. Plaas vars basiliekruid-takkies bo-op. Sit voor met geroosterde ciabatta-brood.


aam met lekker sterk koffie is dit die perfekte einde van ‘n heerlike maal

2 groot eiers
250 ml sonneblomolie
250 ml sterk koffie
1 x 650 g-boks sjokoladekoek-mengsel
250 g donkersjokolade
45 ml botter, gesmelt
3 eiers, geskei
60 ml versiersuiker
250 ml sjokoladesous
125 g bessies van jou keuse

Verhit die oond tot 180 °C. Voer ’n 30 cm-broodpan met bakpapier uit en spuit goed met kleefwerende kossproei. Meng eiers, olie en koffie goed in groot mengbak. Voeg koekmengsel by en meng tot gladde beslag. Gooi in broodpan en bak vir 30 – 45 minute of tot toetspen skoon uitkom. Laat afkoel en keer uit. Verdeel koek in twee lae. 
Voer broodpan met kleefplastiek uit en plaas een koeklaag onder in pan. Smelt sjokolade en botter saam in mikrogolfoond. Laat afkoel tot louwarm en roer eiergele een vir een by – as dit te warm is, gaan dit skif. Klits eierwitte tot sagte punte vorm en voeg versiersuiker by terwyl jy aanhou klits tot blink en styf. Vou by sjokolademengsel in. Skep mengsel dadelik in uitgevoerde pan. Plaas tweede koeklaag bo-op en laat stol vir 3 uur of oornag in yskas. Lig uit pan met behulp van die kleefplastiek. Plaas op opdienbord en verwyder kleefplastiek. Sit voor met sjokoladesous en bessies.
Die onderstaande koekresep kan ook gebak word en volg dan die veredere aanwysings.

Barry Theron[ Vriend]
1k Strooisuiker
1k Koekmeel
1t Sout
2e Kakao     of     2e Maizena vir n wit koek
3t Bakpoeier  (1 + 2 tlps)
½ k Kookwater
½ k Olie
4 Eiers (Geskei)
1e Vanielje

Sif droee best. met 1t Bakpoeier
Meng kookolie en kookwater, Voeg by droeë best.
Skei eiers.
Voeg Vanilja by eiergele, meng, voeg by mengsel.
Klits eierwitte met 2 t bakpoeier en voeg laaste by mengsel.
Bak by 180*C vir so +- 35min.

Barry Theron 2000...Helena n.s.

Dit is die lekkerste "NAT" koek wat ek nog gebak het n Treffer Junie 2010

Helena Kruger


1 koppie suiker
1 koppie meel
½ koppie warm sterk koffie
3 t bakpoeier
2 eetlepels kakao
1 t sout
½ koppie olie
1 t vanilla essence
4 eiers geskei
Bestanddele vir die SJOKOLADE MOUSSE
250 ml Stork Cremendous ( of enige ander room)
1 blik gekookte kondensmelk
3 eetlepels kakao
Voorverhit oond op 180 grade C
Metode vir die koek

Klits suiker,warm koffie en kakao goed saam tot afgekoel
Skei die eiers en klits die geel van die eiers 1 voor 1 by
Voeg olie toe en klits goed
Voeg droë bestanddele toe
Meng goed
Klits die eiwitte styf
vou die geklitste eiwitte goed in die mengels met 'n yster lepel
Skink in oondpan
Bak vir ongeveer 30 minute teen 180 grade C
Laat afkoel op draadrak
Metode vir die mouse
Klop die stork cremendous ( of ander room) styf
Voeg die gekookte kondensmelk by die room .
Voeg die kakao by en klits tot die kakao opgelos is
Versier die Sjokoladesponskoek met die mousse
Verkoel vir minstens 'n uur <<<<Bibi


Classic Egg Foo Yong recipe (egg foo young)


1 cup bean sprouts
1 medium onion, minced
1 clove garlic, minced
2 green onions, thinly sliced
1/4 cup chopped cooked ham (or any other cooked meat; such as chopped sausages or shredded roast chicken)
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper, white

6 eggs, beaten
2 tablespoons oil, vegetable (canola or any other light-tasting oil)

Sauce Ingredients

2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon Hua Tiao Chinese wine (or dry sherry)
1 tablespoon cornstarch

Cooking Directions

(Part A) Stir Fry the main ingredients
1. Rinse bean sprouts in cold water.
2. Heat oil in a pan (or a wok if you have one) and add scallions, onion & sprouts. Stir fry using medium-high heat for about 45 seconds, or until vegetables are tender.
3. Add garlic and stir fry for another 15 seconds (don't burn the garlic).
4. Add cornstarch, soy sauce, cooked ham, salt & pepper. Mix well.
5. Remove to a dish & allow to cool.

(Part B) Cook the eggs in batches to get a layering effect
6. In a pan, heat 2 tbsp oil & ladle in 1/3 of the eggs.
7. Add 1/3 of the stir-fried ingredients (from step 5)
8. Fry til golden on both sides.
9. Add another 1/3 of the eggs and 1/3 ot the stir fried ingredients (from step 5)
10. Fry til golden on both sides.
11. Add the last remaining 1/3 of the eggs and 1/3 ot the stir fried ingredients (from step 5)
12. Fry til golden on both sides.

(Part C) Make the Sauce
13. To make the sauce: combine sauce ingredients in small pan, bring to boil.
14. Simmer gently til thickened.
Serves: 3-4


7 medium unpeeled cucumbers, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon pickling, or kosher salt
2 medium onions, thinly sliced
1 cup chopped green pepper
2 cups sugar
1 tablespoon celery seed
1 tablespoon mustard seed
1 cup vinegar
⅛ to ¼ teaspoon turmeric Optional
In large bowl, mix cucumbers, and salt; let stand ½ hour. Drain well. (I rinsed off some of the salt). Stir in onions and green pepper. In small bowl, combine remaining ingredients. Pour syrup over cucumber mixture; mix well. Store in covered container or pack in quart jars; refrigerate several hours or up to 3 months.
3 quarts 
: [THE IOWA HOUSEWIFE]*31/7/14*Kos vir kampeerders met idees vir kampering

Wednesday, 30 July 2014


Neute Lekkers

150 g sjokolade blok
100 g neute – grof gekap (pekaneute of grondboontjies) Ek hou my grondboontjies heel (my keuse)
Smelt sjokolade en meng neute by.
Skep teelepels vol op ‘n gesmeerde bakplaat en laat stol.
Opsioneel: VERSIERING:
50 gr wit sjokolade
Smelt wit sjokolade en drup oor neute/sjokolade vir versiering.
Jy kan as jy wil, so bietjie klapper ook byvoeg of bo-oor strooi as nog warm is.Bêre in lugdigte houer.*kreatiewekosidees*

Makes 16 bars

1 cup cashew pieces
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup desiccated coconut or coconut flakes
3/4 cup cranberries (I was lucky to find some sweetened with apple juice)
50g coconut oil
1 Tbsp coconut cream
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup coconut palm sugar

Line a 20cm square tin with baking paper and set aside. Lightly toast the first four ingredients one after the other in a large frying pan over a medium heat. Once toasted, place the nuts and seeds in a medium bowl along with the cranberries and set aside. Heat oil,  coconut cream, honey and sugar over medium heat stirring constantly until the caramel reaches hard ball stage on a candy thermometer (alternatively test the caramel by dropping a small amount into a cold glass of water, it is ready when the caramel stays firm). Pour over mixture in bowl, mix well. Press into tin, when nearly cold, cut into bars. Store in an airtight container. - See more at:
Makes 16 bars

1 cup cashew pieces
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup desiccated coconut or coconut flakes
3/4 cup cranberries (I was lucky to find some sweetened with apple juice)
50g coconut oil
1 Tbsp coconut cream
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup coconut palm sugar

Line a 20cm square tin with baking paper and set aside. Lightly toast the first four ingredients one after the other in a large frying pan over a medium heat. Once toasted, place the nuts and seeds in a medium bowl along with the cranberries and set aside. Heat oil,  coconut cream, honey and sugar over medium heat stirring constantly until the caramel reaches hard ball stage on a candy thermometer (alternatively test the caramel by dropping a small amount into a cold glass of water, it is ready when the caramel stays firm). Pour over mixture in bowl, mix well. Press into tin, when nearly cold, cut into bars. Store in an airtight container. - See more at:

Makes 16 bars

1 cup cashew pieces
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup desiccated coconut or coconut flakes
3/4 cup cranberries (I was lucky to find some sweetened with apple juice)
50g coconut oil
1 Tbsp coconut cream
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup coconut palm sugar

Line a 20cm square tin with baking paper and set aside. Lightly toast the first four ingredients one after the other in a large frying pan over a medium heat. Once toasted, place the nuts and seeds in a medium bowl along with the cranberries and set aside. Heat oil,  coconut cream, honey and sugar over medium heat stirring constantly until the caramel reaches hard ball stage on a candy thermometer (alternatively test the caramel by dropping a small amount into a cold glass of water, it is ready when the caramel stays firm). Pour over mixture in bowl, mix well. Press into tin, when nearly cold, cut into bars. Store in an airtight container. - See more at:
Makes 16 bars

1 cup cashew pieces
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup desiccated coconut or coconut flakes
3/4 cup cranberries (I was lucky to find some sweetened with apple juice)
50g coconut oil
1 Tbsp coconut cream
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup coconut palm sugar

Line a 20cm square tin with baking paper and set aside. Lightly toast the first four ingredients one after the other in a large frying pan over a medium heat. Once toasted, place the nuts and seeds in a medium bowl along with the cranberries and set aside. Heat oil,  coconut cream, honey and sugar over medium heat stirring constantly until the caramel reaches hard ball stage on a candy thermometer (alternatively test the caramel by dropping a small amount into a cold glass of water, it is ready when the caramel stays firm). Pour over mixture in bowl, mix well. Press into tin, when nearly cold, cut into bars. Store in an airtight container. - See more at:
Makes 16 bars

1 cup cashew pieces
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup desiccated coconut or coconut flakes
3/4 cup cranberries (I was lucky to find some sweetened with apple juice)
50g coconut oil
1 Tbsp coconut cream
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup coconut palm sugar

Line a 20cm square tin with baking paper and set aside. Lightly toast the first four ingredients one after the other in a large frying pan over a medium heat. Once toasted, place the nuts and seeds in a medium bowl along with the cranberries and set aside. Heat oil,  coconut cream, honey and sugar over medium heat stirring constantly until the caramel reaches hard ball stage on a candy thermometer (alternatively test the caramel by dropping a small amount into a cold glass of water, it is ready when the caramel stays firm). Pour over mixture in bowl, mix well. Press into tin, when nearly cold, cut into bars. Store in an airtight container. - See more at:


Janie Venter

Môre almal, ek wil brood bak met vars suurdeeg (blokkie), maar het geen idee hoe om dit te gebruik nie. Het iemand dalk n resep, asb.
Linette Olckers
1e Meel,
1e Suiker,
Roer 500ml sterk lou warm water by dit tot opgelos en krummel jou koekie suurdeeg daarin.
Meng net liggies deur en laat staan op n warm plek om te aktiveer.
Jy sal sien dit maak so dik skuim, dan gooi jy dit in jou brood mengsel en knie dan soos gewoonlik.
Gebruik maar n redelike diep bak of beker om aan te maak dit rys nogal goed, die suiker en meel help met die aktivering.*

Saturday, 26 July 2014


“Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods; and good
bread with fresh butter, the greatest of feasts” —James Beard
This delicious, cheesey bread served hot right from the oven with a big bowl of soup will become one of your favorites. This is an easy recipe and the bread is so good. It is great with any meal.
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese or could use your favorite cheese
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup butter or margarine or 8 tablespoons or 1 stick, melted
2 eggs 

In a large bowl combine flour, cheese, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and pepper. In a smaller bowl beat eggs, melted butter and buttermilk together with a whisk. Add to flour mixture and mix with a spoon just enough to wet all the ingredients. Pour mixture into a 9 x 5 inch loaf pan that has just the bottom of the pan sprayed or greased. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 35 to 40 minutes. Allow to cool for 15 minutes before removing from pan. Makes one loaf. Store in refrigerator.
This bread is so good it does not even need butter on it! I love it with homemade potato soup. Enjoy!
Het afgetrek van ‘’’’


“Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods; and good
bread with fresh butter, the greatest of feasts” —James Beard
This delicious, cheesey bread served hot right from the oven with a big bowl of soup will become one of your favorites. This is an easy recipe and the bread is so good. It is great with any meal.
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese or could use your favorite cheese
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup butter or margarine or 8 tablespoons or 1 stick, melted
2 eggs
In a large bowl combine flour, cheese, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and pepper. In a smaller bowl beat eggs, melted butter and buttermilk together with a whisk. Add to flour mixture and mix with a spoon just enough to wet all the ingredients. Pour mixture into a 9 x 5 inch loaf pan that has just the bottom of the pan sprayed or greased. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 35 to 40 minutes. Allow to cool for 15 minutes before removing from pan. Makes one loaf. Store in refrigerator.
This bread is so good it does not even need butter on it! I love it with homemade potato soup. Enjoy!
Het afgetrek van ‘’’’ 


Gebakte vla:
Genoeg vir 4
Bereiding: 10 minute
Baktyd: 30 minute
3 eiers
1 eiergeel
5 ml (1 t) vanieljegeursel
500 ml (2 k) room
60 ml (¼ k) strooisuiker
kaneel om oor te strooi

1 Voorverhit die oond tot 180 °C.
2 Klop die eiers, eiergeel en vanieljegeursel saam.
3 Verhit die room en suiker in ’n kastrol oor matige hitte, roer tot die suiker opgelos is en maak seker dat dit nie oorkook nie.
4 Voeg ’n lepel warm room by die eiers en roer, hou aan om dit lepelsgewys by te voeg tot dit goed gemeng is. Skink in vier individuele oondvaste skottels.
5 Plaas oor in ’n oondpan, vul die pan tot in die helfte met warm water en bak 30 minute. Sit warm of koud voor.

Thursday, 24 July 2014



1 package dry yeast
1/3 cup warm water, about 100 degrees
2 1/4 cups tepid water
2 Tbsp good quality olive oil, plus more for the pan and to paint on top of the bread
3 cups bread flour
4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 Tbsp salt, plus coarse salt (fleur de sel if you have it, otherwise Kosher salt) for sprinkling over the top
2-3 Tbsp finely chopped fresh rosemary (can use sage or other herbs such as thyme or oregano, but whatever herb you use, do use fresh herbs, do not use dried)
1. Stir the yeast into the 1/3 cup of slightly warm-to-the-touch water and let it rest for 10 minutes.
2. In a large bowl, pour in 2 1/4 cups of tepid water and 2 tablespoons olive oil. After the yeast has rested for 10 minutes and has begun to froth, pour it into the water-oil mixture.
3. Whisk in 2 cups of flour (either the bread flour or the all purpose, at this stage it doesn't matter which) and the tablespoon of salt. Add the rosemary. Then, cup by cup, whisk in the rest of the flour (both the bread flour and all purpose). As the mixture goes from a batter to a thick dough, you'll want to switch from a whisk to a wooden spoon. By the time you get to the last cup of flour, you will be able to work the dough with your hands. Begin to knead it in the bowl – try to incorporate all the flour stuck to the sides and bottom of the bowl as you begin kneading.
4. Once the bowl is pretty clean, turn the dough out onto a board and knead it well for 8 minutes. You might need some extra flour if the dough is sticky.
Note that a KitchenAid mixer (or some other brand of upright electric mixer) works well for the mixing and kneading of the bread dough. About the time you add the last cup of flour you'll want to switch from the standard mixer attachment to the dough hook attachment. Just knead the dough using the dough hook on low speed for 8 minutes. If after a few minutes the dough is still a little sticky, add a little sprinkling of flour to it.
5. In a large clean bowl, pour in about a tablespoon of oil and put the dough on top of it. Spread the oil all over the dough. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set aside to rise (in a relatively warm spot or at room temp) for an hour and a half. It should just about double in size.
6. Spread a little olive oil in your baking pan or baking sheet (will make it easier to remove the bread). Place the dough in your baking pans or form it into free-form rounds on a baking sheet. This recipe will do two nice-sized loaves or one big one and a little one. Cover the breads and set aside for another 30 minutes.
7. Dimple the breads with your thumb. Push in to about the end of your thumbnail, roughly 1/2-inch. Cover again and leave it to rise for its final rise, about 2 hours.
8. With 30 minutes to go before the rise finishes, preheat your oven to 400°F. If you have a pizza stone put it in.
9. Once the dough has done its final rise, gently paint the top with olive oil – as much as you want. Then sprinkle the coarse salt on top from about a foot over the bread; this lets the salt spread out better on its way down and helps reduce clumps of salt.
10. Put the bread in the oven. If you are doing free-form breads, put it right on the pizza stone. Bake for a total of 20-25 minutes. If you have a water spritzer bottle, spritz a little water in the oven right before you put the bread in to create steam, and then a couple of times while the bread is baking.
When the bread comes out of the oven, turn it out onto a rack within 3-5 minutes; this way you'll keep the bottom of the bread crispy. Let cool on a rack for 10 minutes before eating.
Yield: Makes a large loaf and a small loaf of 1 1/2 to 2 inches thick.
This recipe makes enough for 2 good-sized loaves. Or you can do what we've done, which is take 2/3 of the dough and bake it in a 9x15-inch baking pan, and the remaining third of the dough free-form on a baking sheet. You can make it all in free-form loaves that look like puffy pizzas, or shape them into casseroles or cake pans – there are no absolutes on the shape of this bread. The bread takes on the flavor of the olive oil so use a good quality one. Like most breads, this focaccia freezes well. You can also slice several day old focaccia bread and toast it, serving it with butter and/or honey. simply recipes 

Hanneli Erasmus 

FOCACCIA 2 / VINNIGE FOCACCIA                          
1 teaspoon white sugar
1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast
1/3 cup warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt

In a small bowl, dissolve sugar and yeast in warm water. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes.
In a large bowl, combine the yeast mixture with flour; stir well to combine. Stir in additional water, 1 tablespoon at a time, until all of the flour is absorbed. When the dough has pulled together, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface and knead briefly for about 1 minute.
Lightly oil a large bowl, place the dough in the bowl and turn to coat with oil. Cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place until doubled in volume, about 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 475 degrees F (245 degrees C).
Deflate the dough and turn it out onto a lightly floured surface; knead briefly. Pat or roll the dough into a sheet and place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Brush the dough with oil and sprinkle with salt.
Bake focaccia in preheated oven for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on desired crispness. If you like it moist and fluffy, then you'll have to wait just about 10 minutes. If you like it crunchier and darker in the outside, you may have to wait 20 minutes. 

Helena Kruger
25 g aktiewe droë gis
325 ml louwarm water
45 ml olyfolie
4 x 250 ml (4 k) witbroodmeel
250 g polenta
30 ml sout
25 ml polenta, ekstra
Handvol kersietamaties
Handvol ontpitte olywe
1 wiel fetakaas, gekrummel
Meng gis, louwarm water en olyfolie saam en laat staan eenkant vir ongeveer 10 minute tot skuimerig. Meng meel, polenta en sout saam en maak 'n holte in die middel. Voeg gismengsel hierby en maak aan tot 'n deeg. Knie deeg op 'n meelbestrooide oppervlak vir ongeveer 10-15 minute. Sit deeg in 'n gesmeerde mengbak en laat rys op 'n warm plek tot dubbel in volume. Voorverhit oond tot 180 °C. Knie af en rol die deeg plat uit en laat rys weer vir 15 minute. Sprinkel die polenta, tamaties, olywe en fetakaas bo-oor en druk dit effens in die deeg in. Bak vir 15-25 minute tot deurgaar en laat die brood effens afkoel. Lewer een groot of twee middelslag-foccacia. Helena 2010 


Daar is nogal n storie agter my BROODPOEDING, 43jr gelede moes ek Prakties Huishoudkunde doen met n Broodpoeding [Ja ek het dit pragtig gemaak vir my ouers]Maar toe kom die dag van Prakties eindeksamen en ja dit wou nie stolnie[ set] Helena het vergeet om haar eiers by die melkmengsel by te voeg
My verleentheid was so groot dat ek nog nooit weer in my lewe Broodpoeding gemaak het nie
Met baie moed en insperasie het ek dit na 43jr toe maar gisteraand gemaak *Heerlik was dit en die
YS IS GEBREEK* Helena Kruger

12 Snye wit brood[ korsie aan]
1Blikkie Tertappels[ gemeng met so n bietjie bruinsuiker en kaneel]
6 eiers
1x250ml Room
500ml Melk
80ml Bruinsuiker
klein knippie sout
Smeer jou snye brood met botter en aan die eenkant appelkooskonfyt
Plaas opmekaar en sny dit in 4 kwarte
Smeer jou oonpan met botter en pak jou kwarte mooi regop langsmekaar in die pan
Tussen elke kwart voeg jy n bietjie van jou appelmengsel in
Klits nou jou roommengsel alles saam en gooi dit stadig bo-oor jou brood in jou pan[ sorg dat almal lekker nat is]Sprinkel lekker Bruinsuiker bo-oor en laat rus vir 30min[sodat al die brood die roommengsel kan absorbeer]
Bak dit oop op 180*C vir 45min tot mooi bruin en gestol
Haal uit en drizzel bietjie Heuning of stroop bo-oor en laat rus vir so 5-8min om lekker te set voor jy opskep.
Bedien lekker tuisgemaakte vla of Vars Room daarby...
En hoe lekker het ek nie gisteraand geslaap nie want ek het geweet een van my kos vrese het ek oorbrug deur maar net weer te probeer**Hoe se hulle Aaanhouer Wen..Geniet dit as julle dit maak en dink aan my Helena Kruger Bultfontein Vrystaat 24/7/2014



Hoender[jou keuse]
1 blikkie klapperroom
Klein tamaties
Geur jou hoender met Paprika, BBQ Spice, Roosmaryn, klein bietjie gemmerpoeier, Swart Peper en n bietjie skoon droee hoender aftreksel poeier [Meng alles in n bakkie en vryf jou hoender of stukke goed daarmee in
Sny nou jou aartappels in skywe en jou uie [ geur hulle ook] en pak dit in jou pan Drizzel bietjie olyfolie oor
Plaas jou hoender[ stukke]bo-opdie aartappelmengsel en gooi dan die Klapperroom bo-oor
Drizzel bietjie Sweet Chillie sous oor en plaas in jou oond toegemaak met foil
Bak vir 20min en haal die foil af en bak verder oop tot mooi bruin en gaar*Ooond 200*C Heerlik Helena Kruger24/7/2014


Wednesday, 23 July 2014


"Cauliflower-fried-rice" with NO RICE!

1 medium onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tablespoon canola oil
1 small head of cauliflower, grated
1 tbsp Vital Chilli soy sauce
2 cups diced vegetables: any combination of peppers, celery, carrots, mange tout, baby marrow, and butternut.
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 egg, beaten

Grate cauliflower using a blender or grater.
Sautee onions until they are translucent. Add garlic and fry until onions turn golden brown.
Add diced vegetables and fry on medium heat for 3 minutes. Add cauliflower and soy sauce and cook on high heat for another 5 minutes.
When the veggies are about done, make a hole in the centre of the fried rice and add in an egg. Mix everything together, making sure egg gets cooked.
Salt and pepper, to taste and toss chopped chives for garnish and extra flavour.
(Geleende Foto)
— with Estelle Hartzenberg.


360g cranberries
 1 cup white sugar
 1 cup orange juice

In a medium sized saucepan over medium heat, dissolve the sugar in the orange juice. Stir in the cranberries and cook until the cranberries start to pop (about 10 minutes). Remove from heat and place sauce in a bowl. Cranberry sauce will thicken as it cools.



1 blik Karamel treat
1 pakkie Marie Beskuitjies
'n paar ekstra koekies, baie fyn gekrummel

Plaas 'n stuk foelie op die tafel.  Smeer elke mariekoekie met reat en stapel die koekies opmekaar om 'n rol te vorm. Druk die koekies goed vas.  
Strooi nou die koekiekrummels op die foelie. Smeer die rol aan die buitekant regrondom en plaas dit op die krummels.Maak seker die krummels is regrondom en ook bo en onder aan die rol.
Maak die foelie toe en plaas die rol in die vrieskas oornag. Dit is nodig sodat die koekies sag kan word van die treat.
Wanneer reg om te bedien, sny die hoek van rol skuins af en sny dan skuins snytjies.
Ek sny die snytjies weer middeldeur.



  • 1 koppie meel
    1 koppie suiker
    1 teelepel bakpoeier
    ¾ koppie melk
    125 g botter
    1 blik (400 g) tertappels, gedreineer
    ’n knippie gemengde speserye of fyn kaneel
Só maak jy
Meng die meel, suiker en bakpoeier saam
Gooi die melk by en klits die mengsel tot glad
Smelt die botter, maar moenie dit laat kook nie, en roer dit by die meel-en-melkmengsel
Gooi die beslag in ’n gesmeerde oondbak en pak die tertappels bo-op. Strooi die gemengde speserye of kaneel oor en bak dit in ’n oond van 180 ºC vir sowat ’n halfuur of tot mooi goudbruin en gestol
Sit die appelpoeding warm voor saam met geklopte room of vla.*





Kook versillende groentes apart en net halfpad gaar.
Pak lae in n bak, tussen elke laag gooi jy min pannekoekdeeg om te bedek en bietjie parmesankaas.
Bo oor ook deeg en parmesan.
Bak in oond vir 46 min by 180*C. Dis heerlik!
23/7/2014**Kobie Coetzee *


Riana Viljoen
Sous :
Mikrogolf 500 ml water,10g botter 50 ml suiker & 25 ml mielieblom saam vir 3 min oop by 100 % krag.
Beslag :
125 ml koekmeel,
10ml suiker,
5 ml bakpoeier,
10 g botter/margarien
30ml melk
1 geklopte eier.
Metode :
Skep lepelsvol v beslag in warm stroop,bedek & mikrogolf vir 2 min by 100% krag.
Laat staan 'n wyle voor jy dit oopmaak. Dis 'n lekker klein reseppie die,genoeg vir 2 mense 

(Mikrogolf oond)
500ml Kookwater
5ml Kaneel
15ml Botter (1 Eetlepel)
15ml Suurlemoensap (1 Eetlepel)
5ml Karamelgeursel (Vanielja)
375ml Bruin suiker
5ml Gemmer •
Plaas in mikrogolfoond +-8-minute op hoog en kook tot suiker opgelos het. (Moenie deksel op sit nie, stoom sal stroop Verdun).
140ml Appelkooskonfyt (½ Koppie + 1 eetlepel)
10ml Koeksoda (2 Eetlepels)
125ml Botter (½ Koppie)
375ml Koekmeel (1 ½ Koppies)
Knippie sout
Verhit konfyt en botter in glashouer vir 1-minuut op hoog, voeg koeksoda by en roer totdat mengsel skuim, dan meel en sout by.
Skep teelepelsvol beslag in kokende sous, maak deksel dig toe en plaas in mikrogolfoond
vir 5-minute op hoog. Laat 1-minuut bedek staan.

Hanli Nel

Souskluitjies (Mikrogolf)
Water in glasbak (2.5 cm in 'n 1,5 liter bak)

20g botter

50g suiker
2.5 – 5ml kaneel
50ml maizena
1. Meng bogenoemde met die water in die bak en mikrogolf tot dikkerige sous.
1k koekmeel
20ml suiker
10ml bakpoeier
5ml sout
2. Meng die droë bestanddele saam.
20ml botter
3. Vryf in
60ml melk
2 eiers
4. Klits melk en eiers liggies en voeg by meelmengsel.
5. Skep lepelsvol in sous
6. Bedek met deksel of kleefplastiek
7. 3 minute op Hoog (100% krag) en strooi dan kaneelsuiker oor.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014


Hanneli Erasmus

SERVES 4 - 6 people
TOTAL TIME 45 min.

1 pie crust, standard
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 onion, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 lb ground beef
1 cup tomato sauce
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp salt
½ tsp black pepper
½ cup dry bread crumbs
1 egg
¼ cup milk
½ tsp salt
½ tsp dijon mustard
2 cups cheddar cheese, grated

Preheat the oven to 425 F (220 C).

Line a 9" pie pan with the crust and prick all over with a fork. Cover with aluminum foil and pastry weights and bake for about 15 minutes. Remove the foil and weights, then bake for about 5 to 10 more minutes, until browned.

While the crust is baking you can prepare the filling.

Heat the oil in a heavy bottomed skillet, then cook the onion and pepper until they begin to soften--about 4 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for another minute or two, then add the ground beef and cook until browned, breaking it up often.

Stir in the tomato sauce, the oregano, salt, pepper, and bread crumbs, and remove from heat.

In a small bowl, beat together the egg and milk then whisk in the salt, mustard, and cheese, and set aside.

Spoon the beef evenly into the pie crust, then spread the cheese mixture over the top, all the way to the edges.

Bake for about 20 - 25 minutes, or until the cheese topping is golden brown. (Keep an eye on the edges of the crust--if they begin to get too browned, make a foil ring and cover them up for the last 10 minutes of baking.)


Maggie De Castro

(Serves 1-2)
2 large handfuls of spinach (I used about 1/2 the bag)
1 Tbsp olive oil
½ Tbsp Italian herb
1/8 Tsp sea salt, or to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Massage oil into spinach until all leaves are completely coated. Add italian seasoning and salt, combine until evenly dispersed. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place leaves on the parchment paper so that they aren’t overlapping (this will allow them to cook evenly). Bake for 9-12 minutes until crispy.*(rabbitfoodformybunnyteeth)*22/7/2014


Saturday, 19 July 2014


Best Food Page Tips for Cookies and Biscuits

1.   Always use good quality ingredients as you want the tastiest cookies to reward your efforts

2.   Always use unsalted butter and nuts, large-size eggs, and pure extracts of vanilla or almond - not fake substitutes

3.   Always measure the ingredients accurately and square off the teaspoons and tablespoons

4.   Do not sift the floor unless the recipe calls for it an don't squeeze the flour down in the measuring cups

5.   Use parchment paper for baking without sticking and easy clean-up, unless you have non-stick baking dishes. Otherwise grease with butter or spry-on oil. Do not use vegetable oil as it tends to burn and makes the dishes hard to clean. Or you can use reusable Silicone Baking Mats. Applying flour to cookie sheet after it is greased, will stop the mixture spread out as much when baking.

6.   For cut-out cookies, cool the dough down before cutting it out. Remove from the fridge and allow it to soften a little at room temperature for about 10 minutes before rolling out - this means you are always working with the same consistency.

7.   Modify the baking times to get the texture you want in the finished cookies. For most recipes leaving them slightly underdone makes chewier cookies; baking for longer time makes them crunchy. Having a thicker mix and making higher mixture balls makes thicker cookies which tend to be chewy.

8.   Cool the cookies down completely before icing.9.

9.   Cookie Sheets with very low sides helps the cookies to bake quickly and evenly. You can use a pizza dish.



250g butter
1 cups icing sugar
1 cups maizena/cornflour
1 tsp vanilla essence
+- 2 cups flour (adjust)

Pre-heat oven 180 degrees
Lightly grease baking tray

Beat butter and sugar. Mix in cornflour & essence add flour & make soft dough.
Roll out & cut in shapes or use nozzle to pipe out. Bake +- 15 minutes till done!
Chocolate biscuits: add 2 & 1/2 Tblsp cocoa to butter mixture.

with chocolate or anything of choice.
change essence to give it a different flavor

add lightly toasted & crushed almonds or pecan nuts, cherries, choc chips, rice krispies etc before baking. 

125g butter
½ cup icing sugar sifted
½ tsp almond essence

Beat ingredients together until creamy.
Sandwich the biscuits with the filling.



3¾ cups butter, unsalted
4 oz(120g) unsweetened chocolate
32 oz semi-sweet chocolate (5⅓ cups of chocolate chips, approximately)
7 cups sugar
¼ cup vanilla extract (the REAL stuff please!)
8 lg eggs
4 cups flour (I used bread flour, but all-purpose will work just fine.)
1 TBSP salt
1 TBSP baking powder

Preheat oven to 375.
Melt chocolate and butter in a double boiler, stirring frequently. Remove from heat when melted. Combine the sugar and vanilla in your mixer (or by hand), and then slowly pour in chocolate/butter and mix until well combined. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Batter should be shiny and smooth.
Combine flour, salt, and baking powder in a separate bowl. Add to the wet ingredients and mix just until combined. Don’t over mix!
Prep 3 – 9×13 pans by lining with parchment paper that over hangs the long sides, and then spraying well with cooking spray. Pour batter into pans and spread out evenly.
Bake for 35-40 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out with wet crumbs. Start checking them at 30 minutes as ovens differ so greatly. When done, remove from oven and let cool in the pan for 10 minutes. Remove from the pan using the parchment, and then let cool an additional 5 minutes before cutting. Serve immediately.


(Resep: Carol van Heerden Vroue-Beeld se kosskrywer)
425 g sardyne in tamatiesous;
60 ml ui, gekap;
125 ml groen en rooi soetrissies, gekap;
190 ml mayonnaise;
310 ml vars witbroodkrummels;
sout en peper;
60 ml gerasperde kaas;

Voeg ui, soetrissies, mayonnaise en 250 ml broodkrummels by gevlokte vis. 
Geur. Plaas in gesmeerde bak en strooi orige broodkrummels en kaas oor en stip met botter. Bak vir 45 min. by 180 grade Celsius..

In n oondbak gooi laag mash, dan n blikkie pilchards (fyn) dan weer mash.
Sny tamatie bo-or gooi baie gerasperde kaas oor en bak in 200' oond vir so 15 min tot kaas lekker bruin is. Bedien met mengelslaai. Yummy!*

Lettie Steyl *

Hier is n vis pie resep
1blikkie Mince Sardyne
Eie spesery na smaak

Braai uie voeg vis by
Kook patat ronde sirkels

Skep n laag patat, dan vis, weer n laag patat gooi dan patato bake oor en bak 180 vir 45 mn en bedien met slaai en gerooste broodjie gewone of frans brood**

Tiekie Jooste Smit** 21/01/2016



FOTOS Liana Barnard Claassen

Engelse muffins met avokado, roereier,salm en roomkaas

Die "loaf" word gebruik vir broodpoeding of "french toast", of met ham vir ontbyt. Hierdie broodjie is werklik veerlig en baaaaie ryk!                 FOTO LIANA BARNARD CLAASEN

En so moet n Brioche broodjie mos lyk. Hierdie bad boy gaan nou blik toe vir more oggend se ontbyt!!! Hy is baie geel van al die botter!

Resep: Titli Nihaan sinne. Foto my eie.

350g Witbroodmeel
3 eiers
175g Botter, margarien gaan nie werk nie.
4 Eetl warm melk
2 Eetl strooisuiker
1 E kitsgis
1/2t Sout

Meng melk en gis en laat 10 minute staan.
Sif droee bestandele.
Voeg gismengsel, eiers by en meng goed.
Knie nou 10-15 minute goed terwyl jy so elke 2 minute n stuk botter byknie.
Bedek en laat rys tot dubbel.
Slaan die deeg plat, bedek weer en los oornag in die yskas.
More oggend shape jy jou deeg, sit in pan en laat weer rys. Dit neem nou langer, want die ddeg is koud. So 3 ure.
Smeer met eier en melk mengsel en bak so 20-25 minute.

Friday, 18 July 2014


Savoury Muffins (with Cauli-rice)
4 cups Cauli-rice (uncooked)       

10ml Baking powder
5ml Psyllium husks
3 Eggs (Jumbo)
½tsp Salt
125ml Cream
250g Bacon (uncooked, cut in small cubes)
1 tsp Oregano
1 tsp Thyme
1 tsp Rosemary
1 tsp Sweet basil
5ml mustard powder
1 cup grated cheese (cheddar or whatever you fancy!)

Preheat oven 200°C.
Mix all the ingredients together.
Add spoonfuls into greased muffin pan.  (Silicone works well).
This recipe makes 12 muffins.
Bake for 30 minutes.
Cut open and serve hot with dollops of butter.
The herbs were what we had in the house.  You can change to according to your taste.
Created by Danie Malan©